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exspecially with dogs how come people mistreat them so badly, how come when you buy the dog you just use them for the wrong purposes like pitbull fighting,did you know that these dogs dont like to do this but you make them do it any waywhen your dog wins the owner really didnt win because he made his/ her dog kill another dog of course it may of involved money but guess what an animal is a whole lot better than money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!so think twice before you :starve any animal, mistreat it, make a dog kill another dog it may seem like that's what there suppose to do but no it's not what there supposed to do is love you and you love them so make sure you really think about how your treating them so treat them right cuz if you caused their death your the one going to jail not the animal you are ??????????????????

2006-07-05 02:09:51 · 16 answers · asked by sweet shorty 11 1 in Pets Dogs

16 answers

Thank you for speaking out for those that have no voice. What you say is true, but you could include cats. People get them then toss them outside to face all the dangers and diseases out there or when kept inside many still declaw rather than take the trouble to train the cat to use a scratching post. Really, there are many people not responsible enough to have a pet.

2006-07-05 02:19:43 · answer #1 · answered by Stick to Pet Rocks 7 · 0 0

I totally agree with what you are saying. But...... what about the poor innocent creatures that people just give away? These are abused and neglected also.

Here is a sad story for you.

I have a neighbor that actually rescued a lab on the highway after a storm. This dog was so lost and confused and nobody claimed him so these people kept him. Well it was fine for a little whole while this dog lived in the house, but then he got shifted to outside tied to a tree and forgot about because they got a st. bernard in the house. This poor dog did not even have a doghouse. This dog starved to death. Before this happened when i seen what was going on i reported them to the police department since we have no animal cops like i wish we did. You know they did not do a dang thing. So this dog starved to death. He would of been better off on the highway.
Just three days ago these same people had another dog die of the same thing, only they had her tied up in the direct sun in 100 degree temperatures.With no doghouse. Guess what they went out and got them another dang puppy. What is wrong with people? I do not have a clue and why our county will not do anything about animal abuse and neglect is something they will not give a good answer other than they have more important calls and cases to solve. Animals in my county do not have a chance.

2006-07-05 02:53:57 · answer #2 · answered by badgirl41 6 · 0 0

MOST humans DO take care of their animals. And frankly I resent the implication - knowing many who have animals - that we starve, mistreat and fight it. A **MINORITY** of people do those things ****NOT**** the majority (most). There are 60 million dogs as pets and 70 million cats some say 75 million - H$U$ puts that number a little higher. MOST ARE CARED FOR.
There is no hard statistics - surprising since this is such an overwhelming all consuming problem. If even half it'd be 30 million dogs and 32 million cats. Not including all other species. There'd be no time or manpower to deal with others.
The fact is of all those millions it is not MOST. It is a small minority who abuse. The only statistics offered in a search were for domestic violence where there IS a problem. Of course with few agreeing on what animal abuse is I guess there's an issue there. I mean to listen to people on here a nudge with the heel to get a horse to move is worthy of cruelty prosecution. Forget the starving dogs and abused kitties - get every one of those horseback riders kicking their horses to get them to go.

Use some common sense...MOST people have animals because they love them. MOST people take care of them and MOST animals have more medical care, food and affection than many humans.
There is no way to MAKE an animal fight. I have a redbone and there is NO WAY to MAKE her fight - she will roll over and let another dog eat her up. The dogs that fight are dominant dogs and DO like remaining so. There is no other reason to fight but dominance...the dog has no concept of "sport" or money or bets or whatever people make it into. The dog simply knows one thing - he's boss dog and wants to remain so. And it's no different for a pit bull than a dominant pomeranian or collie or dalmatian or any other breed. There are dominants and there are submissive...and there is no way to make a submissive dog fight to beat a dominant dog. Dog fighting is a very very VERY small portion of the over 60 million so how dare you say MOST owners support this. I don't and no one I know does. I know it happens. I know of some I suspect. But solely having multiple animals doesn't mean one is fighting either. There are statistically FAR FAR more of those beloved pets killed by their owners than pitbulls fighting. Common sense and over 60 million pets shows that. The ones feeding chocolate; the ones leaving them in hot cars; the ones getting in to poisons; the ones getting run over and the myriad of things that causes their deaths and - again - does not represent MOST.

2006-07-05 05:03:37 · answer #3 · answered by Jan H 5 · 0 0

People sicken me. Not only the pitbull fighting but what goes on behind the scenes where they feed these dogs puppies to raise their need for blood. PUPPIES!!! What is this world coming to? Our society has no moral values anymore. What about the Labrador that was stabbed to death by a drunken man a few months ago? What about all the puppies killed because they are too slow to run in the Iditarod? What about the dogs killed for their fur so these people can have gloves and tails on their coats. I wish I had never seen some of the things I've seen. The screams of these helpless dogs haunt me and I will carry them with me till the day I die. I can't go on cause I'm have too many tears streaming down my face.

2006-07-05 03:21:42 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because some people see them as materials and not living breathing creatures that love us unconditionally!
Look how well people take care of a car or something for a little while and then after the newness wears off they stop.
Same with children.
I love my dogs(5) and treat them like my children I hate people who neglect, abuse or *drop off* unwanted pets!

BTW...Dont join PETA they are a bunch of activists who do not really care about animals they just want something to march about.

2006-07-05 02:16:01 · answer #5 · answered by debra_har 4 · 0 0

Its a nice thought, but people who abuse animals have no conscience, so this post is not going to help. Join PETA or the humane society or something. Getting angry and yelling on Yahoo answers is not going to get you any satisfaction. FYI, I have two dogs that I treat very well and have had for 6yrs, so its not everyone who mistreats animals.

2006-07-05 02:14:55 · answer #6 · answered by skigod377 5 · 0 0

When I look in the Yard and see my dog laying on her back with all four feet up in the Air, I know she out of Food.
As said above, the cute puppy not there and people lose interest. This even happens with Children, it sad. Animals and Children are a responsibility that require Attention and this requires time, much time, EVERYDAY!

2006-07-05 02:16:33 · answer #7 · answered by Snaglefritz 7 · 0 0

Another thing that people do with their pets happens when the mouve pout of their house to a new place and they can't take the dog with them. Some people have the wierd idea that if you drive out to the country and release them in the wild, they will be able to fend for themselves!?! I saw two dogs waliing around on our property in the country, one was a neigboors i think. i pet the other dog, and i seemed to automatically adopt us as its family. luckly we found it a home. but seriously, dogs will not go back to their primitive in-the-wild survival thing!

2006-07-05 02:55:39 · answer #8 · answered by Wonder what the World looks like 2 · 0 0

I know.....i love dogs too.I once saw a stray cat withone of her backfoot hurt!Then,i saw a lady which gave it food and water....i was so happy that at least it had something to drink and eat.I can't keep pets with fur,hair etc as my dad and little brother are allergic to it.

2006-07-05 02:23:16 · answer #9 · answered by fire_bloom21 2 · 0 0

Good post Jan!

To the poster who said to join peta or HSUS. The animal rights orgs DON'T CARE! They only care to exploit the rare abuse cases to further their agenda of NO ANIMALS!!!

I cannot believe the misinformation on this board. JEEZ PEOPLE, EDUCATE YOURSELVES! To many sheep frequenting the AR websites!

2006-07-05 06:05:46 · answer #10 · answered by whpptwmn 5 · 0 0

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