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I mean, come on, they say that Christ died to forgive ppls sins, and yet if u sin ur going straight to hell. It makes no sense. "God" also supposedly says to love thy neighbor, but it's okay if u hate homosexuals b/c their going straight to hell. It's sooo stupid!

2006-07-05 04:38:17 · 27 answers · asked by yo. 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

27 answers

Christianity is contradictory primarily because it is based upon a book that is contradictory: the Bible. Just read through Genesis or Leviticus, and you'll see what I mean. God invents and enforces laws in a completely haphazard and arbitrary fashion. It's impossible to tell what's supposed to be good behavior and what's supposed to be bad.

Just a few examples:
homosexuality - bad, polytheism or raping your slaves - good.
eating shrimp or lobster - bad, eating dung beetles or locusts - good
spilling your seed - bad, impregnating your brother's wife - good
letting a mob attack angels in your house although the angels are perfectly capable of defending themselves - bad, offering up your two virgin daughters to be raped by that same mob - good
seeing your father naked - bad, passing out naked in a drunk stupor in a location where your children are likely to see you - good (or at least excusable)

The Bible is full of contradictions, which is why its followers are so full of contradiction themselves. And unfortunately, when contradictions arise, they are able to rationalize the sins which they favor as excusable (e.g. wealth, divorce, pre-marital sex, the death penalty) but condemn those which they personally find disgusting as abomination (e.g. homosexuality, abortion). It's too bad they don't realize how bad that hypocrisy makes them look.

2006-07-05 05:04:19 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Christ DID die for people's sin. He became sin for us, faced the penalty for sin (which is death) and overcame it by rising again. The point is, if you truly accept Christ as your savior you turn away from your sin. In sense you develop a conscience that you feel terrible when you do something you know is wrong. It doesn't mean you'll stop sinning completely....we're human, but you have to go recognize the wrong, ask for forgiveness and repent against it. And it doesn't happen all at once for people.

Take me, I'm a work in progress. I used to be a drug addict, promiscuous, a thief, overly angry (and a criminal record to prove it), I hated everyone and even suicidal. But, my beliefs always went back to Him and when I decided He was the TRUTH I began to change. I no longer do drugs, drink, I'm married and faithful, I love everyone (even if I sometimes don't particulary like them or their actions, I still love them) and I even stopped smoking.

And for those "Christians" who hate homosexuals etc., that is wrong (though alot do it). You're supposed to hate the sin, love the sinner - just as Christ did. The true goal of a Christian is to follow Christ and become as much like him as possible, though we will never completely suceed until heaven, because in humans sin is inevitable. And for the record. I just did a speech on homosexual marriage (against it) but it doesn't mean I like them any less as a person. I just don't like what they do, but I'd still give them the shirt off my back.

There are many hypocrits out there, don't let them distort the true meaning of being a Christian. You don't have to be perfect and when you KNOW Christ, you will feel love for everyone. But, it's true, you have to open your heart and your ears to the truth. Because the devil will do anything he can to get you not to believe and follow the world. We, as man, are nothing....

Hope you have a good one!

Dang, the spelling isn't working

2006-07-05 04:51:14 · answer #2 · answered by boz4425 4 · 0 0

you wont go to hell if you sin. if a christian tells you that, they are not christian. they are lost, just like many. you have to seek forgivness for your sins, and then you arfe forgiven. god does not hate homosexuals. i hate how that has become the focus today.
i am a christian, and i dont hate homosexuals, any more than i hate liars, thiefs, or any other sin listed in the bible.
i'm not responsible for other peoples actions. i sin, so i have no right to tell anyone else what they are doing wrong.
the bible does say, to hold people accountable. but if they make it clear that they want to leave the issue, then i believe you should drop it.
but never say you hate. dont hate the person, hate the sin.
So, on behalf of christians trying to show love, not hate out there. i apologize for the ignorance of some people.
forgive the Father, for they know not what they do.

2006-07-05 04:44:45 · answer #3 · answered by Blonda 4 · 0 0

Oh, my dear. You have a lot to learn. First of all, Christianity is not contradictory because who is to say what is right, and who is to say what is wrong in the first place. Second, Christ did die to save us from our sins. If you sin, you are not going straight to hell. You will only go to hell if you sin and do not ask God for forgiveness. God is a merciful God who forgives. He is not here to condemn, but to help us and to strengthen us when we are weak. Third, God also does say to love our neighbor. As a true Christian, we are not supposed to "hate" homosexuals. We are to not judge. God is the only one who "judges" in the end. If you know a Christian who hates homosexuals, then they need to re-examine their faith because a true Christian judges no one. Please look a bit deeper into the Christian faith before you begin to "judge" it.

2006-07-05 04:44:35 · answer #4 · answered by Faith C 3 · 0 0

Christianity is a reality, a walk with God each day. Following the lighted footsteps provided us by Jesus Christ Himself.

I'm sorry you do not have a background in Scriptures, because if you did you would feel a little silly writing what you did.

Please go and help yourself to the wisdom and understanding God has waiting just for you. Right now, go and read your Bible.

2006-07-05 04:45:07 · answer #5 · answered by CEM 5 · 0 0

christians do not hate homosexuals, but I do not have to agree with what they do. It is the sin that is wrong not the person. You only go to hell if you don't ask for forgivness and acknowledge God for who he really is. Hell was not intended for people but for Satan. People that love God does not love sin. You can't serve two masters

2006-07-05 04:45:36 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

So many people make Yahoo questions about Christianity, but dont want to hear the Christian explanation. If you want to talk to a Christian about Christianity, I will be more than happy to discuss it with you, send me a message. But if all you are going to listen to is " Yeah christians are for teh stoopid!!" than why even start the "question"

Christ died as a sacrifice for mankind, after he died all someone had to do was believe and confess in Jesus, and they could be saved. It doesnt say anywhere in the Bible that its okay to hate homosexuals.

2006-07-05 04:47:15 · answer #7 · answered by Dagfinn 3 · 0 0

Nope...that's not correct. You hate the sin but LOVE the sinner is what God says. Christ died to forgive us of our sins and He will when we accept Him as our Lord and Savior!

2006-07-05 04:43:30 · answer #8 · answered by Cathy L 3 · 0 0

i believe only in god, not in the bible. the bible makes god sound like a real big jerk. sometimes i dont even believe in god either. but some people are bible crazy and they do everything not to sin, but still end up sinning n all that so they think they're going to hell. according to them, we're all doomed no matter what. so why try?

2006-07-05 04:43:57 · answer #9 · answered by dyboy34 3 · 0 0

No contradiction. You do not go to hell for the sins you commit. Jesus paid for all sins for all time for everyone. You go to hell because you reject God (or you choose a false one).

2006-07-05 04:43:40 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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