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I know many illegal Mexicans. They work and live here. They do not send money home to Mexico. They do not recieve state benefits. They pay for medical bills, food, cable T.V. Electricity, Cell phone use, Gas, gasoline, auto ins., etc. How is it that most of the comments that I've read here disrespect all illegals? I am an American, White woman. I was born in California. After my divorce I had to get food stamps because my darling ex refused to help support his 3 sons.Yes, I have a decent job making good money. My Illegal boyfriend helps us. I no longer need food stamps, or any other state aid because he WORKS 2 jobs and helps pick up the slack. And get this, he doesn't even live with us! Oh, and for the record,he knows English, has a bank account and cannot get citizenship although he's been here 6 yrs. So, you tell me... Do ALL illegal Mexicans hurt our economy. If you think so, then PLEASE EXPLAIN !

2006-07-05 02:52:24 · 25 answers · asked by onceuponachildsdream 1 in Politics & Government Immigration

Please include in your answer where or not you are a native American. If not, then how do you think your family got here? They jumped a boat to flee their country. Back then it was okay to do so.

2006-07-05 03:40:12 · update #1

I pay my Ex child support because I earn more than he does and we have split custody. Hope that clears the air a bit...

2006-07-05 08:04:01 · update #2

25 answers

i really dont think so because like u said and i respect that, they do pay for food and gas and cars and more, they eat, they go to the hospital, and they send theyre kids to school, plus without immigrants we wouldnt have homes or buildings, and we wouldnt have or lawn mowed. Do you think the americans are going to do the dirty job? no i dont think so, you are not going to find one american that is going to build you a home and work all day long seven days a week for tiny amount fo money, and you are not going tofind an american thats going to mow your lawn perfectly for a tiny amount of money.so imagine a day without immigrants, we the americans will probably go back to theyre countrys with buses and well be begging them to come back and do all of the dirty jobs for us.AND PLEASE, IMMIGRANTS STEALING THE JOBS FROM AMERICAN PEOPLE!! YEAH RIGHT!!!, WE JUST DONT WANNA WORK, SO IF U REALLY THINK IMMIGRANTS ARE STEALING UR JOBS THEN GET OF YOUR *** AND GET A JOB.

2006-07-05 07:43:44 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I really think that this topic is a double edged sword. I believe that both sides are correct - to a certain extent.

First of all, I, too, know many Mexicans (legal AND illegal), and I can tell you that most of them I know do send most of their money to family in Mexico. But, just because that is what I see, doesn't mean that that's what everyone does.

Yes, they do pay for thier own medical care, etc. Yes, they pay taxes and don't collect refunds at the end of the year. However, and this is the sticky part of the situation, many of the jobs taken are taken for well under what someone obtaining the job legally could afford. I do not, in any way, believe that this is the case 100% of the time. But in many cases (construction, for instance, which is the industry that I work in), jobs are given to illegals because they will work for far less than a legal can. This is what, in my opinion, worsens the economy.

I have heard the argument "well they are doing jobs that Americans "refuse" to do", this also may be. A lot of Americans take the holier than thou attitude when looking for a job. Many also decide that it is just much easier to sit at home and collect a check from the government every month. However, there are many out there, that would gladly take these jobs, if only they paid enough to support a family.

In my opinion, our government needs to not only take a look at immigration, and how it affects our economy, but also, our pay standards, and welfare/unemployment, to see that only people that truely need it are receiving it.

At the end of the day, however, illegal aliens are just that - they are here illegally. If we don't enforce this law, why should anyone abide by any of the laws? We can pick and choose what laws we obey now? And what about all of the people who came into this country legally? Shouldn't that account for something? They did it, they struggled to do it, and they make a very honest commitment to succeed and contribute in society. If we allow amnesty to illegal aliens, it is a blatant slap in the face of those who worked so hard to get here according to the law. If you break the law, you are punished, this is no different. Yes we have dead beats here, and we always will, but just because your ex is one, doesn't mean that the situation you are in now is above the law.

K, that's my soap box rant for the day....don't know if it's what you wanted to hear, but that's how I see it.

2006-07-05 10:05:09 · answer #2 · answered by kellyv9123 3 · 0 0

Yes, ALL illegals harm our economy. Clearly, if your illegal boyfriend is able to drive legally, have car insurance, and pays income taxes, then he is one of those who initially came legally on a visa of some sort and then allowed it to expire and stayed illegally. Regardless, he is just as illegal as anyone who just strolled across the border without any documentation. That's commendable that he is helping you out, but that still doesn't erase the fact that he is here illegally. Careful you don't become TOO dependent on his assistance because by the very fact that he is here illegally, he could be deported suddenly and leave you high and dry. And, even more important, careful you don't become pregnant with him because then when he gets deported, you will have 4 children to try to support without benefit of help from their fathers!

Sorry about your choice of a father for your 3 children, but that was your own fault, no one else's. I, too, chose a less than devoted father for my 2 children that I then raised on my own, although I used the laws regarding child support and made sure he paid that, and you should do the same and make your children's father support them financially, regardless of how difficult. Stick with it and make him pay for those children!

Your illegal boyfriend could become a legal boyfriend by returning to his country and doing his application to enter the country legally. Then, I will feel that he is helping the economy.

I was born in the USA and so I am a native American citizen!

2006-07-05 12:57:54 · answer #3 · answered by Daisy 6 · 0 0

Why didn't you go after your darling ex-boyfriend in the courts? He doesn't have a choice about paying child support...if you're taking up with illegals, lady, that's on you. It's also going to be bad for you when the INS finally finds him, and ships him home.
Also, if you have a decent job, are you still not able to provide for your family? Vote any way you want, it's your vote, my vote is AGAINST having the country overrun with illegals...don't need em, don't want em, all legal entries are welcome, but let's have SOME kind of lawful standards, here...

2006-07-05 13:54:33 · answer #4 · answered by gokart121 6 · 0 0

Of course not ALL illegal Mexicans(or any other nationality of illegal alien for that matter...) hurt the economy. That is like making any other blanket statement. I would be interested in finding the percentage of illegal aliens who are like your boyfriend.. I am sure it is not a very large percent.

Give me a reason why he should be allowed to stay though.... What makes him above the law?

Yes I am a "Native American". Look up the definition for native.... Score it! Me: 1 - You: 0

2006-07-05 10:01:36 · answer #5 · answered by Ricky 5 · 0 0

Of course not. Middle class and above illegals who truly pay all taxes, are using their own social security numbers (from visa overstays) and are not in gangs or committing other crimes are a net plus to our economy.

However, since we subsidize poor people's education and other services in this country even if they pay all taxes, all poor illegal immigrants (like all poor legal immigrants) are a drain on our economy, and with more impact, on the specific locality where they live. That is why we limit poor immigrants who come.

There have been a ton of studies done on this. They are the underpinning of most immigration laws limiting poor immigrants around the world.

2006-07-05 10:25:50 · answer #6 · answered by DAR 7 · 0 0

Most of them help it. The right wing just loves these "Chicken Little" panics about the immigrant "crisis" and the Social Security "crisis" and how "terrorism" is the No. 1 issue in our daily lives. If they can't come up with a missing attractive young white girl, they'll invent another panic to distract the dumbest among us from how much they have screwed up the country since 2001.

2006-07-05 09:57:31 · answer #7 · answered by wmp55 6 · 1 0

From 50 years of obvious results ~ illegal immigration from Mexico causes depressed markets, and adds to oppressed, and devaluated fragments of society ~ with current criminal infestation! Low wages and low standards don't build an economy that supports common needs, or standards. 5 families in one house? 10 or 12 children each for first generation illegals, and 5+ for second ~ perhaps 2 or 3 when they finally adapt ~ IF they adapt? Lower than a 50% success rate for that first generation?

All public services and info becomes an expensive and repeative waste to accommodate their language abilities, and cultural leftovers take generations for them to even recognize, much less overcome. The percetage of successful development in LARGE first generation families ~ automatic US citizens. Affirmative action, or racial give aways ~ have helped them, but not poor US citizens that don't fit the bill. 50 years ago we didn't have to be bilingual to qualify for public jobs ~ now we do! 50 years ago the ability to independently afford a family was important and appreciated ~ not so now. 50 years ago we equally competed for educational and economic opportunity ~ not today.

Sorry ~ you should appreciate the guy, but you should also understand the full picture. Become ABLE to marry him ~ if that's the REAL problem.

We shouldn't devaluate, or forcefully disable our own poor, and tolorate illegal or legal immigrants. Especially with a focus on a certain race with forced racial injustice. We also shouldn't value them with even more forced federal governing accomidations. We did that during the Reagan years ~ without doubt the lessons of history apply.

We have HUGE areas of a near by city that law enforcement stands in fear of. The cultural development regarding freedom stands against our development toward safety in unity nation wide. True we need to pay attention to the freedoms we have lost unjustly, but we also need to recognize the developments that led our nation to its current levels of common, LAWFUL, and peaceful citizens. We have enough problems to deal with, and should be doing all we can to avoid making them worse. STOP THE INVASION!

2006-07-05 11:58:38 · answer #8 · answered by friojc 2 · 0 0

Yes, ALL illegal aliens harm the economy, not just the ones from Mexico. They place a burden on our healthcare system, drive illegally, and don't pay ALL taxes (their employer may pay some taxes but not all).

If we stop giving away the farm to these people, they will stop coming here.

2006-07-05 09:56:38 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Someone totaled it out to well over 300 billion a year - with only 250 billion a single year to deport them -

But even if they receive nothing, they drive our paycheck wages down by 200 billion dollars a year alone.

And of course, I pay taxes too - and it doesn't put me above the law, and how do you think the people that come here legally feel that they go back again to the end of the line because of amnesty?

No Amnesty - enforce our laws - your friends should be deported - once AGAIN make it a felony to enter illegally!!!

One other thing - how dare you categorize men as poor fathers - you date losers, don't blame us, I don't know a single father that treats their children like yours!!!!!

You think if he supports himself he should be legal - and how many other American's would qualify for his job but can't get it BECAUSE THEY ARE LEGAL!!

2006-07-05 10:03:50 · answer #10 · answered by yars232c 6 · 0 1

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