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Or should we just ignore that whole part of history and make Feb 29th Black History Day.

2006-07-05 05:46:44 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

37 answers

Wow, check out some of these very sad answers! Let up people!..geez everyone gets so hostile and takes offence way too fast on these issues. This is not a good thing and shows that some ignorance still exist. So chillout!

Bro, Never ignore that part of YOUR history! True facts hurts people and that is their problem.

First of all people. Let us educate the youth who were not born 40 years ago , which in fact was not that long ago. If you are 18 it might seem like centuries. This is why Black History is important to learn the truth just like any other atrocities and war crimes commited in our world history.

1. No, it is not racist to point out that as recent as 1970 when riots were happening in Watts LA as a result of the final intolerance and resistence ie;post Martin Luther King assasination and the last recorded lynching was not too long before that in 1967. (That is ..if it was the last, yet as the KKK still exist strong today 400 years) that many people and societies really didn't acknowledge Blacks as equal human. Hello? Can we say SLAVERY?
This is why the Civil Rights movement DID happen. 400 years of oppresion and hates crimes will do that. Who was charged? Nobody. So we are expected to get over it.

2.No, it wasn't the Holocaust but millions of Blacks were killed mamed, raped, totrtured relentlessly and animals were treated better. If not by fighting world wars to gain freedom which didn't happen for the longest time to selling out one another families to survive being boiled...live

3.Try to get a cup of coffee or sit in a bus in some parts of Canada..yes Canada and the US back in 1960 some and you would get your Black *** kicked and cut up and hung to dry. That is unless "they " got to your family first to burn them.

I say no we should not ignore it as other pertenant indignus groups and cultures in our society would never accept that for their people. As for Black history ..I strongly feel it needs to be reworked and designed to help advance of youth of color and education for everybody. Not dancing, sports and rapping but more law and medical education programs. Inner city kids still feel there is no hope so why not stay ignorant and be a thug. So who cares? By the way who imports the weapons and drugs for some punk *** ghetto child to sell?

4.Enough with the victimisation and angry jail pimps on crack.
Today both white and black live in a lot of denial and smoke screen everything. Like nothing ever happened. Black people still have a long way to go but we need to tie up loose ends and unite as a people. Everybody else does it so why can we? Figure that one out. Could media be a cause. After all gansta rap promotes Niggaism and degrades Black women by calling them whoes on CD.

5.We live in a more extreme "tune in and drop out" era. Yes it is better then 1973 when I was 5 and being chased by the next dor neighbors dog. They told their 5 year old to sick him on me. Thank God I made it to the door running by instinct or I wouldn't have made it.

better than 1981 at 13 when who I thought were my ex friends (White) ganged up on me and tried to convince me that I should feel ashamed to be black and I should have killed myself because I was sure to go no where.

1992 When my white girl friend blatenly said all black woman are ugly.

There was even a debate as recent as 2000 or so when some jack a scientist was making claims that based on found research that Blacks were not as intellectually apt as Whites therefore insinuating a superiority among races.

So you know what ? I still love my fellow human being. and I am proud to be black. my great white friends understand me and know the truth. In the meantime all is chill. peace.

2006-07-05 07:17:55 · answer #1 · answered by ? 2 · 7 2

It is not exactly racist to say that. I don't understand what Feb. 29th and ignoring it has to do with one another? The way you have written it sounds like you are upset that Feb. 29th is Black History Day.... I don't think it should be ignored, but I don't think people should continually dwell on it and use it for a crutch in the manner that it is often used. Bill Cosby has much great advice to give on the subject

2006-07-05 05:53:33 · answer #2 · answered by Gardener for God(dmd) 7 · 0 0

Its not ignoring history its getting on with life and making new history. If you dwell on what happened in the past then you may never move into the future. History is here to be learned and remembered not brought back into the world as a way of life now.
People that keep racism alive (either white or black) obviously don't have anything better to do than to keep blaming others for their sorrows when in fact the problems they have now didn't come from the past, its the way they chose to live their life that caused such turmoil so why blame your self when you can blame another race.
Its pathetic what the people of the world are coming to.
It needs to be equal we all share the land and its amenities to survive. We need to become a team, but unfortunately until everyone (white and black) live in today and not yesterday, we will never move forward.

2006-07-05 06:10:44 · answer #3 · answered by Tigger7 2 · 0 0

No it is not racists and neither is it a fact. We cannot condemn a specific race for the actions of some. That would be like saying that all Blacks steal, or sell drugs, or are pimps. Or that all Mexicans are illegal aliens. Or that all White people are cheaters and are the devil incarnate. You get the picture right? God says that the greatest commandment is that we love one another. We are called of God to forget those things which are behind and press toward the mark of a higher calling in Him. If we all continue to dwell on the past, there can be no healing. If God does not forgive us, where would we be on judgment day? He says in His Word that if we don't forgive others, He won't forgive us. Treat everyone the way you want to be treated. If everyone doesn't return that same attitude with you, do what you are suppose to do and let God handle that. Just know you have done what is required of you. The past is the past. Yes it was wrong but we have all done wrong in our lives. The real injustice would be to allow this vicious cycle to continue. May God Bless

2006-07-05 06:01:00 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What is racism? You need to understand what is racist/racism in order to get a full answer to your question. Racism means attitudes, practices and other factors that disadvantage people because of their race, color or ethnicity. Racism can be directed against any race, color or ethnicity. Some examples of racism are obvious, such as graffiti, intimidation or physical violence. Racial and ethnic slurs and "jokes" are other examples. Unfortunately, they are often ignored because people do not know how to deal with them. Other forms of racism are not obvious, such as discrimination in hiring and apartment rentals, or policies that disadvantage members of certain races, whether intentionally or not. Racism exists at three main levels: individual, institutional and cultural. Individual racism takes the form of individual attitudes, beliefs, values and behaviours. Racial prejudice, bigotry, belittling and jealousy are examples of racist attitudes. Examples of racist beliefs are racial stereotypes, the belief that some races are better than others and even the belief that people can be classified according to race in the first place. Violence, name-calling and discrimination in hiring are examples of racist behaviour. Institutional or systemic racism takes the form of the practices, customs, rules and standards of organizations, including governments, that unnecessarily disadvantage people because of their race, color or ethnicity. They do not always involve differences in treatment. Educational requirements that are not related to actual job duties are an example. Cultural racism are the cultural values and standards that disadvantage people because of their race, color or ethnicity. Examples are cultural expectations as to the race of a company president and the cultural standard for what a beautiful, trustworthy or competent person looks like. Having provided all this information, I can tell you that it is not racist to point out the fact that whites did not acknowledge black people as a viable group, but what happened over the years to blacks and to Native Americans was an effort of racism in which America still has not completely settled. I do not believe a day, a month, or even a year is hardly enough to celebrate Black History. Because we have been here from the beginning, there is no way to separate what accomplishments, inventions, etc. blacks have contributed. What should be done is to have the history books re-written correctly with the REAL TRUTH.

2006-07-05 05:59:42 · answer #5 · answered by THE SINGER 7 · 0 0

It is racist because of the fallacy "white people". It accuses almost all of the white people of that era. White society, however, may be a more correct term. But think of their situations in that period of time. I, by no means am white, but can understand why they acted the way they did. They've grown up learning those principles, and have applied that to the way they treat people of a different skin color. Nobody thought that what they were doing was wrong, just as nobody in today's society sees their beliefs as wrong. Thus, the term "society" would better fit your question. It establishes the fact that the racist issue at that time was once accepted as a way of life.

2006-07-05 05:57:47 · answer #6 · answered by kusainezumi 2 · 0 0

That depends are you doing it to talk down about white people or to prove a point. I am not at all racist but i do not think that there should be a black history month. there is no white or hispanic or chinese history month by setting this apart we are only pointing out the problem and not solving it

2006-07-05 06:11:54 · answer #7 · answered by ba-buddha 1 · 0 0

Recently, as in, oh say... yesterday? We were just discussing that over lunch. Hello??

A statement like that negates all that Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, the 3 workers who were killed in Mississippi and all the other activists have done in the past 46 years. (Not Louis Ferrakan, he's a whack job. ) If some do not consider black people as "human" it could be because that some act like heathens by their violence and gang behavior. There are heathen white people, heathen hispanics, heathen asians....
It's not a race thing, it's a social responsibility thing.

2006-07-05 05:58:08 · answer #8 · answered by horsinround2do 6 · 0 0

id like to paint a picture, july 14th, 1907, doctors standing around a cadaver of a black man made an astounding discovery, this was infact a human being! and since that was like 100 years ago,so tell your great great grand father that my great great grand father is sorry for any misconceptions he may (or may not have, i got no idea i never met him) have had.. but what is the february 29th thing? i mean why is black history month the shortest month out of the year...and its the coldest too , just incase there had been a parade planned... there , i gave ya somehting to complain about )

2006-07-05 05:56:09 · answer #9 · answered by djk15000 3 · 0 0

Is it racist to say that there is a black history month, or that there are black clubs in schools and BET and NAACP and there is not WET ( you get the point) and we dont have a white mans scholorship just for white people so you look back at your ? again and then tell me what you think about the racist stuff.....

2006-07-05 06:02:43 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

every ones history is important whites and blacks and anyone ho dose not like repeating it. who are you to say whites just acknowledge black as human until recently. the civil war was whites fighting each other . the whites of the north must of killed their brother for some resin? whites for the most part did not want slaves and even in the south. which is why you have the underground railroad it was to move you out of harms way. now I ask you is it racist to point out that in the event of a race war blacks understand it would not be a civil war. you see whites will not kill whites when you unite them. and any grounds you mad in civil rights .would be gone. would it be racist to say blacks ranting calling whites the devil and say kill there kids is going to have unforeseen out comes even as you type the next line you don't think whites in high places see this. come on black people think for your self. also as a white person with kids your words about killing white people. And white kids that news alone has a ripple effect to whites. not a good choice of things to say to a people who value kids the way whites do. as I said I have kids and war is the last thing I want for whites and blacks and anyone who gets cought up in it. but my hand to GOD if you force it what will you expect. I have never seen one race of people boosted up to believe they could win a war or do anything but set the clock back on their race. do not for this trap. I must try to warn the black people you are walking into a trap the best thing you can do is to persecute the blacks who are saying these things before thing worst. whites keep the kkk and skinheads and all sorts of whites inn line. is it racist to ask blacks to do the same? I point out one more time that I have kids and friends of all types.and colors and as a friend I know the monster you call white and I know the history of the Vikings Sparta Irish Scotts and Saxons angles so on and so on. look into it the past .not our history books the before them. why in all that makes any logic would you provoke a race like that?

2015-06-28 02:58:30 · answer #11 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

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