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people marry today and break up tomorrow what is the cause of it.

2006-07-04 20:01:54 · 16 answers · asked by princess4real 1 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

16 answers

I believe in our society today people do not take the time to really get to know someone before we decide to marry them. I know of a lot of people who do not know much about their spouse because they were so quick to marry them.

Also people are not willing to make their marriages work. They are so quick to call it quits. I think if our society made more of an effort to teach our young the value of marriage, we would see alot less divorce.

2006-07-04 20:12:49 · answer #1 · answered by sparkling_apple 4 · 1 0

because we live in a disposable sociaty nowadays

disposable diapers
disposable razors
disposable cars
disposable spouses

since the advent of the no fault law it has become so much easier to divorce than ever before, you don't need a reason, all you say is ireconcilable differences.

if people were held accountable for their mistakes then things would be much different, people would make much wiser choices in their lives. but now adays it is much simpler to get a divorce then to go through the hard times or confront the problems. how many times i have heard a woman say if he don't throw out the garbage then i will divorce him or some other assanine statement like that from both women and men.

imagine how much lower the divorce rate would be if people were held accountable for their actions, if there was fault in the mariage and if people were held responsible for it.

would a man cheat if he was faced with loosing everything and then paying alimony on top of that? would a woman?
would a man or woman go for divorce if it was not as simple as just paying 200 bucks and saying that i don't like him anymore?

in the old days when people took their vows it stood for something, nowadays people just go through the motions without even understanding the meaning behind it all.

i recently read an article in a dear abby column of my local paper where a woman divorced her husband because he got injured and couldn't work for 2 years and so couldn't provide for the family, the woman loved him and he was a good man and a good father but she didn't want to stay with him because he couldn't provide for her at the time so she divorced him. now that same man has started his own business and is doing good and helps to support his children but wants nothing to do with his ex and has a girlfriend that loves him and his ex wants him back because she always loved him.

what ever happened to "for better or worse"
god only knows, but it seems like it would have been better if she stayed by his side when he was hurt rather than just leave him.

most people nowadays don't have a shred of honor or know the meaning of the word and look for the quick fix to every problem, and the quick fix is divorce.

if his hair don't match my couch i will divorce him
her boobs are nice, let me go divorce my wife
he left the toilet seat up again, let me call my lawyer
she keeps nagging about the toilet seat, i have to divorce her

mine always threatened divorce over any little thing, and finally one day i finally gave in and gave her exactly what she wanted, although come to find out now its not exactly what she wanted and she wants to come back, but unfortunately once walked down that road you can never turn back

eventually things will continue to degrade and erode until mairage will be a silly notion of the past and we will have entire generations of people walking around asking who is my daddy and maybe some will be asking who is my mommy

2006-07-04 20:43:33 · answer #2 · answered by zether 6 · 0 0

There are a lot of reasons and I probably couldn't even think of all of them right now.

One is that women have a lot of more freedom culturally and legally in the US so that they can feel comfortable walking away from a relationship.

Another reason is that there isn't much of a taboo associated with divorce in our country.

Thirdly, I think people screw marriage up: they get married to people that they shouldn't and then when they do get married they don't know how to keep the marriage healthy.

2006-07-04 20:18:26 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think part of it is that divorce has been come socially accepted. It isn't like it used to be where divorce was frowned upon and if you had a divorce you were a social reject. I also think because of the low cost of filing for a divorce, people find it an easy thing to do. I think if we made it like $5000 to get a divorce (with an exception of abuse and maybe a few others) for the "to blame" party, it would make people seriously reconsider getting divorced.

2006-07-04 20:05:46 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The communication Gap between the couple remains large before marriage and

After marriage the Egos clash, with a/m gap increasing...... Divorces become inevitable

2006-07-04 20:22:12 · answer #5 · answered by Shriikan 2 · 0 0

Well, I was married 28 years so that is not exactly "marrying one day and breaking up tomorrow." My husband left me for another woman. We had a lot of problems communicating and being intimate. He had a lot of problems with his mother and women and he projected that onto me. I had problems with men and my father and projected that onto him. He wanted to try it with other women and had an affair. He moved in with her and after four months she threw him out. He then started a relationship with another woman and moved in with her. So I divorced him. Love in our relationship got killed over time. From my perspective he was so hard to get along with. If anything was wrong in the relationship he blamed me. I was willing to work on it, but he wasn't. So we divorced. I don't think divorce is easy. It's been hell for me. I was religious so I didn't believe in divorce, but it only takes one to decide to leave. I don't think marriage is supported in our society. We are all working, raising kids, and it is mostly alone. With all the pressures on modern couples it takes a lot of self sacrifice, patience and love to make it work. Sometimes it dies because we weren't careful enough about who we married to begin with. We think we are in love, and then that wears off and differences in our ways of handling things, sexuality, finances, raising kids, etc. makes for conflicts. If we aren't skilled enough, committed enough, supportive enough and someone cheats and commits adultery, it's over. I think our culture's marrying "for love" is unrealistic and partly to blame.

2006-07-04 20:17:46 · answer #6 · answered by doryanne949 2 · 0 0

I am single but was married 4 times, so I helped!

2006-07-04 20:04:40 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

People do not respect their own promises anymore. It is a get-what-you can -get world. They do not realize they are greedy and ultimately jealous. If they have any integrity within themselves they will realize they have lost or taken a part of theirown or someone else's life. (Most people do not realize anything and are ultimately selfish). Therefore, divorce.

2006-07-04 20:13:15 · answer #8 · answered by satrycon 1 · 0 0

people that tollerate no longer. In the 60's people just stayed as it was the norm, now it is the norm to get out of the relationship and move on, the reason, cuz they can and will no longer be looked down on. People JUMP to quick, to get in and get out, it is called instant gratification.. Horrible, stop and smell the roses or whatever is growing near ya!


2006-07-04 20:05:18 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

because people are together these days for all the wrong reasons: money, social status
some are even forced to marry the same race
some people are homosexual and try to be straight...

there are plenty of reasons.

unconditional and true love is hard to find

2006-07-04 20:04:49 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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