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20 answers

I don't believe advanced alien civilizations exists. I believe that our solar system is one of billions and I believe all the other solar systems are alternate realities. So, I believe it is us out there in other time periods. Perhaps far enough into the future, they developed aircraft capable of time travel and so that accounts for UFO sightings.

2006-07-04 19:58:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

IF, big if there, but if all previous UFO sightings and such up to date have been nothing but hoaxes, I would say we have a good 500,000+ years until we even have a hope of even glimpsing anything. I base this on the fact that we have only been emitting radio signals (from music stations and otherwise) since only the 1920s or so. I think I heard that the nearest star with possible life is thousands upon thousands of lightyears away. So it takes that long to get there, the aliens would have to then either send a message back, taking an equal amount of time for the info to travel back, or a much, much longer time should they come in person (not smart since we will probably be looooong dead by then), unless they were to alter the laws of physics and were able to travel faster than light either with a theoretical wormhole or warping space-time around the ship.

I think I had more to write but I just had a brain fart and people wouldnt want to read anymore anyway. Peace out.

2006-07-05 03:21:49 · answer #2 · answered by Cheez_Mastah 3 · 0 0

If this alien life is more advanced, they will understand the disagreements we have on earth. So don't listen to idiots who say, "when we love all and accept all", because if I live forever, there are things I will never accept.

The answer lies in our technology. If they are truly advanced, they know what we're doing and how far along we are. They will not contact us until we have the capability to go out and contact them. At that point they will most likely share some technology and guide us through our virgin science of indefinite, manned, deep-space exploration.

Or we could be all alone.

2006-07-05 03:07:22 · answer #3 · answered by etmetter 2 · 0 0

I would say that our era is a prime time for first contact. We have radio telescopes that can intercept transmissions from the edge of the universe, given enough travel time. Likewise, our radio transmissions continue to travel through space at the speed of light towards any alien telescopes that care to listen. While we may discover evidence of intelligent life in this way, establishing meaningful contact would be much more difficult. The round-trip time for a piece of dialogue traveling at the speed of light would be on the order of decades, if not much longer.

The prospect of face-to-face contact is probably something better saved for a different era, maybe one where faster-than-light travel is feasible, if ever.

2006-07-05 03:03:15 · answer #4 · answered by Intrepyd 5 · 0 0

They'll probably send you an email titled 'Re: Contacting Humankind, Extend Your Penis Five Inches!!!'

It's more likely that if an alien civilization is that far advanced, they will no longer really understand us, and vice-versa. Kind of they way that no matter how hard you try, if you're talking with ants, you can't quite get onto the topic of illegal immigration. They seem much more fond of discussing how hot the queen is.

Contact with a civilization particularly more advanced then ours would be, in sum, fruitless. They would either bring our race to extinction via evolution (a la 'Childhood's End') or simply ignore us. That or step on our little hill made out of sand and smile in sadistic, xenic glee at how we try and rebuild it.

2006-07-05 03:13:30 · answer #5 · answered by Jack H 1 · 0 0

Who knows? We could be living with them already. If they are much more advanced than we are, then they have capabilities that we cannot even imagine(they could be watching you right now^^, unless it's the Bush's CIA who's watching us). I guess if we do find that there is an alien civilization, then Religious groups and organizations will have their hands full to come up with some kind of story that Bibles are true.

2006-07-05 03:02:24 · answer #6 · answered by wat~ 3 · 0 0

Why are we always assuming that alien races are more advanced than us earthlings? Because they have starships wherein they can reach other planets? Look at us first-world dwellers, we possess the highest technologies available to man and yet we manage to sink 40% of our population in poverty, tolerate political scandals and wage wars. Technology is just a tool, not a report card for human improvement.

2006-07-12 02:51:57 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Noah's ark was actually a space ship. The aliens cloned all the spieces and let us go to see what will happen. Much like with the dinosaurs and before them, single celled organisms.

We are another organisms science project. Soon they will wipe the slate clean and start something new.

2006-07-05 03:18:22 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As soon they came they will conquer, like we did here, whats the reason to keep alive an inferior and not advanced civilization, specially after our planet goodies. Just like the europeans did with the conquest of america and asia.
Or do you people you really think they are going to come in peace? i dont think so, thats why I believe they are not here....yet

2006-07-05 03:04:20 · answer #9 · answered by need4yourattention 1 · 0 0

Who is to say this has not been done already. American Indians ancient Egyptians and others have left drawings in several places that look to be beings as we think they might look if they were from another world

2006-07-05 02:58:32 · answer #10 · answered by dianneiam 2 · 0 0

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