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2006-07-04 19:38:22 · 14 answers · asked by aleshuk07 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

14 answers

If you are asking how to *cause* a miscarriage, you can't. The term for that is an abortion, and the *only* safe way to do it is medically. Anything you could possibly do at home would almost certainly injure you long before it hurt the baby--who is protected by a pool of water, your uterus, internal organs, muscles, and skin.

2006-07-04 20:39:56 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

If you are trying to have a miscarriage, I'd have to ask you why? Was this an unplanned pregnancy? Are you trying to keep it a secret from someone?

Trying to cause a miscarriage is a horrible idea, and not because I am a rabid pro-lifer do I say this. I am pro-choice, although I would never have an abortion myself, but I do support the freedom to do so. If you seriously cannot cope with pregnancy, I must ask you, why not get an abortion? It is much safer than trying to force a miscarriage. I can't believe that I am advising someone that an abortion would be in anyone's best interest, but an abortion is confidential and relatively safe. If you do not know where to go, contact your local Planned Parenthood clinic, and they can counsel you on all your options.

If you try to have a miscarriage, many things could happen. More than likely, you will fail in your attempts to miscarry. Any alcohol you consume will not cause you to miscarry; this is a misconception. Alcohol will not cause a miscarriage; instead, you will carry a baby to term that will likely be born with fetal alcohol syndrome, a disease that will give your child life-long health problems as well as mental retardation. THAT IS A BAD IDEA! Most chemical or herbal substances you take will not cause a miscarriage, they will just cause you to have a baby with birth defects, and believe me, whatever trouble you are facing now will be nothing compared to having a baby with birth defects.

If you are in your first trimester (conception to 3 months), you can get an abortion if that is your choice. After that, an abortion is a really bad idea. Most doctors will not perform one, many states have even made it illegal, and I pretty much agree that it should be. A fetus of 4 months or more is not the same as a little bundle of cells; it has a heartbeat, a brain, organ systems, it can hear, taste, etc. By this point in time, it won't be that long until you deliver anyway, so you may as well go to term and give the baby up for adoption if you can't parent it right now.

By the way, if you want to have a miscarriage so that you can hide your pregnancy, you need to realize that a miscarriage is not like getting your period, depending on how far along you are, it will be more and more painful, and if you are further than 12 weeks, a doctor would probably make you get a D&C, which is really the same procedure as an abortion, but they do it after you have already started to miscarry. They do this because otherwise, you will have pieces of a fetus coming out of you for days, and you can also get an infection, so if you had a miscarriage, you'd have to go to the hospital and your parents would find out anyway.

If you are in a bad situation like a bad relationship, or you are scared of your parents or have no where to live, do some searches on the internet for maternity housing and adoption. There are lots of really great adoption agencies like the Gladney Institute that will give you a safe apartment to live in out of state (even if you are underage), and you will have all your living expenses and medical expenses paid for. Then you get to choose your baby's family, and there are even scholarship programs to pay for birthmothers to go to college for free as a thank you for their sacrifice. With all those options available, why would you want to try to have a miscarriage?

Finally, there is your own health to think of. Before abortions were legalized, there were many women who died trying to cause themselves to miscarry. It could easily happen to you if you try. When you are dying on a bathroom floor somewhere, will it really be so important to you that you kept your condition a secret?

Believe me, there have been many women in your condition, who have been scared, alone, and unsure of what to do. Many have made deadly or very regrettable mistakes, and the others faced their fears with bravery and came out triumphant. I am a young mom myself, and I know how scary it can be, but there is hope out there. My best friend also became pregnant when she was a teenager, and her parents were very strict Christians. She kept her pregnancy a secret until she was 7 months pregnant. She even tried to give herself a miscarriage using many methods which I will not share. When she finally told her parents the truth, they were upset, to be sure, but as time went on, they accepted reality and forgave her. She moved out for a while and stayed with a friend, and when she gave birth to her daughter, everything changed. She had brought a real life into the world. She was somebody's mother, and she realized how amazing it was. her life was very different and very challenging, to be sure, and she made many sacrifices, but now her daughter is a beautiful 3 year old, and my friend is a great mom. What's more, her relationship with her mom, who had once vowed to disown her, is now better than ever.

Whatever you are going through, there is a better option in your future than what you are contemplating now. If you need someone to talk to, email me and we can talk. I will be thinking of you.

2006-07-05 03:42:29 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Why would you want to have one? Having a miscarriage could scar your body pretty badly and you might not be able to get pregnant again very easily. You might suffer post partum depression among other things. Just be safe and don't try to harm your baby.

2006-07-05 08:39:10 · answer #3 · answered by llsexychick16 2 · 0 0

I hope you are not seriously thinking about trying to force a miscarriage. Talk about selfish! If you didn't want to get pregnant in the first place you should have used protection. There are people who would give anything in the world to have a baby. If you don't want the one you made, then give he/she to someone who will love her by letting her/him be adopted. Don't kill your child just because you weren't smart enough not to get pregnant in the first place. Btw, forcing a miscarriage could ruin your chances of ever having children because of the damage you could do to your body not to mention kill you as well.

2006-07-05 02:51:54 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Um, are you trying to? This is a rather disturbing question, but since you ask, pennyroyal tea- lots of it.

I know sarcasm is lost on the internet, but I figured this yucky question was being asked rhetorically. If someone really wanted to terminate her pregnancy without the aid/advice of the recognised medical community, she would anonymously research alternative medicine/herbology/multiple bottles of Jack Daniels/whatever. Posting this controversial question on an internet forum for common folk is the last thing she would do if she honestly wanted an answer.

2006-07-05 02:42:14 · answer #5 · answered by Jamais 2 · 0 0

I had a miscarriage and it isn't a fun thing to go through. it is very painful as it it is without adding to it.

If you are not wanting to have your baby then get an abortion. good luck

2006-07-05 03:00:31 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

why do u want to have a miscarriage? u shouldn't have had sex if u didn't want to get prengant. a baby is a gift from god. would u have wanted yr parents to kill u be4 u were born? i don't think so

2006-07-05 02:46:45 · answer #7 · answered by nicky 1 · 0 0

Its going to happen no matter what you do. I don't drink nor smoke. I try to be happy all of the time. I still had a miscarry. If you are pregnant you shouldn't be worrying about it. Just stay positive. And, relax. Don't think about that Please. Good Luck to you and God Bless

2006-07-05 02:41:46 · answer #8 · answered by sweat mamma bear 3 · 0 0

what a horrible question and even more disturbing is the answer above me.....If you are trying DONT there are plenty of people willing to adopt and give an unwanted child a home....Please reconsider!

2006-07-05 02:44:27 · answer #9 · answered by slf620 2 · 0 0

Why would you want too? I had one and its a hard thing to go through. Later in life you will think about it.

2006-07-05 02:41:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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