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22 answers

It would depend if you are talking physical or no physical entities. There are countless other intelligent life forms in our galaxy, but very few operate here on earth. The concepts of devils and angels come from alien groups who genetically altered the humanoid before the current model. Before humans where what they are now it was a less intelligent more animal like being who had no gender. Aliens found this planet and needed workers/slaves to help with harvesting all of earths rich natural resouces, (similar to what other races have done to other races and animals throughout so called history), so they upgraded the old model added their DNA and split the genders make another way for slaves to generate more slaves as workers and as food. These beings taught humans how to live and also made them to believe that they are their gods. These beings are of reptillian/serpent race and they control every aspect of life here on earth to this day behind the scenes. Now they have a enemy who also interferes here on earth which look more like europeans but are called plebeians, that mybe where the idea of angels come from and the reptillians represents devils/demons. Both of these groups are far more technologically advanced than humans, which is also where humans get their techonolgy from, but they are less spiritually advanced then humans. Both Humans and aliens are spirits playing the game of physical life in our galaxy, which is called 3rd density gaming. The spirits animating human life were once playing as aliens for millions if not billions of years experience one life to the next living in 1 body for thousands of years at a time maintaining full memories of each life to the next.. This is a much slower process of spiritual advancement than living as a human taking a leap of faith and being born into a body with no previous memories of true self and to gain experiences or your mission may be to remember who you really are starting from scratch and none of the abilties of the true self. We incarnate on this planet simultaneously (all time exist now, on different frequencies) possibly several hundres of times to gain experiences in all aspects of life here on this planet as different races, genders, life styles etc... no matter the life you end up in they all pose a challenge when discovering the true nature of reality and true self. Once the spirit gets enough and learns balance between being on the darkside or light side, then one graduates and is able to move on to higher levels of experiences.

We are not human beings in search of spirituality, we are spirits immersed in the human experience

2006-07-05 03:01:33 · answer #1 · answered by commonxsense2005 3 · 0 1

NO. One is a belief fostered by a religion and the other is an implicit fact unable to be disproved by science or religion. Angels are but a figment of the imagination of Christians that have no other way to explain things other than by creating good and bad angels. Aliens on the other hand are a FACT that some people can't or won't believe are real because their religious upbringing. As a person that has had a close encounter with an alien spacecraft but never had an encounter with an angel, even though I was raised a Christian, my money is on aliens NOT angels.

2006-07-05 09:40:39 · answer #2 · answered by Plantoneonme 3 · 0 0

I've wondered the same thing. In the Bible they take on human form. They visit and talk with people. It even says that "God" had an apparent physical presence in Eden (Genesis 3). God asked for animal sacrifices in the Old Testament ("hey bring me some barbeque, would you?"). I think that you may be unto something.

If you ask the question "are there good angels/aliens and bad angels/aliens?", then it really gets interesting. And, if angels were aliens then what would that make Jesus who is worshipped by angels?

I think that serious theologians should give this idea more thought. It is my favorite alternative theory/theology to a basic faith in Jesus and the God of the Bible.

2006-07-05 09:26:01 · answer #3 · answered by Hesed 3 · 0 0

Alien civilisations are real, angels are not. We live in a Universe that is vast beyond comprehension.

There are at least 150 billion galaxies all with around 400 billion stars and if 1% of those had planets and 1% of those had life and 1% of those had intelligent life and 1% of those had an advanced technological society, there would be an unbelievable number of technological societies in the Universe.

The tyranny of distance is what keeps us apart but as far as I'm concerned life is the default condition of matter and it is abundant.

Jules, lecturer. Australia.

2006-07-05 09:27:08 · answer #4 · answered by Jules G 6 · 0 0

angels are souls or persons with supernatural powers they live in heaven according to bible near God and can hear him directly
while alien are the living creatures which may have powers but they must have weakness as we have they should be a creatures of some another planet so they are not of our planet that's why we call them aliens
and if we are on their planet we are alien for them that's the difference between an alien ans angel

2006-07-05 09:27:33 · answer #5 · answered by sunny 2 · 0 0

A possible accessory to this could be that such beings as devas, bhodisatvas , angels ... exist on another dimensional plane where our serial timeline is simply a spatial extension in geometry ...and therefore "time is not" ... yes, in that case they could be aliens ...of another order of being ...
And that does not eliminate the possiblity of alien races also more on our order of being ...

2006-07-05 09:20:24 · answer #6 · answered by gmonkai 4 · 0 0

Not a chance. The bible talks about angels and aliens. Look it up.

2006-07-05 09:19:21 · answer #7 · answered by abbasgirlie 3 · 0 0

If there was a "creation" of human life on the earth, the only plausible explanation is that it originated elsewhere.

Which would explain "miracles" and "aliens" (or "angels").

2006-07-05 09:20:03 · answer #8 · answered by Left the building 7 · 0 0

Its possible. What are aliens - ET (Extra Terrestrial) beings. Angels are not from this planet. Revelation 12:12Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. States that the heavens are many and they have many dwell in them too.

2006-07-05 09:20:23 · answer #9 · answered by Damian 5 · 0 0

it depends. i beleive we all come from one source a star billions of light years away. aliens come here from other planets, but Earthlings are not originally from earth either........humans and angels are on different levels of spirituality some angels were created as angels and some were humans that realized thier fullest potential. at any rate even the people on this planet were not technically from here even if they have been here many incarnations (oh and to you anti reincarnationists the church believed in reincarnation until 533AD thanks to the council of nicea..........)

2006-07-05 09:19:05 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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