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24 answers

God was created to justify misery, inequality, and abuse of the powerless at the hands of the powerful. God is how poor, stupid people are kept under control.

2006-07-04 21:11:54 · answer #1 · answered by eljonez 3 · 3 1

Humans like to explain where they came from and how they came to be. Since no one has the power to create mass numbers of humans or the world itself many people say that a God did it.

Almost every culture has its own creation myths. Look at the most famous, the Greek Myths. We pretty much ridicule them now days, but the Greeks really thought that the Gods lived on top of Mount Olympus.

The existence of a God provides a comfort, because it usually involves an afterlife, and people are afraid of dying and having nothing else afterward. Most religious texts are handed down, or inspired by God. They have a moral code in how to live life. The 10 Commandments are the base for all English and American law.

So God is a creation of human imagination to explain, comfort, and even provide a moral code. Look at how tough life was in the Middle Ages. Most people were peasants who worked long hard hours. They weren't valued, because there were so many of them, and no one tried to improve their lot in life. The only other people were the clergy (which had its own lower class), or royalty. How to keep these people happy, and working in the fields? How do you keep them from revolting and killing off the nobility, and then who would grow the crops? Religion was one answer to this problem. To Medieval man the church was the center of their life. The church built grand structures to worship in and promised an after life of "milk and honey" living forever in the divine presence of God; provided you were good, you gave to the church and followed its commands. The church also said that the King and Queen were Demi-Gods, given the power to rule by the Law of God. To revolt against a ruler was to act against God himself. This is the key to making the Feudal System work, and the biggest factor to keeping a stable society.

Things have changed a lot since then (except for most Christian Religions). The Scientific Method has been worked out and implemented. It says to not believe in something unless you have facts or provable theories that prove it. You cannot prove the existence of God (and I don’t mean with Bible verses, a book proven to be wrong—unless you believe that the sun revolves around the earth). You only have faith in God; and faith is a belief in something that cannot be proven.

Have we out grown the need for God? Many people have not, and most of the world is religious to some extent. Personally I put my faith in science and until I can put my fingers in the wounds of the risen Christ, I don’t have any faith in God, I am the Doubting Thomas.

2006-07-04 21:32:06 · answer #2 · answered by Dan S 7 · 0 0

well, we do have historical evidence that says alot of Christianity is made up and/or manipulated by men. The sabbath was Sunday until Constantine got ahold of it; he believed in the Sun god, so he changed it to Sunday... just like Jesus was born in the spring, not December 25th, also a Constantine thing... (whoever heard of newborn lambs in the middle of December?) The gospel of matthew was first b/c the pope at the time liked that one the best. There are rumors that Mary Magdaline was supposed to be the first pope, not Peter. Also, there were women priests and deaconesses prior to Constantine. I believe in Jesus as a historical figure. He may have very well said that he was the son of god, (as everyone believed they were the son and daughter of god,) but later the S and G were capitalized and he became a great religious figure.

And one more thing, maybe there is no point. Who only gives you between 50 and 100 years to figure it all out and make the decisions that will later decide if you go to Heaven or Hell. Maybe there is no point, and that's a sad thought in itself, but maybe it should be considered.

2006-07-05 06:17:00 · answer #3 · answered by Liz Cater 1 · 0 0

Yes and No. Yes, God did create man, but man has freewill, and because of that man has created other religions.

Why do people believe in God? Really you mean "why do people need a religion"? The answer is because a religion gives a person a meaning in life. If you don't have a religion then there is no purpose to your life.

Being specific with the first question, the reason people believe in God (the Judaeo / Christian god) is because these two religions (especially Christianity) provide the most complete answer to "sin", namely the death of Jesus on a cross so we can takle it head on.

2006-07-04 21:43:36 · answer #4 · answered by Bad bus driving wolf 6 · 0 0

1st question. People believe in God because God introduced
Himself to His creation (men). The Bible contains all the necessary proofs that God created men and have shown His works since the time of Adam and Eve. May I encouraged you to please read and feel the New Testament of the Christians or even the Holy Koran of the Muslims or the Scriptures of the Jews. Everythign is written as testimony to God's existence.

2006-07-04 21:26:56 · answer #5 · answered by Jepoyski 1 · 0 0

I believe in God because to me there are things that cannot be explained by science, and can only be created by a higher power. I personally believe in the Christian/Catholic God, but to other people, Allah, or Jehovah or some other diety (or dieties) is the answer for them. I think God created man, but some people believe it is the other way around.

Personally, I think the people that think humans created God or a higher power is stupid because nearly 85% or more of people believe in a higher power, which makes those that don't seem pretty wrong in their ideas.

2006-07-04 21:11:52 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I believe in God because the only thing that makes less sense than the Biblical cosmology, is everything else.

Science cannot answer the question of God's existence, because it is based on philosophical parameters that assume his irrelevance. Which would be valid if science could be shown infallible. But the truth is that relative to all knowledge that exists, modern science, in all its glory, is still but a shoebox.

2006-07-04 21:15:26 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God creates Man, Man creates God, Man destroys God, Man creates God, Man destroys God, Man creates God....etc.

2006-07-04 21:18:07 · answer #8 · answered by livetotell 1 · 0 0

god is a creation of muman imagination

2006-07-05 22:06:54 · answer #9 · answered by badri 1 · 0 0

Belief in a Higher Power is innate in Humans and is evident on a Pan-Global scale beginning with Cave Art of our ancestors. Mythology was ancient man's way to explain the unexplainable and to show reverence to those things that we could not control or explain. This led to the religions of today, unfortunately People today still believe that these are literal truths, when they are clearly not, and are Faith based, not based on fact.

2006-07-04 21:24:30 · answer #10 · answered by Crowfeather 7 · 0 0

W believe in God because we know He exist. We can see it all around us and how about you? Yes God created man and woman. Human beings can imagine things, yes, because God gave us that ability. Why don't you just thank Him for that, instead of thinking ridiculous things about Him.

2006-07-04 21:23:53 · answer #11 · answered by Kath 3 · 0 0

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