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creature, planet, galaxy and the universe we live in today was created by what people believe to be known as God. God in my view is nothing more then a dreamt up character in the story to answer mans quest to find the meaning of their existence. We weren't created by God nor were the planets or anything else for that matter, there is no heaven or hell. All these things have been created in the minds of man.It baffles me to think that people still in this day in age believe that God is solely responsible for creating the vastness of the universe in 6 days.Please please don’t get me wrong as i'm not trying to say that believers are any way wrong and that this question isn't intended to offend anyone but I just don’t understand why man has labelled God as the creator?And when someone questions God existence people are enraged by it? Why is it so hard for people to believe that the universe has always been here including man and all the creatures in the world?

2006-07-05 03:51:55 · 27 answers · asked by El 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

27 answers

You ask a very intelligent, but highly complex question. I don't know if what I'm about to say will answer it, but I do hope it helps. As a Christian I believe in God and that he created all things, yet science has proven that while Adam & Eve date back only 7,000 years that the earth is millions of years old and that life here existed long before Adam & Eve. One good example, when Cain killed his brother Able, God sent Cain to live in the land of Nod and with it's people, how then could there even BE a Land Of Nod if Adam & Eve were the first people? I believe that God AND science are both correct, that evalution was also involved, but that God still created all. Theology and science have been at "war" for so long I think both lost track of the full truth long ago, thus making both right in what they say. Good luck in your quest.

2006-07-05 04:09:19 · answer #1 · answered by Daydream Believer 7 · 0 0

Science has proven that life must come from life. There must have been a beginning, but then you run into the question of where that beginning came from! The logical answer is a being that is outside the physical laws of our universe and dimension. If it all started with an explosion like the big bang theory (note it is still called a theory because it has not been proven true), then consider this. The path of an explosion is the path of the least resistance. If there was an explosion, then everything would expand out into the empty universe at the same speed, same rotation, because there would be nothing to block it, change trajectory, anything like that. Yet, some galaxies move one way, others another. Differant planets rotate differant directions, differant galaxies rotate differantly. Some comets go one way, others another. I'm not a scientist, but in my experiance, explosions tend to kill life, not create it. The very presence of life on our planet proves that something living must have started the life here. No non living thing can give life, much less a soul or the very creativity of humanity. Looking at the stars, the complexity of life on Earth, the beauty of all the things that humans can make, it's much more logical to think that God made it, designed it, and put it here than some cataclysmic explosion, and for that matter, where did the first materials come from to cause that explosion? You always end up at a dead end when thinking about how "it all came to be" until you look to God. That is why humanity still believes in God, because He can explain the unexplained. He can always pick up where science falls short. Look up scientific laws sometimes. They may be written or explained in such a way to make it look like God doesn't exist, but one of them states very clearly that life can only come from life.
I am an inteligent creature, therefor I can only serve an inteligent creator. (Not a big bang from strange material of unknown origen).

2006-07-05 11:02:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's interesting to me how you've worded your question. You made statements like "we weren't created by God"..."why is it so hard for people to believe that the universe has always been here including man and all the creatures of the world"... and then say "I'm not trying to say that believers are any way wrong"...
I'm just a little baffled here. You can't make asertions like that and then say that Christians are not wrong. You did say that Christians are wrong. Not in those words, but you did.
The reason we believe is that there is so much good strong undeniable evidence that the information we have in the Bible is correct and accurate... and based on our personal experience in things that have happened because of our faith in God... we couldn't imagine believing anything else. Once I became a person on THIS side of things, my eyes were opened and I see things so much differently than I ever could before. I'm not talking about the mystic "enlightenment" you might find in Budhism or whatever else- I just mean my perspective has changed drastically.
I do not believe in God because it makes me feel good... or because it's fun... or because I need answers about where I came from. I am a Christian... because I truly believe that it's true. There are things that would be so much more "fun" if I were not a Christian... but I live the way I do (having to sacrifice some things) because I truly believe that it is true. I'd put my life on it.

The reason so many Christian become angered or offended so easily when their faith is questioned has to do with how it is questioned. Many people pose questions on Yahoo Answers in a manner that is so distatefully and so rude that we can't help reacting the way we do.

2006-07-05 11:04:40 · answer #3 · answered by mywifeisbetterthanyours 3 · 0 0

A couple of points to throw out to ya, first off the "6 days" is not really an exact man made time frame of 6 days. Basically it's stating there were 6 periods of activity that created the universe as we know it. The actual time period in our system is not known.
The simple truth is it takes just as much faith to not believe as it does to believe. I can't understand how people think that everything happened just by coincidence and just worked out right. Once I became a true believer things just clicked into place and I knew in my heart it was right.
One common misconception is the Heaven/Hell thing. Hell is more of a complete seperation from god, our primary purpose on this world is to serve the Lord, Hell is failing, knowing that you failed and knowing that it can never be corrected.
The other thing I find odd is that when Atheists try and spread their beliefs about no religion they like to come onto religious channels and try it and it's supposed to be acceptable(which it is), but if a Christian goes to a non-religous site or a science forum and talks about god they are a "Bible Pusher" and are "just disturbing things".
Good question though :)

2006-07-05 11:05:39 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

hey,the concept of god is that it is nothing but some vaccum where there exists no time,body,gravity.man is not mad to believe in god.science even cannot prove the creation of this universe.it says that universe started with the big bang.but from where did the energy for the big bang come?there should be some force that must have done this.otherwise it is impossible.as there is no other force which has power to do this,people believe in the existence of god.there r many religions labelling god as different forms.but when we pray,it finally reaches to that hollow.universe has never been already existing.it should have a start somewhere.my spiritual guru descibes it as:when u sit in a dark room and if a 250 watt bulb is put on u won't be able to see it.but if slowly the intensity of light is increased,we can see the bulb.that is why we can't see god.we have to attain that level to see him.and that's what is called praying!

2006-07-05 11:05:59 · answer #5 · answered by Amu 1 · 0 0

let me ask you a question> How do you know that your house or apartment you live in had a buider? Obviously the bulding is evidence of the buider. How about a painting? how do you know the painting had a painter? The painting is proof that there was a painter. No pile of bricks can just come together to make a building, and nore would it make since that if I were to put a canvas, a paint brush, a Bottle of paint and an easel in a garge and left it for 10000000000 years it would just magiucally form into a beutiful intimate painting. my point is that nothing that is created is without a creator. Look at How this earth we wlive in is so intimately created. Then think to yourself any time in history an explosion has been bale to create the type of intimate detaill and order we dwell in today. its unfathomable (Unimaginable). my second point I want you to examine is this. The human brain cannot scientifically conceive 100000000 of all thw knowledge int the universe. Now, lets imagine for a second that you have an incredible 1% of all knowledge in the unviverse. to have 100% would mean that you would be all knowing (Omnipotent). My question is if you even came close to knowing an incredible one percent of all the knowledge in the univeres, isnt' there a chance that in the 99% of knowledge you havent yet come across there could be ample evidence for God's existence? If your reasonable you will admitt thet there is a chance. you see its like this, if I made the statement "there is no Gold in china" I would have to have absolute knowledge that there was no gold anywhere in china. No river no mountains or vally streams. Likewise if I say, there is Gold in china, all I have to do is find one speck of Gold and my statement is true. I dont need absolute knowledeg. My point is to say categorically there is no God is to make an absolute statement. for this assertion to be true I must be sure that there is no God in any part of the unvierse, and since humans have no absolute knowledge we cannot truthfully make the statement "there is no God". Instead you must say "attributing to the lack of knowledge I have at present, I do not belive there is a God". You may say, "well, all that God stuff is just wishful thinking" But How do you really know that there is no existence after death? disbelife in the after life could have the same intellectual status as "wishful thinking". the belife in the afterlife is wishful hope that there is no accountabliity and no intrusive athourity in our lives that we will have to be held responisble to. and you may be content with this belife, But I would Like you to realize that lot's of things that bring contentment or not true. The Bible say's there will be a day of Judgement and you will have to give an account of every thought word and deed. The Ten Commandments will be his standard, so lets look at a few. have you ever lied? ever stolen something? ever looked with lust? ever used God's name in vain? If you have said yes to these your guilty of breaking four of the Ten Commandments. If there is a judgement day and God Judges you according to your sin, the BIble makes clear you will enbd up in Hell. If there is no afterlife you wont even have the pleasure of laughing in my face and saying "I told you so", But if there is an afterlife you will lose your own soul and end up in hell. your playing russian roullet with a fully loaded gun. The Good news, is that If you will repent (turn from sin) and put your faith and trust in Jesus God will save you and grant you everlasting life.

2006-07-05 11:22:26 · answer #6 · answered by WDJD 3 · 0 0

It is much harder to believe evolution if you research the facts from both sides - it takes more belief to believe in evolution.

The Bible says, "I am the Lord . . . new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them." Isaiah 42:8, 9. "I am God . . . Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done." Isaiah 46:9, 10.

Answer: Bible predictions of things to happen in the future confirm the inspiration of Scripture as they come to pass. Notice the following examples of fulfilled Bible prophecies:

A. Four world empires to arise: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome (Daniel chapters 2, 7, 8).
B. Cyrus to be the warrior to capture Babylon (Isaiah 45:1-3).
C. After Babylon's destruction, it would never be inhabited again (Isaiah 13:19, 20; Jeremiah 51:37).
D. Egypt would never again have a commanding position among the nations (Ezekiel 29:14, 15; 30:12, 13).
E. Earth-shaking calamities and fear toward the end of time (Luke 21:25, 26).
F. Moral degeneracy and decline of spirituality in the last days (2 Timothy 3:1-5).

2006-07-05 10:56:20 · answer #7 · answered by Damian 5 · 0 0

It seems you have all the answers, why bother asking? The bible talks about a rich man who lived a riotous life and went to hell(he did not believe), when in hell he saw Abraham and asked if it was possible he could be sent back to warn his father and brothers that hell was real.

It was too late for him as once in hell there is no way out. God gave you a choice to choose him and live an eternity of joy and happiness or to curse him and be condemned to live with the devil who you are obviously siding with.

It seems you have made your choice with the latter, I pray you reconsider, there is consequences for every decision we make in this life, it will determine your eternity.

2006-07-05 10:57:55 · answer #8 · answered by JESUS IS LOVE 5 · 0 0

I understand and appreciate your skepticism. I, like you, once thought when we died, our essence, what we were, died with us.

Most, if not all, "believers" have "faith" that when they die, they go to heaven. They have no real evidence that there is a God, and that there is life after death.

Twice in my life, I have experienced at first hand what I will call "The Other Side". I have been there, and returned. I know with certainty that when we die, we go there.

Did God create the universe and all that is in it? Someone or something had to. Call IT what you will. There is a supreme creator. I know, I've been there.

2006-07-05 11:05:18 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Every creation had a creator. True statement? Without a creator, where did the universe come from. The Big Bang? Where did the Big Bang come from?

Check out the following web site. http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/area/qa.asp

2006-07-05 10:56:19 · answer #10 · answered by bobm709 4 · 0 0

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