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Good day
My Partner is at 32 weeks now and just moved in with me, she had the midwife come and vist yesterday, ( a new midwife as with her moving to be with me ) she was told that the baby could be breached and she is undre size ( by 2 ) I know that this may sound really silly but I am a guy and not sure what this all means, I have read up on breached baby's and understand that but I am just a bit worried as to the under size as well as the baby being breached.
Could all this be due to the moving in with me and all the stress of having to leave the comfort of her other house, and starting again ...I do not know.... please could you give me advice on this.

There are many question. Is she under size due to not eatting the correct foods such as veg,and fruit.

Please could you help me with this subject and assist in any other matters that you think could help.

Many thanks RvD

2006-07-04 19:29:42 · 7 answers · asked by ronaldkvd 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

7 answers

Well, I don't think stress has to do with the baby being breech. My child was in the breech position at about the same time, and he moved before I went into labor. And if she has been sick or something, that could explain the being under weight. I know when I was that far along, I had to force myself to eat, I didn't really have an appetite. So she could have just been nervous or something about moving in, getting things for the baby,and the delivery/baby itself. Congratulations on the baby, hope you and your partner the best.

2006-07-04 19:37:29 · answer #1 · answered by ★Fetal☆ ★And ☆ ★Weeping☆ 7 · 0 0

I have never heard of a baby being breach due to stress, although evertything that a woman experiences can affect the fetus. Breach is a common problem, and although it can cause a child to be born by c-section rather than a vaginal delivery, it is not a health issue and will not affect the child's health. Until week 34, the baby has enough room to move again into position. One the doctors or midwife determine that the fetus remained in a breach position, they will monitor her and the baby, and probbaly schedule a date for a c-section. She will need to give birth in a hospital.

There are many problems which can cause a baby to be under-size. If she just recently moved in, I dont think that the stress could be a casue for under-size. While eating well is VERY important, it is not the main reason for undersized babies. I gave brith to my undersized baby at term, and she is fine. Make sure that the doctors are not worried about the size (or lack of it) and relax!

The best thing you and your partner can do now is to relax! Make sure that your partner is rested but not bored, and that you emotionally and mentally prepare yourselves for a c-setion. Do some research and ask around, so that you know what to expect. Speak to the delivering doctor so that you know what his operating protocol is - will he let you in? Will he expect you to wait outside? Forarmed with knowledge is the best way to help you be ready for the birth.

Good luck!

2006-07-05 02:42:02 · answer #2 · answered by Leah S 3 · 0 0

She still has enough time for the baby to turn. Some babies are born breach or stay in that position until right before coming into the world. I was born breach with no trouble. I am actually a twin, my sister was head down and I was feet down. All went well with the natural delivery and that was 28 years ago! I don't think any of it has to do with stress or moving.
As for being under size, I don't know if you are talking about the mom or the baby. When I had my 2nd I quit gaining weight in the last month due to stress. My daughter was born and was normal size and healthy. She can eat lots of carbs! A pregnant woman's diet is suppose to be 60% carbs anyway. My grandma told me to eat a PB&J everynight before going to bed.
Anyway, good luck and Congrats on the up coming addition to your family.

2006-07-05 02:45:46 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The baby still may turn and not be born breach, it still has time, and the baby being underweight could be due to numerous things, is she taking her vitamins? Eating right, drinking plenty of fluids, and resting? In her 32nd week, there is a lot she can do to help put on some weight for the baby, eat healthy foods and eat them often....maybe this will help, if you are this concerend talk to her midwife, she is there to help you both, you can always call her and talk to her, there is no such thing as a stupid question!

2006-07-05 02:36:29 · answer #4 · answered by slf620 2 · 0 0

All breach means is that the baby is NOT in the head first position for proper delivery. As for underweight, if you're talking about your partner, she may either not be eating enough for two, or have been very ill from morning sickness. If it's the baby that is underweight, that would be typical for a 32 week baby. Most of their weight is added in the last several weeks of pregnancy. If your partner is not in danger of immediate delivery, she can try to increase her food intake. Good luck to both of you.

2006-07-05 02:36:40 · answer #5 · answered by Laura W 1 · 0 0

Its not the move in that has done it its the baby itself my daughter was breach and under small but she was health if u r worried about anything ask her to go and have an ultrasound done that will put your worrys to bed.

2006-07-05 05:12:43 · answer #6 · answered by red 1 · 0 0

i wonder how they can tell if the baby is breech?? i am over 8 months and i still cant tell if my baby is facing up or down lol

2006-07-05 02:40:46 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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