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I am not a christian, but since I've started answering questions here, I've noticed a PURE HATE for Christianity from many of the people on Yahoo! Answers. I understand that we all have differences in opinion, and that some christians are extremely radical, but can't we all just get along? I get so tired of hearing these people preach tolerance and in the same breath talk about how evil Christianity is. You can't have it both ways. Furthermore, some of you may respond with something "christians hate us!". The truth is, Christianity is harmless. Have you not noticed that these conservatives that you probably hate so much haven't achieved this "christian theocracy" that some of you are so worried about? Its because politicians are playing games with both red and blue states. They feed the holy rollers crap and they eat it up and vote for them. Noone is going to do anything in washington, period. So, there's not really any reason to hate christianity because its powerless, I promise you.

2006-07-05 03:28:00 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Think about it. Republicans talk about this radical change all the time. Yet it never happens. Perhaps its because they don't have the necessary 60 votes to block a fillibuster. Or, because they haven't suckered enough people to get those 60 votes to do what they really want, help out their corporate buddies as much as possible.

2006-07-05 03:30:23 · update #1

see what you're doing now people? this is what i was talking about. and the witch trials and nazi germany were a long time ago and irrelevant.

2006-07-05 03:37:51 · update #2

18 answers

Sounds like you're not interested in answers, just an excuse to spill your own opinions.

Seeking confirmation, are we?

Oh, and to answer your question: I don't.

2006-07-05 03:32:43 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Christianity isn't powerless. Ever hear the phrase "Don't underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups"? In this case, it's true. Christians have caused many bloodshed over a book, including the Witch Trials - thousands and thousands of women, mostly, where killed during that time just because they had the knowledge of medicine. Also take into consideration that good ol' Dubbya tried to go against the constitution to eliminate Wicca as a religion.

Even with that said, I don't hate Christians. I don't think most people on here truly do hate Christians. Just because we question what they believe (like they do with us) doesn't necessarily mean we hate them. I do think they harbor a lot of misconceptions that they've been feed since they were babies, and are unwilling to open their minds enough to consider that maybe their ideas are wrong or misleading.

The thing I do hate is Christians condemning 80% of the world to hell because we don't believe exactly like they do.

2006-07-05 11:01:17 · answer #2 · answered by Joa5 5 · 0 0

I don't believe that the majority of people hate Christianity. However, I don't believe Christianity is harmless either. You must know that there have been more atrosities committed in the name of religion than any other.

I believe that the majority of people who call themselves Christians are good hardworking and caring people. The thing to be careful of are the zealots out there who aspouse their views as the only way to believe and if you don't you will go straight to hell.

Hitler had zealots like that on his team. They were the superior race etc. and we all know what happened then. Oh, wait a minute, there are some religious groups who don't believe it was wrong and of course, inevitable, because the Jews didn't observe the right religion.

To have everyone get along would be Eutopia - but as it is with the intolerance shown by some of our present day "Christians" it ain't gonna happen for awhile.

2006-07-05 10:47:03 · answer #3 · answered by Ilsa 2 · 0 0

You're right, Bob. I've seen alot of Christianity-bashing here, but it's nothing new. It's been going on for over 2000 years. Those who practice true Christianity are still blamed for the Salem witch trials and other evils that they had nothing to do with. Gotta blame someone I suppose.

Still, I find it rather sad that those who mock Christianity and make fun of God also seem to preach tolerance for all cultures, beliefs, etc. They say they don't hate Christians but they sure get pretty hot under the collar and all that tolerance goes out the window when someone quotes a Bible verse to back up his or her faith. Suddenly the Christian is a "bible thumper" or something worse.

Rather puzzling, isn't it?

2006-07-05 10:55:14 · answer #4 · answered by Dr. Quest 5 · 0 0

i get what you're saying bob. as a muslim, it's really frikkin hard to keep a cool head here on yahoo.
certainly , if we were to claim to be commited to the 'correct' path then surely our actions would be dictated by good reason and tolerance of "the other". at the very least, a sense of decency.
and yes throughout history, religion has been and highly likely would remain as a convinient political vehicle to expand and sustain power which is self serving and has little or nothing to do with any religion in the slightest sense. but the crux of the problem is the level of participation from the masses which fuels it . so why are we blinded to this oft repeated mistake?

i think what bob is trying to say is that we here are suffering from an endless and tiring knee jerk reaction everytime the subject of religion comes up as a result of our own misguided enthusiam.
there are way too many examples of bloodshed and war which originates from power hungry dictators who deliberately whip up religious sentiments from all guilty parties over the course of history

so , what exactly would be the lesson in dire need of attention here?

2006-07-05 10:42:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Harmless? I guess the witchtrials and the Dark Ages were harmless too. I realize how dangerous Nazi Germany was so i realize how dangerous a christian theocracy is as well.

60 votes? thats not a lot of votes. why trust in a religion that only needs 60 idiots to make it a theocracy?

2006-07-05 10:34:05 · answer #6 · answered by brianna_the_angel777 4 · 0 0

I certainly don't hate Christians, and I do agree that they are not tremendously powerful, as the politicians are simply using their misguided faith to further their political aims, which have nothing to do with adhering to Christian doctrine.

However, there are some intolerant and ignorant beliefs that still infiltrate our laws, such as the homosexual marriage stuff, stem cell research, creationism in schools, etc. These issues are important. But even so, that's not really my reason for "educating" Christians.

More than anything else, since Christians are the majority in the US, I want their help. I want them to join us atheists/agnostics in the 21st century, and use their genuinely good intentions to help enlighten the rest of the world. There are people in this world that are just plain dangerous, due to their religious beliefs. Their religion is not one of peace. And attempting to combat their ignorance, with MORE ignorance, will never work.

The folks I'm talking about, are of course, the Muslims. There is no reason to believe their theology over Christianity, or vice versa. They're both silly, outdated, and false mythologies that have no place in the modern world. However, the Christians are further along in their "evolution" than the Muslims are. They can be more easily reasoned with. And the way I see it, if we can rid the United States of its Christian insanity, then all of those good-hearted people, who are so wrapped up in it, can apply their good will to actual realistic goals, and begin educating the children of these third world countries. And when I say educating, I mean EDUCATING, not preaching, which is what they're currently doing.

And as I mentioned above, replacing one form of ignorance with another is not the solution. We need to educate and enlighten the less fortunate around the globe, and share the knowledge that we've gained over the last few hundred years. If we can do that, as opposed to teaching them 2000 year old myths, they will begin to see for themselves why it is wrong to blindly follow their "leaders". And they will see why it's silly to blow themselves up for the same. (Just as an example)

But more than anything else, I'm trying to spread knowledge. Ignorance is what causes all the conflicts we see in the world today. And Christianity is the root of most of the ignorance you see here in the U.S.

2006-07-05 10:53:32 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I understand that there should be more tolerance and at least acceptance of other's opinions, but what does Christianity have to do with democracy? They're both completely different animals designed to do the same thing - take over the world. Neither Christianity nor democracy are harmless. In the wrong heads, they both manifest themselves to unhealthy extremes.

2006-07-05 10:36:46 · answer #8 · answered by habaceeba 3 · 0 0

I don't hate Christians. I do, however, hate how some Christians behave on Y!A, on television and in person. I'm not going to approach a stranger on the street and tell them that they need to abandon their religion because I don't agree with it, but it's perfectly socially acceptable for Christians to hand out pamphlets and tell you you're going to hell if you don't change your ways, or tell you that you are damning your children to hell for not raising them as Christians. All those whose "Christian love" makes them want to deny gays civil rights or kill Muslilms or deny school children a sound education count in this too. Same with you folks who were behind the rules that forced me to stand up with the class and say a prayer ever moring at my public school up until I was a freshman in high school. This might be a big shocker to those of you out there who think you're being nice by doing "God's work" trying to convert "us heathens," but your proselytizing is highly offensive makes you and other Christians who share your views and strategies look petty, mean, and bigoted. Of course, this is not all Christians. There are actually plenty of decent Christians out there, but trying to force your arbitrary opinions on people doesn't make them like you or agree with you more. Get it yet???

2006-07-05 10:51:15 · answer #9 · answered by forbidden_planet 4 · 0 0

Tell that to the jewish family in delaware that had to leave their town and move to wilmington after they protested using public xian prayers at their public school.

Tell that to a woman who walks into a walmart to get the morning after pill. Tell it to a woman in rural oklahoma that has to drive 5 hours to an abortion clinic, 5 hours back home, then repeat the trip the next day to fullfill the 24 hr waiting period rule.

And if they haven't finished their theocracy it's only b/c people with sense (xian and otherwise) ARE pissed off and fighting them.

2006-07-05 10:30:48 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is so funny how you would see it as "you hate christians". The christian religion teaches that if you are not one of them you will suffer in hell for all eternity. How is THAT not the most hateful thing imaginable? Perhaps some of us don't really care for being told we are so horrible that we should suffer for all eternity. Perhaps theirs is just a very hateful religion to its very core and all it does is breed more hate just as it has done for 2000 years.

2006-07-05 10:35:03 · answer #11 · answered by sam21462 5 · 1 1

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