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I heard that about many people , who died for a short period of time and came back to life........Is that true????????
share any stories if u have heard........

2006-07-04 21:42:05 · 16 answers · asked by softguy 1 in Social Science Other - Social Science

16 answers

A few yrs back my grandmother had heart surgery and during the surgery they lost her for about 3 min. After she recovered she told us the during that time shed had like a dream where she was in a fores ans she was fallowing this light and after a while the light stopped and when she got closer to it she said the she saw he mother ans she said to her that it was not her time and that she has to go back to her family.

And I also heard many more stories about people who have died and been buried and after a day or tow they came back to life and sometimes they would dig up the grave and find nail scratches in the casket.

2006-07-04 22:18:21 · answer #1 · answered by cristina m 1 · 0 0

true of me.. this is not made up..
I had a blood clot after a recent speed bike accident and injured upper leg.
I "left" and heard a voice, "Say my name or breathe for the baby."
Yes, then I "saw" in my mind a silver shaft of light surround me with an intense aqua light ahead.
I felt three thrusts. I do not know if I then breathed or what , so I do not know if I was gone or going, but the person who found me said I my skin color (I'm white) was greenish like a dead person.

Amazing.... I did not know I was even pregnant 5 weeks, but I was told so later that day when I was taken to the hospital- awesome. I became a Christian afterward and only then did I truly believe the answer to "say my name" answer was the word -Jesus, and since I did not know the answer at the time, I am still here, waiting. Listen, I do not mean to be preaching or anything. My experience was a real miracle. And, my so is my son. PTL

2006-07-05 05:10:42 · answer #2 · answered by Jill C 1 · 0 0

Medically, they can bring someone back to life using a defibrillator, but I don't believe they see Heaven or loved ones in some other "afterworld" place. I think the brain keeps living for a short time after the body dies even if monitors can't detect it. I also think that during this time, their mind shows them what they want to see. If they believe in an afterlife, they'll see one when they supposedly die for a few minutes. If you die, you're in a state of sleep-no feeling, no pain, no nothing. The Bible talks about a resurrection. Have you read about it?

2006-07-05 05:12:31 · answer #3 · answered by Mary* 5 · 0 0

I assume that you are referring to "Near Death Experiences", where people have been dead, claimed to have seen "the other side", and then returned to tell about it.
There was an article in the Reader's Digest a few years ago which addressed this topic. One story was about a woman who "saw" herself on the operating table, and later described events in the operation that had indeed occurred while her brain was no longer functioning. Critics claimed that she had been hallucinating. However, her "visions" accurately described what had happened at the operating table. Also, the brain must be functioning in order to produce hallucinations, and it was not functioning in this case.
I personally believe in an afterlife, but I am somewhat skeptical of people who have had "Near Death Experiences". Their stories sound convincing, but I do not find Biblical evidence to support such experiences. Since my beliefs are based on the Bible and my personal experience, I cannot conclude that such "Near Death Experiences" are indeed possible. That being said, I do not find anything in the Bible that says that such experiences cannot occur. Thus, they could be possible. As you can tell, I have no concrete answer for this phenomenon.

2006-07-05 05:08:36 · answer #4 · answered by aaronelguapocr 2 · 0 0

How come they all saw the light? All I saw was fire and brimstone and some ugly guy with horns. THAT'S NOT FAIR!!! I think they're all lying. They probably saw what I saw and got so scared they ran back to life. Hehe.

OK, ok, seriously now, I think it's just the suddden sensation of light as opposed to absence of such sensation while they're brain resumes activity. Then they get to see what is commonly associated with light. They saw heaven in the same way you dream of falling when you fall from bed in your sleep, or in the same way you wake up wet when you dream about urinating. They sensed something and in the absence of other information, they simply associated it with the first thing that comes to mind.

Take note that also that the dream appears to be much longer than the time it takes to start falling from bed, or the time it takes to start urinating, so that must account for why they can have such vivid memories of something the mind just made up in the instance between first seeing the light and being fully awake. Memories of dream time is distorted. Why even memories of places are distorted, you can be in a room that is a composite of all the rooms you ever had, or be in a town that is a composite of all the towns you ever lived in.

A bit off topic - people who get delirious from high fever often get visions of something divine (if they are religious), I am non religious, have genius level I.Q. and am highly visual individual. The content of my delirious dream is different, it is of perceiving worlds and entities in more than one dimension, including perceiving 3 dimensional time, along with other dimensions. I know this sounds crazy, but I believe the content of dreams may have more to do with what is in our minds, just as people in a judaeo-christian world tend to see god in such a situation... perhaps that is also how people seeking Nirvana attain it.

2006-07-05 06:05:52 · answer #5 · answered by Odin M 3 · 0 0

i saw this on t,v....ok,a man died in the hospital and he said that all of a sudden everything got quiet.when he looked around he saw 6 figures with extremely long black coats to the point where you couldnt even see them.Suddenly they began to drag him through this extremely hot,dark,rocky tunnel.He couldve heard people screaming and was in alot of pain bcause the figures has really long nasty fingernails.All of a suuden they dropped him,looked at him and then turned there backs.as soon as they turned away the man woke up bcause he as brought back to life.I saw it on true stories from the E.R on the discovery channel.i think thats what it was called.

2006-07-05 04:50:32 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My mother's co-worker experienced life after death. In fact, approximately 30% of those who have died and were resuscitated tell of afterlife experiences. From what I learned from my mother's friend, I certainly do believe it is true. I recommend picking up Dr. Raymond Moody's book "Life After Life", which documents his research into this topic.

2006-07-05 05:05:03 · answer #7 · answered by josephkw 1 · 0 0

Depends on how you define death. If it is that there is no detectable brain activity then yes that has happened many times. It is that you define death as an irreversable condition of no biological activity then no that has never happened with the exception of Laseris and Jesus himself. Both are accounted for in the bible.

2006-07-05 05:00:00 · answer #8 · answered by Roy W 2 · 0 0

Back in the 70s I drove ambulance for a couple years. And sure people are "brought back" CPR. I'm sure it is more common today than it was then. More advanced training, drugs ect. Never spoke with anyone who "saw the light" or any of that.

2006-07-05 04:52:58 · answer #9 · answered by mr.longshot 6 · 0 0

Thats a lie...........

don't believe on them, those who die after a short period of life or longest period of life on earth cannot come back on earth as it is oppointed by God (do you believe.......?)..

all the stories and the experiences from people who have seen some thing like that are a lie from Satan who always obstrain people to know the truth of only True God and keep them confused or to keep them worry about or to keep them not happy about any thing or to keep them in his side of lies as he is mentioned in the Bible as "father of lies" when ever he speaks or Speakes through some one he speaks from his own that means from his own lies.

dont believe them......

2006-07-05 04:51:42 · answer #10 · answered by ponder of God's Desire 3 · 0 0

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