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18 answers

He created the planet in which you live on, he gave you what you would need to survive. He gave you the ability to think for your self, he gave you the ability to reproduce. and your asking why he gave you the freedom to do wrong. He can't do everything. you need to do something

2006-07-05 05:33:53 · answer #1 · answered by oneilt@verizon.net 2 · 1 0

According to Christians, God is all-knowing - he knows all the past, all the present and all the future. If this is so, then God must know everything we do long before we do it. This means that our whole life must be predetermined and that we act not according to the free exercise of our wills but according to our predetermined natures. If we are predetermined to be good we will be good and if we are predetermined to be evil we will be evil. We will act not according to our will or choice but according to the way God has already foreseen we will act. Although Christians will insist that we do have free will, God's omniscience simply makes this logically impossible. And that people will act only as God determines is verified in the Bible.

So apparently in Christianity a person's life and destiny are due purely to the whim of God and as mere humans we have no right to complain about what God has decided for us. The idea that we are all predetermined is quite consistent with the idea of an all-knowing God but it makes nonsense of the concept of making an effort to do good or avoid evil.

2006-07-05 12:34:11 · answer #2 · answered by googlywotsit 5 · 0 0

You have to seek out god, he whispers the right way all the time, even as you make the wrong choices! He would never put more then you could handle on you, so if you made a wrong decision know that you will walk through it and grow spiritually from it. God makes everyday perfect it's you , as human, who makes the best or the worst out of it. Live by the 10 commandments the basic set of "Rules" or I like to say principles God has given all of us & listen to your inner voice, to the whispering.
I hope that helped you, religion & belief are very personal, I am not saying that this is theuniversal way, this is just how I percieve it and what works best for me!
God bless!

2006-07-05 12:33:29 · answer #3 · answered by $D*Da*Spoild*1$ 3 · 0 0

The issue is simple. If God had not given Adam a free will to obey him or to disobey then God would never have told Adam not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Genesis 2: 17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. If God didn't give us a free will then people could blame God when they go to hell. We have the ability to choose to believe or reject the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins. If we didn't have the freedom to choose then why would we give the gospel out to a lost and dying world?

2006-07-05 12:52:04 · answer #4 · answered by Ray W 6 · 0 0

i think He knows that you'll end up just how you should in the end..but the roads you choose along the way are what help you get there. think of it this way, if you ddin't have freedom to choose your own path and he chose everything life would probably feel like a boring routine. I think mistakes give you adventure and teach you a lot along the way. I think he wants you to choose the path to him yourself to give you the choice to believe in him or not.

2006-07-05 12:32:20 · answer #5 · answered by cstr81190 2 · 0 0

Because we are not Ginnie Pigs to be control by a wonderful mercyful God. God has given us free will and we know well right from wrong.

As always, it depends on what sect of christianity, for there are different beliefs. as for my beliefs, God lets us have our own choice, but he tries to guide us to the way he wants us to be. he lets you be evil, but he gives you many opportunities to turn away. He walks a fine line, between controlling and utter freedom, but he does walk it. like predestination (idea God picks who goes to heaven or hell), he doesn't pick it. He lets you pick it, but he knows beforehand which way you're going to choose. He will try to guide you to the way he wants though. Even if he knows someone is set to go to hell, he'll try to dissuade him from that path through different ways (church, friends, etc), that way everyone gets an opportunity to go to heaven.

2006-07-05 12:42:41 · answer #6 · answered by Evy 4 · 0 0

Humanity chooses weather to do wrong or right regardless of God (if there is one). More blood has been shed in the name of various versions of God and how to believe in him/her/it (Reiligion) than any other reason. Having said that doesn't it stand to reason that it's up to HUMANITY and not God to choose its direction...right or wrong?

You sound a bit like a person that may/might say GOD made me or GOD inspired me to take some acton right or wrong. If that's the case than I suggest you learn to take RESPONSIBILITY for your actions regardless of weather you're right or wrong. Rember to respect yourself, others, and the environment...If you do those three things the World will be a better place. TAKE RESPONSIBILTY FOR YOUR ACTONS AND DON'T put them off on God.

2006-07-05 12:42:39 · answer #7 · answered by thebigm57 7 · 0 0

If He didn't, we wouldn't be the majestic creatures of free-will that He created, but simply robots carrying out pre-programmed instructions. It is the ability to choose wrong over right that distinguishes us from the animals.

2006-07-05 12:30:23 · answer #8 · answered by Anton V 1 · 0 0

If God was a loving God, would He have created us as robots so that we would not have a choice? Only to choose good?

Where's the love in that? Love is a choice.

2006-07-05 12:30:27 · answer #9 · answered by mx3baby 6 · 0 0

well, he wants to test you. I think. see, why let someone be in heaven, if there would've been alchohal here and they drink it. so , temptations are here. Devil is the author of confusion, and he has put them before us, but God has told you that you know what is right and what is wrong,and so, he cant just let you drink and get away with it.

I am not saying that drinking is a sin cause I don't know if it or not, but, just put sin in them spots.I don't think you should drink tho.

2006-07-05 12:34:27 · answer #10 · answered by vmbbfreak06 4 · 0 0

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