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There was a movie in the 1950's called reefer maddness. It greatly overexagerated the effects of marijuana. Unfortunatly this helped shape americas views on the plant, and long lasting impressions stuck. Its a shame. Heres an essay I took off my website i thought you might enjoy:

marijuana is the most commonly uses illegal substance in the United States. it is used by many people, most of which aren't your stereotypical "druggie", with no life agead of them. Many of them hapen to be very successful, good people. Think about it almost if not every person who reads this paper will know (even if they don't realize it) at least one if not several regular users of marijuana. Its often made out to be much more harmful htan it really is, unfortunatly not every one realizes this.

What many people don't realize is marijuana is much less harmful than alcohol or tobacco. Yet it's the one of the three that gets a bad rap and is illegal. Marijuana isn't even physicaly addicting. You certanly don't see meetings for marijuana like you do with alcohol and AA. Unfortunatly due to American culture the less harmful of the three is illegal.

The most common reason why marijuana can be harmful is that people can often come across laced marijuana without realizing it. Marijuana can easily be mixed with other more harmful drugs with out the buyer realizing it, until they have already used it. This is a dangerous thing that causes many people to do more harmful, hard core drugs without realizing it. If it were to be legalized the government could provide guide lines, like it does with alchol to insure that people knew what they were putting into their bodies.

Marijuana actually has many helpful benefits toward diseases / sicknesses. Marijuana can reduce nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite caused by AIDS. It can Reduce interlobular pressure, which alleviates the pain and slowing and sometimes even stopping the progress of glaucoma. Common side effects of chemotherapy are nausea, loss of appetite, and vomiting, all of which marijuana would help. It can limit muscle pain and relieve tremor nad unsteadiness of gait for multiple sclerosis patients. Marijuana can help prevent epileptic seizures in some patients. It can also alleviate chronic, often debilitating pain caused by myriad disorders and injuries. Each one of these applications have been deemed legitimate by at least one United States court, legislature, and/or government agency.

Due to these reasons and many others many people are going to jail/prison on a daily basis due to simply smoking a little pot These aren't dangerous criminals that would kill or rape someone. Many of them are teachers, lawyers and respected members of their communities. But yet we still pay thousands of dollars of tax payers money to lock up non dangerous "criminals" yearly even though most aren't going to stop after they get out of jail. Don't you think the money spent here is a waste? Couldn't it be going to more useful things such as hospitals, disease research, or better schools? These are the things that would benifit the people of this country. Certanily you would rather benefit the people more than throwing a non violent pot head in jail who was only trying to smoke a joint and relax after a long days work in jail. There is up to forty million regular (note thats just the regular not occasional users) drug users in the United states. If we were to throw all of them in jail it would cost $500,000 per million people, plus the cost and space of building many more prisons. Couldm't that money be spent on building hospitals? There's already about 1.5 million people tax payers are paying to keep in jail over drugs. From 1990 to 2003, nearly 5.9 million people had been arrested for smoking marijuana. Thats a greater number than the entire population of Alaska, Delaware, The District of Columbia, Montania, North and South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming combined. This country simply can't afford to put 40 million more in jail.

Marijuana should be legalized. It has many uses such as helping sick patients. People are going to smoke it no matter what the government sais, and with out govenment guidelines this can be dangerous. Not to mention the fact that we have no way we can afford to throw all those people in jail. Its much less harmful than alcohol and tobacco, which are legal, so doesn't it make sense that it would be also?

2006-07-05 06:07:26 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm on the fence about it. If it gets legalized, it gets corporatized. Businesses will go into a flurry trying to become the leader in the new Marijuana industry, and everything will end up in the same place that cigarettes are at right now. I'm also worried about the condition the country would be in if we had everyone across the nation stoned 24/7. The same rules would have to apply to marijuana as they do to alcohol I think. No driving while impaired, no doing it out in public, etc.

2006-07-05 12:10:32 · answer #2 · answered by Southpaw 7 · 0 0

yes. I did a term paper on this back in hell, 1993. I can't remember all the facts but I know I got an A. Marijuana doesn't make you violent (unlike alcohol or some other drugs) There is no proof that long term marijuana use causes lung cancer, unlike cigarettes. The hemp plant has many uses also. George Bush Sr. fought in Word War II and his cord on this parachute was made out of hemp. True Fact.

2006-07-05 12:10:56 · answer #3 · answered by irishmomof3 5 · 0 0

Yes, probably. Getting a ticket anymore I think if it's just personal quantity its only a misdemeanor. Cigarettes healthwise are worse I heard. If there are medicinal purposes involved sure it should be legal.

The "gateway" drug argument doesn't work its blackmarket everything blackmarket is associated. Making marijuana legal would alienate other blackmarket drugs so maybe it might actually help fight harder drugs if it were legal. I don't really care for the crap but I don't consider a high person a threat to my well being, either.

2006-07-05 12:05:29 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes and No. Marijuana could be used to treat various diseases, if only it were legalized. However, if it were legalized for that reason, people who already get it illegally would have easy access to it. Even though marijuana could treat diseases, it would still be a dangerous drug to smoke or whatever people do with it.

2006-07-05 12:08:17 · answer #5 · answered by Cathryn E. 2 · 0 0

no cos Allah(the god)told Muslims not to drink or eat any bad thing for their brain and body like

A. Forbidden Foods According to the Qur'an:

Alcohol or liquor Alcoholic drinks "confuse the mind and lead one astray".
Pork - In the Qur'an (and in the Old Testament of the Bible) there is a story that God cast (threw) the devil into a pig. Therefore, pork and any pork products (some types of gelatin, and lard) and even leather goods from the pig are forbidden to Muslims. This is also true of Jewish traditions. [NOTE: The disease of trichinosis is caused by worms that live in pigs and can be passed on to humans who eat unclean pork. This restriction was very important to people's health.]
Carnivorous (meat eating) animals and birds, e.g. lions, tigers, vultures, eagles, etc. are forbidden.
Other animals are also excluded: donkeys, monkeys, elephants.
Any animal that has died due to natural causes, killed by some wild animal, by a fall or blow are also forbidden. Of course there are good health reason for not eating animals that may be sick or diseased. Flesh that had been sacrificed for some God or Goddess by pagans was also forbidden.
Blood is forbidden.
Drugs are also forbidden (except as medical drugs).


2006-07-05 12:17:19 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think that Marijuana should not be legalized in any part of the world. Yes, it is sometimes good for medication but still can cause lung diseases and cancer.

2006-07-05 12:09:22 · answer #7 · answered by ttime_2004 1 · 0 0

Definitely not!

If it is legalized, there will be all kinds of dopes driving around under the influence.

Then laws will have to be passed about driving under the influence of marijuana.

Just like DWI, there are a lot of people that get caught, and then a lot that don't get caught driving until they have killed someone. Same thing will happen with people driving under the influence of marijuana.

For medicinal purposes, it should be used.

2006-07-05 12:07:36 · answer #8 · answered by punkakski 2 · 0 0

Specifically yes!

2006-07-05 12:06:04 · answer #9 · answered by Wounded duckmate 6 · 0 0

I can't stand the stuff. Smell , cost , what it does to people under the effect of it. I have never tied it or any other drug including smoking.

If anything I think it should be more illegal. I don't hate people that smoke it. Ive seen it do some serious damage. Its not harmless at all.

2006-07-05 12:07:29 · answer #10 · answered by SummerRain Girl 6 · 0 0

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