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Please don't limit this to a black vs. white matter.

What did you see?
Where (what city,state, country) did you see it?

Did it spark any self-reflection from you?

2006-07-04 18:23:53 · 17 answers · asked by My Big Bear Ron 6 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

17 answers

I moved to southern alabama almost two years ago and it was like being transported back in time. I lived in las vegas before this and it is truly a shock to me how many people still think in this way down here.

2006-07-04 18:28:11 · answer #1 · answered by bones54 3 · 1 1

Well one time when I was working for Muscular Dystrophy Association there was this one girl who is half Hispanic and Caucasian. There was another girl who had asked this girl if she had ever eaten at a particular Mexican restaurant, and she said no I would never eat there; the owners have a bunch of Donkeys (Mexicans) working there. Then the girl said well I have eaten there and it is pretty good. Well the racist girl said well I like Mexican food but I would never eat at a restaurant where they employ illegal immigrants. Then I asked her how she could hate people that are Hispanic if her own family is from Mexico. Then she told me her father was not from Mexico but her grandparents were. What it sparked in me is realization that people really do hate illegal immigrants whether they be Hispanic, oriental, or Caucasian, but i believe that it is more against Hispanics because there are more Hispanics in this country then any other immigrated race.

2006-07-05 01:34:58 · answer #2 · answered by Miss Vira 4 · 0 0

Well, it wasn't the last FEW years, but... I lived in Grand Rapids Michigan & it was when the Rodney King police trial was going on. I was getting in my car and an African American man rode by on his bike & yelled at me, "Remember Rodney King or I'll blast ya, bi*ch!"
The interesting thing about it was, he didn't know me or what I thought from anyone! The only reason he called me a bi*ch was because I am white. But had he stopped & asked my opinion about the whole RK thing I would have told him:

Rodney King was brutally beaten on my birthday, and I did not consider it a present!!
My best friend at the time was of African descent.
I don't side with people just because they look like me!
and lastly...
I don't believe in different races of people!!
It still hurts me that people assume you think a certain way because of the color of your skin! What should that have to do with anything?

2006-07-05 01:33:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I see racism every day at the company where I work. There is an affirmative action program there, but the details of the program are not disclosed. It's very evident, however, that the company is using the affirmative action program, at the division that I am working in to balance out other departments in the company that are "not as diverse."

In order to fill the quota for non-white employees, human resources has lowered the entry standards to the point where jobs that pay $25-$30000 are given out with only a high school diploma and no requirement for previous work related experience.

As a result of affirmative action, our workplace is overloaded with people who do not care, have very poor working habits and provide terrible customer service. There is also a constant turnover problem as these people are constantly having to be trained and retrained and then are quitting or are being fired. HR has to jump through hoops to only recruit Blacks and Hispanics because the Whites and Asians tend to stay on and are now over quota.

We see many affirmative action promotions where people are promoted because of their race despite a mediocre performance history. This is particularly disturbing to many well-qualified and hard-working people that are passed over. As time goes on, many of the people who benefited from these affirmative action promotions are very hard to deal with because they have become uppity or self-important.

Inevitably their performance as managers degrades and they too suffer from a turnover problem. A large number of them are fired. These people do not like to stay in the same position for very long where they could be held accountable. So, you see them applying for other affirmative action management positions in other companies or in other departments within the company. They are constantly moving as they game the system.

Affirmative action is the worst kind of racism that company imposes on itself. It's like a malignant cancer that eats away at the company's vitality costing millions of dollars in damages. The damages go unnoticed or misdiagnosed due to management's reluctance to recognize the problem.

Unfortunately, affirmative action is widespread in the industry that I am employed in. You would think that some company in my industry would see that competitive advantage of doing what Martin Luther King advised. That is operating as a colorblind entity by employing and promoting only the best people regardless of their background. But, unfortunately this will never happen because upper management cannot resist the urge to engage in social engineering.

2006-07-05 03:30:22 · answer #4 · answered by Answer Man 5 · 0 0

Well, I've been the target of race-related crime in the past. I'm Jewish, and during one holiday season about 4 years ago or so, I used some blue and white lights and made a Star of David in one of my windows. A couple of nights after I put it up, I heard the sound of rocks bouncing off the window, and all of a sudden, a brick flew in and shattered it. As I went over to the broken window, I heard voices yelling at me, calling me "Jewboy" and "filthy f**king Jew, among other things, and one of them yelled "The Nazis didn't finish the job!"

Needless to say, I called the cops, and they took the report and told me they'd be in contact with me. Never heard anything from them again though. Oh, and what's more shocking is that this happened in Hermosa Beach, California, in a relatively nice neighborhood.

Of course I was angry about what happened. I mean, who wouldn't be? It didn't make me hate anyone though. And although I would've liked to have seen the bastards who did that arrested, tried, and convicted of their actions, I didn't want revenge or anything like that. Just seems kinda petty, y'know?

2006-07-05 01:37:02 · answer #5 · answered by Adam 3 · 0 0

I don't know if this counts as racism, but I feel that it is.

My son has learning problems. He was targeted by the school psychologist, as she calls it, saying he will never be able to attend school with peers his own age because of his learning problems.

Well little did that witch know, he now attends a school geared toward kids with learning problems, like autism, and speech problems ect. He does remarkably well considering when attending the public school he was not doing that good, even being in special education. He went to a totally new school where the teachers were used to working with these type of children, and he is now working at his grade level, but a little behind in some areas. He is now 10. He is going to be in 5th grade in September.

I live in Ohio, USA.
The self reflection it gave me and my husband was that we were never going to allow someone no matter who they were or what their title is to say that our child will not be like other kids. He does things in different ways, and that is ok. My child was given to me for a reason.

2006-07-05 01:29:07 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Went through it in Hamersville, OH. My parents were going to disown me for dating a black guy. According to them it was religious reasons that people of different races didn't mix but it would of been ok for my dad to date a latin girl (my parents are separated) at the time..Isn't that a different race from white??

I also see it all the time in Georgetown, OH. White or black people do not accept mexicans around here. I've heard coworkers make jokes and say things loud enough for them to overhear.

I can't believe people are like this. It's ridiculous.

2006-07-05 01:49:41 · answer #7 · answered by *Michelle* 3 · 0 0

Our Aboriginal peoples want to be seperate from the whites..THATS RACINSM.

Statistics given by theUSA Government list Blacks , Whites, Hispanis=cs, etc.


There is a Iiss Black Contest-- THATS RACIST.

Its everywere

" What colour of skin did the man known as Jesus Christ have ? "
A -- No problem ! I can answer you. Your answer in one word "Brown" !

All the people on this planet Earth are descendants from the first couple -
Adam and Eve. We are ALL just shades of that same colour !

Hold a sheet of Real White and Real Black paper up against your skin.
I can tell you "for certain" that your skin colour matches neither of these
paper colour samples. We are all "off white - or - BROWN !

WE ARE ALL OF THE SAME COLOUR because we are all indeed
descendants of that couple. Because of protective pigmentation we
are of different shades indeed.

What a beautiful example of how OUR MAKER designed us and built
a protective system into our skins to protect us from the suns rays !

Few people realize that The Bible does not say anything in opposition to
what is referred to as "mixed marriages". This is precisely why.

If "mixed marriages" do not work in our society, as it is today, it is because
of the arrogance of man. To "prove" superiority they often use gross
misinterpretations of Bible passages or misapply a Bible passage to
make it look like it proves them correct.

2006-07-05 01:28:19 · answer #8 · answered by whynotaskdon 7 · 0 0

Chicago- 3 Hispanic guys were saying really racist things in Spanish about a friend of mine while we were standing in line for a movie. My friend is a very dark complected Cuban guy and they assumed he was a black American. They seemed pretty embarrassed when my friend turned around and responded to their insults in Spanish.

Self reflection? yes... never judge a book by it's cover.

2006-07-05 01:35:27 · answer #9 · answered by shadowbox 2 · 0 0

The Cronulla Riots.
Sydney, Australia few months bak.

Muslims bashed a life guard and killed him... so the shire faught back.
I agree with most of the cause for fighting. Muslims are taking over the shire and raping, robbing etc. people in particular young females.

2006-07-05 01:26:43 · answer #10 · answered by samchic86 3 · 0 0

First let me start by saying that my group of friends is pretty culturally diverse. However, we do have one, more open-minded than most, redneck in our little circle. Well, one of the redneck's racist buddies decides to walk over to where we were, and make a remark about all of us having our green-cards. He didn't see the my mexican friend standing behind me, but when he poked his head around from behind me, the redneck freakin' took off. It just goes to show how much talk the idiots do, but how cowardly they really are if it comes down face to face.

2006-07-05 01:33:02 · answer #11 · answered by CAUTION:Truth may hurt! 5 · 0 0

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