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Its seems like this is true.... anyone know why?

2006-07-04 20:57:01 · 24 answers · asked by AUSTIN C 2 in Social Science Psychology

24 answers

I came from a small hick town, with no blacks whatsoever, and very few asians; no other nationalities, just whites. When I moved into the city, and became active outside my house, I realized just how many blacks there were, and I am so amazed. Did you know that your skin is beautiful to me? Especially the really black ones, where the palms and eyes seem to be the only light things upon your body. I must seem afraid, but really I'm just imidated. A lot of you guys are -big-, too, or at least seem that way to me (I'm still a kid, gimme a break here!).

You guys do look imitidating, though. You do tend to be larger then most other races, and so far, the ones I've met are all quiet and stern faced, at least the guys. Unfortunately, I only glimpse the girls (I work with several black guys; no black girls), and I adore their skin even more so.

Maybe, you should shrink down to our pitiful size! Then we won't be scared of you big guys!

2006-07-04 23:17:59 · answer #1 · answered by Kage D, 2 · 1 0

I'm not so sure that this IS true.

Communities fear new people. The smaller the community, the larger the fear.

In the United States, EVERY minority group was accused of trying to "take over" the United States. Fear got so bad, once, that we kicked Chinese residents out of the United States. Shortly thereafter, Japense residents entered and we eventually placed them in "camps."

In terms of physical differences, darker skin stands out more than tan, yellow, or pale skin. The differents are more visible and that makes "blacks" more of a target.

Unfortunately, there were a group of aspiring idiots back in the 1800s which said SCIENCE made blacks more animal-like. This was NOT true, at any point. It's the silliest thing to say. It's rude, it's offensive, and has NO evidence to support it. Still, in mostly non-black areas, this belief exists.

If we want to combat these problems, we need to get educated. PBS did a lovely special on the subject of race. The Discovery channel then did a feature on it. They looked at the science behind race. This was first done in the 1960s. A scientist, Richard Lewotin, discovered that RACE didn't actually exist. That according to science, there were no consistent genetic factors that could place people into racial groups. There was more genetic variation in ear wax which means it made more sense to lump people together according to ear wax.

That was actual science. As a result, Richard was attacked and he lost his science career for awhile. No one wanted to work with him. In the 1990s, we revisited this issue and found that Lewotin was right.

There is NO science behind race. It does NOT exist. We created it.

That, my friend, is knowledge. If everyone realized how true this is -- you'd never have to ask this question.

2006-07-05 04:09:53 · answer #2 · answered by MysteriumTremendum 3 · 0 0

Well lets put it this way, I'v known alot of blacks in my life some are friends some may be passerbys, and then some with attitudes, ok attitude well everyone got that, alright thats squard away, now lets ponder the real answer to this question, you watch tv and listen to music, alright now if you were to vote on the charactors in these shows or singers in the music industries based on the actions taking or said under violents, most votes will come to blacks, why? well directors and writers precludes them as that, made them look like they are the enemys, but yes some do in real life created the actions, but don't we all, all races do things, but thing im trying to say is TVs and Musics is what protrays them today its what makes them turn out to be the enemys... Theres nothen further to add to that question... And yes some of us know the history about slaverys and some of us may still think that these blacks still hold that into contemp, and yes black will retailiate just cause even when someone raciest say something really stupid to offend them... In order to correct this problem well theres really no way cause to the blacks those that has it made in TVs and music industries well, some of us, likes the money...

2006-07-05 04:12:28 · answer #3 · answered by Harley R 1 · 0 0

I really do believe it is true! Although I think muslims are catching up real quick. I think it is because of the violence associated with blacks. I know it is racist for me to say....but I do believe that sometimes stereotypes do fit. There are too many black activists out there just waiting to play the race card. Man, this is one of those questions that could get very lengthy in answer so I'll have to leave it at this. It is way too early or late (however you want to look at it) for me to make much sense. Lol!!!!

Ladriana....Not all crips and bloods members are black hon. And would that mean that people are afraid of white people because of the Hell's Angels? Lol!!!!

Lmao at John!!! Great answer! Too funny!

2006-07-05 04:02:05 · answer #4 · answered by outlawsister1973 3 · 0 0

Are they? I think they media has stigmatized African Americans. They are most likely the bad guys in movies or the one who is getting arrested on the news or the one who supposedly hit the cop. It really sucks. It's kind of like the title effect. Give someone a tittle no matter if it fits them or not and they will start acting the part b/c other people will start treating them like they are that title or they themselves feel they have to prove it. There is such shitty racism, antisemitism and stereotyping in society. So if someone is intelligent they should stop.

2006-07-05 04:06:31 · answer #5 · answered by chill'n 3 · 0 0

Rap music and videos glorify violence and sexism. Many tv shows, especially in the past, discriminated against blacks by always depicting them as the criminals.

In reality, as a percentage of the population (around 12%), blacks as a race commit more crime than other minority races, such as asian, indian, etc. I don't know the figure for white people, but bc whites are the majority, many whites are obviously in terms of absolute numbers commit crimes.

If you visit a prison, blacks dominate, even though blacks are only 12% of the total US population. I don't know if that's bc it is the result of structural racism - deep rooted societal rascism against blacks resulting in less economic oppty which leads to more blacks in the lower income class, which gives rise to greater potential for blacks to turn to crime as a last resort.

In any case, blacks unfortunately carry that stigma of possibly being a criminal or someone capable of violence, bc of what we see in ghettos, prisons, music videos, and media representations.

2006-07-05 04:13:20 · answer #6 · answered by Loving Apple G 1 · 0 0

I read all these answers how sad... Does anyone truly think anymore. We all, we all! set the standards for ourselves. If i am white and the majority of whites like me act timid, self-absorbed, obnoxious, arrogant, ignorant and dumb White people are timid..... and dumb. if i am black and the majority of blacks like me act angry, violent, aggressive, insulting, self-indulgent, ignorant and resentful then you have set the standard for yourself. This is a rule of mathematics. The media is a mirror of ourselves whether it is exaggerated or not we wanted the exaggeration. People, try giving the media nothing to talk about, how about that. Get over your past get over your fears and act like a human to everyone not just black- everyone. Set a new standard, (e.g.All I see is blacks are courteous, strong, intelligent, and have excellent common sense). Or everyone just stay the same you all decide. ADW

2006-07-05 05:22:33 · answer #7 · answered by Johnny W 2 · 0 0

Because it has been programmed into the minds of the masses by the media as a scapegoat. It's almost the same thing that Hitler did with the Jews. Only not nearly as intense.

2006-07-05 05:21:23 · answer #8 · answered by wizzardkodi 1 · 0 0

it's not about the skin of the races of peoples that frighten other but its the myths, forklores, legends, and prophecies that does but it was misprinted by others whom are clouded by fear, pride, and prejudice.
For its once said that the world will be cover in darkness, where nothing shall escape and no one shall live, but they have forgotten that its because of the plagues, hungers, injustices, and wars that the humanity make are the cause of the openning of the gates of darkness.
Where the legions of Darknights shall ascend to Earth to swept away that of humanity, but who know that this might just be another Myth.

2006-07-05 04:23:29 · answer #9 · answered by marxice21 3 · 0 0

I am not sure that they are. I haven't studied the case. Those that live in the United States however, seem to show no records that they are. Gang related crimes are a mystery in themselves and are more revelant to the the question you are asking.

2006-07-05 04:05:06 · answer #10 · answered by Evin S 1 · 0 0

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