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over react with patriotism and constitutions, rights and stuff!
The patriotism I get to read in here is largely intolerance of people of other nations and so much complaining that it seems to cause more unhappiness than joy. The constitutions written in the 18th century are just words on sheets of paper that with the natural inclinations of ambitions, greed and power seeking of men, it could hardly be ever truely lived up to anyway.
America is no more free than Britain, France, Germany, Italy or any other developed democratic nation. America has it's problems like any other country. How about accepting that America is not the biggest, best, loudest, most amazing country in the world but a valued friend, neighbour, partner to other nations. Perhaps a little humility will bring more joy than a lot of puffed up pride.
Maybe you are thinking I am missing something, I will be glad to read your thoughts on this.

2006-07-04 20:30:09 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

11 answers

There are almost 200 countries in the World, and the vast majority are nothing like 'any other developed democratic nation'. People fight and die every day in the hope that someday they can claim the concepts that you call 'just words on sheets of paper'. Yes, you really are missing something. They are ideals. They are meant to be difficult. They are something to work toward, something to aspire to.

Yes, many Americans are arrogant about their national pride. Just like many people come to America, claim the rights and benefits of a US citizen and then display the flag of their home country on everything. Just like some people in Germany, Italy and France refuse to have anything to do with you if they hear you speaking English with an American accent, even if you are trying to buy something from them or ask for help. Arrogance is not solely an American concept, and many people who seem to speak the loudest about it usually represent the fewest.

2006-07-04 20:52:40 · answer #1 · answered by jkk109 4 · 0 0

First off, I think we need to answer a question. What is nationalism? I believe every country has it's own version of nationalism and each one has it's own specific story.

I'm an American who has lived in many countries. I currently live in Italy. It's amazing because in some ways, I feel the Italians have more national pride than Americans (especially in terms of sports, Olympics, and highlighting the success of particular Italians). And here, people have much more pride about their specific city, dialect, regional food specialties than any American I know. Maybe because it is so much older and the Europeans had to fight so many battles to protect their ways of living. This is a very loud nationalism, but it's a small country so it's not so overpowering.

I find that in the USA, it is much more a culture of the "great individual." A person that has real pride has found his or her own way--even without the help of a family. I even know wealthy Americans who refuse monetary help from their families because they want to prove to their parents that they can acheive on their own. In Europe, it seems that children live off their parents for much longer, even into their 30s or perhaps until they are married. Yes, there are economic reasons for this.

Perhaps Americans are more loud about their patriotism because they are expressing their independent spirit (especially during the 4th of July). Also the USA is a very isolated country in respect to the rest of the world. Many Americans don't even have a passport. I also wish more Americans would have more interest in current events, politics, and travel more internationally (and not just Mexico or Canada).

I suppose another question for you is, "What is freedom?" We could spend hours trying to deconstruct these lofty ideas.

2006-07-05 03:53:11 · answer #2 · answered by CaymanSunrise 3 · 0 0

Patriotism is not intolerance. Nobody is disputing the fact that America has its share of problems. America is certainly not the biggest country in the world, not the loudest either, but the best and most amazing? Maybe. I like to think that America is the greatest country in the world. That is not intololerance, just pride. Have a nice day.

2006-07-05 03:36:50 · answer #3 · answered by Greg 5 · 0 0

i somewhat agree. i love living in the united states, but there are a lot of people here that have never traveled outside the country or given anyone a chance to educate them on what other places are like. i think the pride that americans have in their country, just like anyone else around the world is a great thing. however, i feel that some people are simply naive to what the rest of the world is like.

2006-07-05 03:37:04 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

why do americans over react with patriotism? thats fair to ask, it's kind of like why do you cheer so much for your favorite sports team, because you like them.
why do americans over react with consitutions and rights? that is a terrible question. we do no over react, we fight for what we want because in the end it could affect our lives. Our way of living. Are we to just roll over and play dead, act like nothing bad will happen, hope for the best? NO you have to do something about it.
Why does someone argue that their team is better then someone elses? because that is their opinion and they just think that way. why can't they? The consitution, if you read it, is an extremely educational, well thought out, system of government. especially for the time that it was written in. To think that a document outlining a government has been effective for so long is something magnificent. It's not something that needs to be trashed. Do you tell your grandmother to shut up when she is trying to tell you something? no you listen because she has been around a lot longer then you and has experience. It's the same thing. In america you have certain liberties and freedoms, unlike in other countries. You may not know because some countries dont' enforce all their laws like they should so it seems like they have the same freedoms as americans. Did you see what happened when someone printed a cartoon in europe about someone elses religious figure? People rioted, hurt others, destroyed buildings. You know what europe did......nothing, they just hoped it would go away, and it did, at a cost, because it showed that in a heated situation, europe will do nothing to protect it's peoples rights and lives. You want to know why people hate america or think badly about us? because we do things that other people are too afraid to do, but actually need to be done. Have you ever seen a kid get spanked? The mother doesn't enjoy it (she shouldn't atleast) but she does it to protect the child, to correct the kid. If she didn't she would acknowledge that the child will not get hurt that nothing bad will happen if he does something wrong. Do you not think about this at all. Do you think that oh, americans just like to kill people, all republicans want to do is go to war, canada has it good, how come we aren't like canada.....we do things for a reason, if you studied any history in highschool, actually listened and thought out what political people were saying you would understand that things are done for a reason, that nations are reflections of their citizens, that we do things because although you may not realize it, it is protecting you. The canadians have their government provide health coverage because they could not do it themselve individually, they needed someone else to help them. America gives its citizens the rights and liberties to choose what they want to do, to be their own person. The constitution has been lived up to countless times, again, look back to us history class, you must of been sleeping when the teacher was telling you this stuff. Life is not always happy, life is not always filled with joy, why do you think that if we just do things this way and that, that it will correct itself and everything will be better. There is always someone out there trying to hurt you, get what you have, they are jealous and sometimes they will do drastic measures to cause you uncomfort simply because they don't like you. Are you just to sit there and let them do it, no. That consitution brings order to our lives, gives us answers when we have questions, it can be changed to better suit the modern age and it can be used to up hold justice and provide security to those that live under it. France constantly changes its government, has people that are rioting because people won't provide lifetime jobs for them. Europe in itself is losing its population because people are not reproducing anymore....they don't have nice comfortable lives like you think they do. Do you watch the news? come on, I'm tired of the why does america do this stuff....just grab a book, watch the news and think things through!

2006-07-05 03:58:41 · answer #5 · answered by Kiko 3 · 0 0

understand your point-- but we really are the biggest,best,loudest and most amazing country in the world...and as far as britain,france,italy and germany..they would all fit in the state of texas ...are we perfect...no... i disagree with a lot of things done by our govt.. but i am proud of my country and my constitution... and im proud of the diversity we have... and we have our problems...but dont f*** with us, because it will come back to bite ya ... and for the record this country donates more money and humanitarian aid to the world than all those other countries you mentioned combined

2006-07-05 03:40:51 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, cause a lot of Americans think they are the best at everything. Just like the Brits used to before the Revolution.

2006-07-05 03:36:11 · answer #7 · answered by hello 3 · 0 0

Yes, I agree. Perhaps a little more humility might mean that less people will hate them too

2006-07-05 03:35:49 · answer #8 · answered by Nemesis 7 · 0 0

"Perhaps a little humility".....funny Ive never seen that from all the countries youve named when I visited them. How do they get off the hook?

2006-07-05 03:42:47 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A very intelligent attitude.

2006-07-05 03:33:34 · answer #10 · answered by wunderkind 4 · 0 0

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