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OK be4 you answer this please don't rant on about how I am to young and you feel bad for me because I can handle this very well and it will work trust me I just need your information please! OK so I might be preg. but I am not to sure and I want kids now because I want to start my family early and I want to be a stay at home mom anyways I just need to know how to hide my belly for a few months so my Dad doesn't make me abort it he has done it before please help I want to keep the baby!

2006-07-04 18:22:30 · 59 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

Ok just to let you know I am engaged and he has a rich family and is working for his own money me and the baby would do just fine and I am getting my GED

2006-07-04 18:55:13 · update #1

If you guys would like to see us you can go 2 www.myspace.com/slipknotchick4life666
there in my friends list you will find his page and our together page thank you to most of the nice people out there!

2006-07-04 19:01:14 · update #2

59 answers

well its hard to hide the belly. if you dont eat and try to hide it. your doing more harm then good. all i can say is its better to be honest then lie. why would you want to have kids now at such a young age ?

2006-07-04 18:28:53 · answer #1 · answered by andy3191 7 · 1 1

I don't believe your father would do that to spite you, he's probably doing it because he loves you and only wanted what's best in life for you and you've just thrown his world for a loop. I know he's disapointed in you and doesn't think that at 15 you possess the maturity it takes to have a child, because if you did, you would be out of his house and his rules, before you started thinking that you wanted to start a family. And there wouldn't be a need to hide anything, unless you don't think it was such a good decision from jump street. Think about it. He wasn't good enough to be in on the decision before you got pregnant, but he's good enough to foot the bill for you and your baby? I'm sure that he didn't think about starting all over again raising a child. Nothing can be done about it now, and if you are a mature 15 year old, you would go to your father and tell him of your plans. If I were you, I would tell him I'm getting married and the baby will be born in wedlock, and I'm going to go back to high school and get my diploma. He might accept it a little better then. Especially if you have the ring. Talk to your boyfriend, so that he can begin the financial arrangements such as a 2 bedroom apartment, furnature, baby clothes and food etc.
If you really feel it will work out, make sure he feels the same way. Otherwise, I feel the same as your father only I wouldn't advise on having another abortion, because your life is then at risk to never be pregnant again in the future when you finally are mature enough to handle such a major responsibility. I would also consider a solid method of birth control, because abortion isn't one. And the younger you are having babies only ruins your body as you get older. 35 or 40 years old with bladder control problems? Start doing some serious thinking about the rest of your life. Will you and your baby suffer through it together or will you just wait say, 3 or 4 more years? That's really not a long time, and your plans would have a better chance of actually happening.

2006-07-04 19:21:32 · answer #2 · answered by classyjazzcreations 5 · 0 0

There were two people I agree with---sweetheart, you are still a kid yourself! Why would you want to cut out the most fun times of your life---highschool and college ROCK! Plus, you have to think about the guy's point of view....rich family or not you are a minor and that will not sit well with his family----how old is he?! WOW, this could get really sticky, because he's either a minor and both of you guys are wrong or he's older and that's statuatory rape. And another abortion? WOW AGAIN---close your legs, do your homework, enjoy being a kid, get some educaiton along the way and then have a family----being a stay at home mom is not that easy and without an education how are you suppose to help your kids get theirs?

And for the record, I've read through the others and cowboythesleepingdog makes a good point----either you are some stupid 15 year old girl or you are a stupid older woman with no life----I agree with them fully-----if there is a baby give it up because you are sick either way.

2006-07-04 19:15:37 · answer #3 · answered by Manda 2 · 0 0

oh lord. you are 15 and want kids? sweetie, i was 17 and that was far too young. i finished high school and was able to be a stay at home mom, but it is so hard. if your dad has made you have an abortion before, he must feel strongly about you not having kids. do you have a boyfriend? a job? medical insurance? you're not even old enough to drive yet; how will you take your child to the dr? atleast wait until you are finished with school. 18 is still young, and atleast you will have an education to fall back on. i think you are only thinking about yourself and not taking the well being of a child into consideration. but, if it's something you feel strongly about, then i wish you the best. remember, just because the plumbing is installed it doesnt mean the house is ready to be occupied. the boy that i felt i loved when i was 15 is no longer even a thought in my mind. please give this more consideration. being a parent is full time. im not a religious person, but im praying for you. you're taking the long,hard road. youre worried about how to hide your stomach? i think you should be worried about how youre going to afford and take care of a child for the next 18 years. how you hide your growing belly should be the least of your worries. but to answer your question...i hid it for 6 months by just wearing baggy shirts and a lot of sweats. you say you want to start a family. who is your family consisting of? you and a baby? what about a husband? a daddy for your child? and your child is going to have a grandfather who isnt going to be happy about his existance. what family are you creating at 15? you obviously dont know the true meaning and importance of family if you are wanting to deceive your own father. put yourself in his shoes.

2006-07-04 18:39:31 · answer #4 · answered by mizzle 2 · 0 0

So, you and your child(ren) will just depend on somebody else for the rest of your lives. How pathetic. I think you like the romantic part of having kids early and being young with them, but trust me it's not all it's cracked up to be. My ex wife had her first when she was 17, and what a night mare. They were both growing up at the same time, and every time they had a problem or a differance they would run to grandma, because my ex wasn't adult enough to handle it. You need to grow up a little first and become self sufficient and then start raising a family. There is nothing wrong with wanting to start a family young, but you are a child yourself. As far as hiding it from your father, that's just wrong. What kind of relationship do you have with your family if you have to hide that from them in order to get what you want. Honesty is the best policy.

2006-07-04 19:06:34 · answer #5 · answered by rsqur 3 · 0 0

I second glock509 in that you need serious help. Jesus christ.

Kid, what the hell are you doing having sex and purposely WANTING children at this young of an age? You have no idea what you want. Having kids will just cause you to drop out of school. You think people that have no college education get a hard time having jobs try being a person with no high school graduate diploma.
How do you expect to support your children without being able to get a good job, you're "boyfriend" or husband will pay for it? Trust me, no one will stick around with someone as sick in the head as you are; especially not some kid that just wants to get his rocks off and I thrilled he found someone so quick to spread her legs as you.

You have absolutely no idea how much work it takes and your father was in complete right to have you abort your first mistake and would be completely right to do it again. Hide it? What the hell. Kid, stop spreading your legs and just do your homework. Even if your little "master" plan worked out and you did end up having a kid, getting a husband, et cetera; your kid will think you an absolute fool for not finishing school, will feel like a mistake, and will try to drop out just like you did.

2006-07-04 18:30:41 · answer #6 · answered by Belie 7 · 0 0

you need prenatal care, you need to see a doctor to make sure you and the baby are ok (even if you feel fine the baby may not be), if you are so worried about your dad, why dont you go live with your boyfriend and his family? Also, i worry about putting all your eggs in one basket what if you and he break up down the road? you have kids and no education, no way to adequately support you and your kids. Can you talk to your mom, or sister, aunt someone? Another thing, after about the first trimester (3 months) they only do abortions if the baby is deformed, try to talk to someone and think about the future and all of your options.

2006-07-04 19:20:44 · answer #7 · answered by silverwaif77 2 · 0 0

15?!?! Please, thats just..gah, im speechless at the absurdity of it. I wont tell you how to hide it, because you SHOULD abort it. Your dads the responsible one for making you do that, and AGAIN, my god your a dirty child.

My SISTER is 14, almost 15 and the idea of this happening to her is just ridiculous. You really think you can handle this, im 20 with a very loving boyfriend, in a VERY serious relationship and even IM not ready for a kid yet.

Look, you need to test and find out if you are pregnant, then if you are, you need to end the pregnancy, and then after that you need to get your head examined cause clearly there is something wrong with you. Yes, I want kids myself, BUT, I also wouldnt bring them into a home that wasnt fit for raising them in.

Your too young to even be having sex. Girl, just slow down, you got a long life ahead of you, enjoy being young cause it aint gonna last, and most of all, focus on your schooling, thats the most important thing right now for you. And just, gah, you make me sick the idea...get help kid, you dont want this kid, its gonna screw up your life BIG TIME!!!!!!!!!

2006-07-04 18:47:48 · answer #8 · answered by kittys_kitten2002 1 · 0 0

u wanna be a stay at home mom but who is gonna support u and the baby? are u still with the daddy? does he work does he want to have a family already? whos gonna babysit when u go finish high school have u thought about that. its hard having a baby at such a young age. maybe u are wanting the love affection feeling, go buy a dog and have him around and just love him and all before bringing a newborn in the world. i hope you think about this again.

2006-07-04 18:28:44 · answer #9 · answered by yahoo2006 4 · 0 0

Wow,,, No one can make you have an abortion. The health of the baby is the most important. You need to see a doctor to find out for sure and tell the doctor of your concerns. There are numerous free clinics out there even though they are also abortion clinics keep in mind they only act on your behalf.. You don't want an abortion but you want to help your baby... Put the feelings of your dad aside and take care of the baby

2006-07-04 18:27:41 · answer #10 · answered by luv2lysalittle 2 · 0 0

Oh my gosh!!! I am 29 pregnant with my first child and I am too young!!! There are so many cool people to meet and college is the best thing that will ever happen to you! If you are not pregnant please wait, I promise you your life will be so cool when you can move out and figure out who you are. I know some people want to fill a void in their life with having a child but the same thing always happens, they get tired of the baby and the grandparents end up raising it. Plus, it really sucks that I am paying for people like you to have a baby, dont have one unless you are ready financially, emotionally and spiritually. And if you are pregnant, get some help please!! You need some serious counseling for putting yourself in this situation, dont make the baby pay for your actions, please be a good parent.

2006-07-04 20:19:25 · answer #11 · answered by jackie g 2 · 0 0

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