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Because as of yet, NO such proof or evidence exists. And before you start spouting platitudes, remember these simple things;
Referring to the bible is NOT proof. Ok? Any book that says that Rabbits "chew thier cud" or that bats are "unclean birds" is NOT a credible source. Remember that.
Secondly, inane explanations along the lines of "look at the world or the universe that's proof enough" is also NOT a credible line of reasoning.
If there were such a creator, and you say that evidence and proof abounds, then it should be a trivial matter to provide such evidence shouldn't it?
Be warned though, I will laugh my **** off at anyone who clearly hasn't read the above conditions.
Go ahead, I'll be checking frequently and responding swiftly.

2006-07-05 04:28:43 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Oh and I forgot one important thing;
Don't answer by saying something as stupid as "prove there is no god then if your so smart" because I'm smart enough to know that you cannot dis-prove what doesn't exist in the first place.
Understand that it is up to YOU to prove the existence of your sky-pixie, not the other way around. Got it? Good.

2006-07-05 04:32:06 · update #1

Well we have one person who knows thier a$$ from a hole in the ground. I'll give you a hint; it's someone that knows faith from proof.

2006-07-05 04:34:52 · update #2

allah has no more substance than any other mythical creation like leprechauns or fairies.
Sorry man, you're on the wrong track there.

2006-07-05 04:35:34 · update #3

if the bible is "true" then why is it so very, very wrong? About so many things?
Case in point; leviticus says that rabbits chew thier cud. But they don't. Ever. So I have to wonder why a book, that is supposedly "divinely inspired" by a perfect being is so riddled with lies, falsehoods and half-truths?

2006-07-05 04:37:09 · update #4

You DO realize that when you say things like "it is said" that doesn't count as proof right?
Think of it this way, and I'll use a reference YOU can understand; when you're in court in front of a judge, what do you think he'd say if you said "judge, they say I never stole that TV so it must be true"?
So try not to look like such a moron on answers ok? good boy...

2006-07-05 05:04:00 · update #5

28 answers

Nobody will be able to give you any proof because there's no such thing as God/Jesus/Satan/etc.

I've always seen the bible as a big novel written by some drunk monk. For some reason, people started to believe in it. Wonder when Harry Potter will also become real.

2006-07-05 04:37:01 · answer #1 · answered by Lyvy 4 · 0 4

This is going 2 be hard 2 explain 2 you because u obviously is not a religious person. It would be like trying 2 explain 2 a person a taste or a feeling. A christian feels God. We know that he exist not because of the bible, but because we can feel his presence. I know that u may laugh at this & I dont blame u. I am just glad that I am not u & that I can be aware of the existence of my God. For me God do not need 2 be proven. He is not some Math problem or some theory. He is way more than that. He is God & if u dont believe in him, that's your problem. I believe in him & I am proud 2 say so & I will not sully his greatness by attempting 2 prove 2 anyone if he exist or not. He is fully capable of proving his existence when he is ready. If his creations are not proof enough for you & u want him 2 come down & say "Look this is God, I exists" then noone can give u that. Bcause, without his physical presence, any other "proof" that is given can be scoffed at. Even when his Son came physically many people did not believe & still do not believe. So how can anyone prove the existence of anything at all without the presence of that thing? Even in crime a murder cannot be proven without the presence of the body. And God aint coming until he is ready...especially not 2 "prove" his existence 2 you!!

2006-07-05 12:16:51 · answer #2 · answered by Ethslan 5 · 0 0

no evidence at all.but dear i m so helpless.i find myself in the same place u r in.i m fed up of the answers like"read bible", "miracles do happen", "i know god always existed","i believe in god cuz he created me" etc etc.if i ask people such questions they feel unnecessarily offended and answer in a very sarcastic way.
i have always been wondering why don't peple use their own reasoning and intelligence rather than just trusting what is written in a holy book.
scientists if fail in proving some theory are considered brainless stubborn atheist by the pious people.but i think, they atleast shud be given due respect for they atleast attempt to use their brain to sort out the unanswerd questions of life.
unfortunately the other people just get the opportunity to say " now did u see god always existed, i told u earlier too" when they find some theory being not supported by ample evidence.these people don't do anything on their own and just believe in what they read in religious books.
i accept that even the evolutionists have not yet been able to prove fully what they say but still they are on the right track.i trust that cuz their statements are quite logical and many of them have clear and strong proofs.
if u got some satisfying answer from somebody pls forward it to me too.i'll be obliged to u.

2006-07-05 11:50:39 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I can not credibly prove that any supreme being exists. I am of the opinion that I am not wise enough to answwer a qustion that so many fools before me have been so certain of. However, if you are truly of an open mind and not just seeking justification for your athiesm, then think on this - the absence of evidence should not be construed as evidence of absence. I do not believe in the Judeo-Christian concept of god, but I can not say with absolute certainty that a higher power does or does not exist because of that statement.

2006-07-05 11:36:11 · answer #4 · answered by robotripper989 2 · 0 0

For me, the biggest proof that God exists is the change that I can see in people's lives. I know that my life has changed greatly since accepting Chirst as my Savior, and although I am not nearly perfect, I know that I am His and He is real. Christians do not always act as they should, so I can see how this may not be proof to someone who doesn't understand, but there is a genuine change in people who actually follow Christ (not just those who say they do- which is unfortunately a large percentage of "Christians"). You should read "A Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel. It was written by an journalist who was an atheist until he started researching Chirst. It goes through a large amount of "evidence" that Christ existed and is in fact who He said He was. Either way, good luck with your search and may you find the answer you are looking for.

2006-07-05 11:39:44 · answer #5 · answered by litafromjupiter3 1 · 0 0

Dear Yoda,
No one can give you credible proof of the existence of God. No one really understands the concept because it is so vast. Ever since humanity began to be able to think, speak, create, trade, etc., there has been a need to explain "why?" Why? is the useless question. But, it's like a mosquito buzzing round your head, it's so persistent and irritating, that relief must be sought. So, we small, limited creatures have invented story after story, tale after tale, ritual after ritual, to try and answer the unanswerable. We reduce the limitlessness of all things to a story in a book. It became clear to me that the biblical Genesis stories of Adam and Eve, and the price they paid for leaving the garden were allegorical many years ago. This story simply illustrates with a tale about one family, the evolution over generations and generations from hunter gatherer culture to farming technology and urban living. Most of the bible is like that. We make way too much of it. We worship a "man made" book, and "man made" rituals at great cost to our own humanity and to our planet. No one who thinks in terms of the vastness of the universes (yes plural) would ever limit themselves to such a small minded and narrow interpretation of how to answer the question why?

2006-07-05 12:21:35 · answer #6 · answered by jerroldavis 1 · 0 0

The word of God is foolishness to those who do not believe. What I can't understand is why proof is the important thing. Every scientific theory was an idea created in the minds of men to explain why things work the way they do.they are proven theories because the rest of us bought into them.We believed because a certain sequence of events happened in a certain way that it explains it all.So what If we contest the given theories? Does it mean gravity does not exists? Does it mean the e does not equal MC squared?I will put my trust in God proven or not. only time will reveal if I am right or wrong.

2006-07-05 11:50:59 · answer #7 · answered by Tyna S 2 · 0 0

The poor typing skills argument proves that God exists:

(1) In tihs essae ill demnstrate that gOd exsits in a way tat's so sure thatno athesit can PSOosibly reftue. J will firts dwmonsrtate waht we canaSSUme fo rGod exisnce,,then how wwe can refute anya rgument wihch pretends teh contrrary to eb true,tehn wel'l expose scinetific evidnece thatGod eeexists then we'll cnolcude. yOU will fnid an acurate&up6to6date bibliography no teh page 43 of tihs essay;i Sugegst yu to pritn iths doculent for a mroe confortable raeding.
(2) [Atheist doesn't bother to read it]
(3) Therefore, God exists.

2006-07-05 11:36:54 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Too bad the proof will come after it's too late...here's one for you though:


Heaven and earth will pass away, but My Words will NEVER pass away.

...as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were easting and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day that Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. This is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.... Matthew 24:35-41

It has been given to me to tell everyone this:

The Door to living in God's Presence, in fellowship with Him, was CLOSED when the first Adam was kicked out...(which ruined it for everyone) before this he
was perfect and knew God deeply and intimately. A second perfect Adam (Jesus Christ) REOPENED the Door so that we could be restored to the original Relationship. So man chooses which Adam he wants to be joined to. Not choosing just leaves you in the first one...outside the open door.

All are welcomed to come back to God through Christ if they want to. The only thing is, the AGE OF GRACE is ready to come to a close...which means the Door will be closing as well. So, people, don't wait too long. Jesus is the only DOOR to God. If you don't enter, it's your own choice...God doesn't choose it for you.

Christ is the door to the spiritual "Ark"...when the floods of judgment come again....WHERE WILL YOU BE?

...as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man This is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left....

I know not all can understand this, but at least you won't be able to say, "But Lord...I DIDN'T KNOW! Nobody ever told me!"

Time is SHORT! Get READY!

2006-07-05 11:32:26 · answer #9 · answered by novalee 5 · 0 0

No one can. Then again, no one can give you a "credible" shred of evidence of anything. I guess from the way you're asking that you do not believe in god. I do not either. But do you believe in Science? Atoms and stuff? Ever seen an Atom? It's all up to you. That goes even further, you can question EVERYTHING. I don't know what that means in the end, I'm trying to figure that out myself. Starting to believe in god is the easy way - means giving up. But then again that's of course just my unproofed belief.

2006-07-05 11:37:16 · answer #10 · answered by silber_aus_dem_nichts 2 · 0 0

take a look at everything around you, theres proof, i don't care if you think its not proof cuz it is, nature, trees, the oceans, water, do you think it all just appeared out of no where?? of course not there had to be a creator, and our bodies, wasn't just made for no reason, the way our bodies are structured so that we can carry out life, a powerful creater created all this and Christians happen to call it God, but He has several names depending on the religion. without this powerful creator the earth wouldn't be the way it is or possibly wouldn't be here at all.
if you believe there is no God, where do you think you are going to go after you die?
seriously people like you are just confused and are so far way from the truth, it actually makes me laugh my a$$ off, everything didn't just happen for no reason, who put the earth or the universe here, who created it?
go ahead if it makes you happy criticize my answer.

2006-07-05 15:57:27 · answer #11 · answered by Missy 5 · 0 0

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