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1) You can't see the wind, but we know it to be real.

2) You can't see gravity, but we know it to be real.

3) Charles Darwin was a racist, so evolution can't be real, so Genesis must be the correct story of creation.

See I am just a seeker of truth, trying to find out if God is real. I reject all three of these agruements. I am wondering if these ever worked. Has anyone here said by gosh you are right about any of these three, and then invited God into your heart?

2006-07-05 03:41:58 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

Are you sure that you reject these arguments:
The wind is not real?? Gravity doesn't exist: Then Darwin was a racist and evolution is true because of that??
I don't know, you might have missed it on this question... Hurricane Katrina pretty well proved the wind, and many jumpers have proved gravity. The Darwin one I don't know if he was or wasn't a racist.. I think that he died and went to _________???? the Primate Paradise or where did he go??

2006-07-05 03:57:42 · answer #1 · answered by † PRAY † 7 · 0 1

For those that quote the bible, I simply smile and shake my head. When will people realize that the bible is nothing but a series of myths,written down by a large group of men who really didn't communicate well with each other over the many years it took to write the original version, which isn't even in print anymore and has been changed time and again to meet the needs of the church and its minions, to answer the questions of the people they were trying to convert?
Religions are just cults with more members. If you really want to know where you stand with the universe look within to find your own personal strength and conviction. Be true unto yourself and the rest falls right into place. There is a huge difference between religion and spirituality, and I for one am spiritual.
I do see the wind, every time it blows. I feel it, hear it, taste it, and smell it. But is also marvel in it, and am in awe of its strength, and therefore I learn from it.
And I do see gravity, every second of every day. I drop something and it falls. I walk upon this earth without falling off. My friends, animals, and everything around me is stuck here, without the aid of manmade machines.
Finally if Charles Darwin was a rascist then that was his choice and probably had bo bearing on his science. Sure, he probably could have made a better choice, but he didn't. Does that make him wrong? I don't think so. Look at all the people who believe in one god.

2006-07-05 11:33:57 · answer #2 · answered by MEHA 2 · 0 0

Hmmm, Jim, nice stacking of the deck there.

The first two arguments are valid inferences that suggest that things exist that we might not be able to describe or see -- only see the effects. This is a valid and valuable concept.

The third question, however, is pure invective, has no logical sense to it whatsoever, and is completely unrelated in topic to the first two questions.

By grouping all three in the same bunch (and thus tying them to racism to boot), you've managed to besmirch two ideas that -- although "proof" of nothing -- are points at least worth filing away.

Bravo! A masterful display of "guilt by association." (Have you ever been a lawyer? You could do quite well.)

I just wonder: Are you really seeking truth? You claim to be a thinker, but an average thinker would see this flaw almost immediately.

If you're sincerely asking, I hope you find some answers.

2006-07-05 10:50:42 · answer #3 · answered by Jennywocky 6 · 0 0

No, I haven't been convinced.
We may not see the wind, but we could see the wind pushing the leaves on the trees, and feel the wind on our face.
We may not see gravity, but we could see the effects when we drop something and it falls.
I didn't know Charles Darwin personally, so all I have to go on is someone else's say so on whether or not he was a racist.and even if he was a racist, what does that have to do with evolution?
I don't believe that there was evolution, but I don't know that we were created by a Spirit that was bored and wanted company either.

2006-07-05 10:51:03 · answer #4 · answered by sweetgurl13069 6 · 0 0

I am a Christian equally seeking the truth, and I too reject these arguements as wishy washy codswollop. For a majority of his life Charles Darwin was a Christian, only after his brother died did he loose his faith.

I am not the sort of Christian who tries to convert people with words. I would never use these arguements. I try (and predominately fail) to show my believes through my actions.

I'm sure some people have been intrigued by these arguements, but convinced into Christianity, I doubt. I would however say, that it is only when you put yourself in certain situations that you can really see Gods work.

If you want to chat further feel free to message me. I like to hear other peoples believes and understandings.

2006-07-05 10:48:21 · answer #5 · answered by KinkyPoodleJoy 3 · 0 0

Not me. Belief and faith require love. I think you are on the right path. You are using your head. I find it hard to believe that for many religion has come down to whether you believe in creationism or evolution. Here is a thought. They are both right. Man always was human. He may have looked like an ape or an amoeba but his essence and ultimate reality was human. Man was never an animal.
I'm sure you'll find what you are looking for. Pray for the truth to be revealed to you. Ask and you will receive. After you pray for an answer keep an open mind...because the answer you get might be different that what you expect.

2006-07-05 10:57:21 · answer #6 · answered by Ahab 5 · 0 0

No, not by those arguments. If you don't have complete faith that God exists, you are never going to know him to exist. You can't look at the arguments for or against, you just have to believe. Gravity can be explained by science. Darwin's theory, was just a theory. Wind can also be explained by science. God cannot. You will not find scientific arguments that God truly exists. You have to believe He does without question in your heart.

I have been through a lot in my life, some of which I should have died, literally died, but somehow, didn't. Not only didn't, but in some cases not even hurt that badly. I thank God, because I have faith that he prevented my death, that it just wasn't my time to go. Msg me, or something. I'd like to talk to you.

2006-07-05 10:50:11 · answer #7 · answered by rlms_girl 3 · 0 0

Christian why would they we can see the wind, indirectly having an affect on the things around them, we can feel the wind, we can also see the affects of gravity as for darwin being a racist i dont know how that disproves evolution, still i dont believe in it.

2006-07-05 10:51:55 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, those arguments probably would have converted me to Christianity if this one hadn't:

(1) Doesn't it just make more sense that an all-knowing, all-powerful, all-good deity created the world out of nothingness, from magic, essentially, and then punished us for eating a piece of fruit, and then incarnated himself in human flesh and came down to shed his own blood so he could break his own rules, and then went through hell on a temporary basis and then went back into the sky and promised to come back and take everyone who believed in him to this heaven no one has ever seen?
(2) Well, doesn't it?
(3) Therefore, God exists.

2006-07-05 10:46:38 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Arguments for the existance of GOD on their own do not work and we are told that they will not work.

If you truely want to know if GOD is real, I can tell you yes (plant the seed) and I can even give you explanation to some of your questions (water the seed). What I cannot do is make the seed grow, only GOD can do that.

If you are truely seeking to see that GOD is real, read the bible, and re read it. Seek answers to your questions from websites such as crosswalk.com or your local doctrinal pastors. Do not accept any humans understanding of the bible as absolute, read it for yourself, listen to others explanations, but then re read it. True understanding comes from GOD, not man.

I do not know that Darwin was a racist, but I know that his theory of evolution falls way short of even our own knowledge of who and what we are. For his single cell theory to be workable, we should still be able to breed with animals and plants to continually make ourselves better in our own way. This cannot be done, and certainly we could not have evolved our way out of being able to do this.

I also know that there are some powerful testimonies of men and women that set out to prove the bible wrong, and ended up true believers of GOD and his creation. Books have been written by many. Might be a good idea to get ahold of a couple of them for knowledge of what they set out to disprove and what they couldnt.

You could then start your journey into knowledge with a little head start on what you might personally want to figure out.

Good luck and May GOD bless and open yours eyes to the truth.

2006-07-05 10:56:09 · answer #10 · answered by cindy 6 · 0 0

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