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I dont believe in the toothfairy so I dont go into the Question and Answer section for Toothfairies....

How can an atheist even comment on something they dont believe in? Would their answer even be valid?

2006-07-05 03:50:31 · 21 answers · asked by Arielah 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

Interesting question. I consider myself agnostic. I rarely go into the Religion/Spirituality section of YA because there seems to be so much 'hate' in the Qs and As. There also seems to be narrow-mindedness and lack of self examination.
The reason I would like to go into that area more often is that I WANT to believe in a God. I have studied religions throughout my lifetime. I go to church every week and I am a Bible teacher.
Jesus selected 12 disciples. None of them were perfect and all had problems, according to studies. At least one of them was honest enough to say he didn't believe the resurrection had happened and he wanted proof.
Religion is faith-based. The more well-educated friends of mine have doubts about the deity of Jesus, but they are willing to remain open-minded. They are not gifted with Faith.
I think Atheists are a bit different. I think they are angry at the God of their understanding, and the anger originated, perhaps, in their early childhood. Small children relate God to their biological father because it is the only reference they can perceive at a young age. Perhaps atheists are not nonbelievers, but, instead, angy believers. They 'bait' the responders on YA and, unfortunately, the responders swallow the bait and become illogical and hateful.
The man Jesus did not act like that. He was a teacher. Teachers cannot teach if they are using condemnation to their students. Students would learn only fear.
My mind is open, and if there is a God, He will understand my life, my thoughts, my fears, my logical mind, because He is (supposedly) all-knowing and omnipotent.
Thank you for the question. Good Luck !

2006-07-05 04:13:50 · answer #1 · answered by SpongebobRoundpants 5 · 0 0

Where's the toothfairy section?

This section is called "religion AND spirituality", not "the god section" or "the christian section". Atheists believe in the existance of religion and BTW yours isn't the only one out there. Not only do they believe that religion exists but they may have studied it or even practice one. I have a friend that has a PhD in theology who is an atheists and I bet he knows a lot more on the topic than you ever will.

What about all the questions in this section specifically targeted at atheists like "Why don't you believe in God?" Who's supposed to be answering? Why do you think yours is the only valid opinion out there? If you can't stand the thought of sharing space with people that might not agree with you all the time, leave the public forum and don't come back.

therefor god exists

2006-07-05 11:01:52 · answer #2 · answered by tenaciousd 6 · 0 0

Well, it's the same reason some well-meaning Christians troll around in the Lesbian/Bisexual/etc category and other places that they have no experience with or understanding of...

They think that by arguing about things and posting controversial comments, they are actually doing things that will impact people for the good.

Some athiests hate religion -- or they see it as something to be combatted, for the good of humanity.

Some have had bad experiences with religious people and are simply taking it out on anyone religious they can find.

Some enjoy "baiting" Christians and laugh at their kneejerk reactions and sometimes illogical posts. It's just one more opportunity to stroke their own egos.

There are probably a few out there who actually are interested in communicating, who want to understand something even if they don't personally believe it, and are working for a better world where people can get along.

Depends on the person, I guess. Personally, I don't mind. The exchange of ideas (when it happens) allows for learning.

And any destructive/combative attitudes expressed by them are merely a chance to display what it really means to be a Christian and treat human beings with real dignity. It's an opportunity to contrast God with the secular mindset.

2006-07-05 10:57:54 · answer #3 · answered by Jennywocky 6 · 0 0

- Atheists don't believe in god or gods, that doesn't mean they don't belong to a religion or aren't religious.

- This is both the religion AND spirituality section. Some people come here to learn about spirituality, but, end up answering questions about religion also.

- Everyone, no matter what their beliefs (or lack of beliefs) are, want their view to be heard.

- Many atheists think religion is dangerous so they are going to let people know that.

- Many atheists think religion is doing the world a big disfavor and they are going to do what they can to change that.

- There are questions directed towards atheists in this category.

There are many reasons why atheists, agnostics, and other non-believers ask and answer questions in this category. What about believers in god though, why are you here? If you really believed in god, then why wouldn't you ask it directly? It seems to me that you either don't actually believe in god, or, you're severely disrespecting it.

2006-07-05 11:47:21 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The problem with religion is that those who are involved in it think they need to tell someone else what to think. Religion is personal and should be addressed that way. Now why atheists comment is I guess for reinforcement. They look for others who share their beliefs. That is fine, it is STILL a free country and you have a right to believe in whatever you wish.

Personally, I am a Christian. It is my choice and I like it. I believe that everyone has a sense that there is a higher being. Buddah, Mohammed, Ra, God, whatever. So though they may say they don't believe, there is something that they can not rationalize away.

2006-07-05 10:58:55 · answer #5 · answered by A-Yo! 2 · 0 0

One does not need religion nor god to be "spiritual."

Further, this section is to discuss religion and spirituality - it does not necessarily mean that one has to be religions and/or spiritual.

For example: I was raised religions, but am not agnostic/atheistic. I majored in religious studies in college, because though I do not believe in religion, I find it a facinating facet of human confort and meaning.

I enjoy learning in discussing about theology - but believe it or not, am not religious.

Do you ever like to talk about things you don't belong in? Perhaps you don't believe in the toothfairy, but is it something you might still like to discuss and talk about? Or, just because you no longer believe in it, are you forbidden from parcitipating in discussions about the toothfairy? Of course not.

2006-07-05 10:55:42 · answer #6 · answered by rt 3 · 0 0

Being an Atheist, I believe everything you say about your beliefs to be wrong. Does this make your answers invalid? Why do Christians come here, as they seem to have already found all the answers they need? Obviously we come to discuss religion and spirituality, not because we are religious, but because we have view points to share that are just as valid as yours. I can comment on this question because I believe it exists, and thus my answer is valid.

2006-07-05 14:35:19 · answer #7 · answered by reverenceofme 6 · 0 0

I post here and elsewhere to debunk the three lies that religious people continue to repeat.

1. "Only are moral."

Being part of a religion makes one moral? Bu**sh**. If being christian makes someone moral, then explain the KKK and Nazi Germany. If being jewish makes one moral, then explain Israeli terrorism. If being a muslim makes one moral, then explain the Taliban and Osama bin Laden.

Don't respond with another lie: "But they aren't christians/jews/muslims!" If someone calls himself a christian/jew/muslim, he is, no matter what you say. You will never hear an atheist say "Stalin wasn't a true atheist!"

2. "My religion has a right to teach others."

Oh yeah? If the religious can spew their bile, then I can display fresh facts. Only a hypocrite - or specifically, a hypochristian - doesn't want all people and views to have the same right.

3. "My religion is original, sent down from 'god'/'allah'/'zoroaster'/'Bob the Angry Flower'!"

There is no such thing as an "original religion" in the last 2000 years except for $cientology, and that cult is nothing but a load of crap. All religions are nothing but regurgitations and retellings of previously existing religions, and I've got the evidence to back it up.

The notion that one particular religion is somehow "special" or "true" is a laughable concept. There's nothing new under the "son".

2006-07-05 11:16:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

all questions are listed in the main Answers home page, so if people see something controversial there they are likely to comment on it. I doubt many atheists comb through the religion section just looking to start arguments.

2006-07-05 10:55:10 · answer #9 · answered by Kutekymmee 6 · 0 0

They have the right to express their opinions about religion and spirituality also, just as the rest of us do. I was raised a Christian but I converted to Paganism which was here before Christianity anyway but I was raised to believe in God and Jesus as they probably were also just like you were.

2006-07-05 10:57:46 · answer #10 · answered by shortcake19722003 2 · 0 0

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