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35 answers

leave my sack out of it and ur cool with me

2006-07-04 17:02:57 · answer #1 · answered by h_wallbanga 4 · 2 0

If one more person drops the "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" line again... this comment is totally useless! Obviously, the first two people had to be of different genders so that the human race could procreate, but God created gay people too... and I'm sure many people in the world are named Steve... and then theres the arguement that God doesn't exist or that living organisms evolved from amoeba. And not all religions believe in the Christian God; in fact, many religions support homosexuality. So really, the "Adam and Eve vs. Adam and Steve" line is a waste of everyone's time because any way you spin it, it's a foolish thing to say.

Anyway, to answer the question... my opinion on homosexuals is that they are an amazing addition to our culture. Thyey contribute constantly to fashion, architecture, etc. and create diversity, which is always a good thing. In many cases, homosexual people can be more interesting that heterosexuals because they have had different experiences and have fascinating perspectives on life. I am glad that gay people are a part of our society.

2006-07-04 18:44:16 · answer #2 · answered by audrey 2 · 0 0

I don't see anything wrong about them. Besides, what's the point of criticising them? I mean, who cares if my grocer is gay, as long as he's a good and honest grocer? Who cares if my barber is gay, as long as he does his job well? And so on, and on. We relate to people socially in many different ways. If these people can do whatever we are related to them for, and if they can do it well, who cares what they do in their private (or even not so private) life? Who cares if they call another guy 'honey', and they kiss when they meet, even in public? It's their business. Shame on those who care about it, because that proves they've been eavesdropping on them!

The only problem with gays and lesbians seems to be that two thousand years ago some guys wrote that homosexuality is an "abomination", in a book that, as it happens, turned out to be a best-seller. So, the only problem is the church. There's no other ground for anybody to be against homosexuality, other than religious grounds. It seems that religions are against the rest of the entire world on this issue. So, it's about time religions changed, and left gays alone.

2006-07-04 21:14:40 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Homosexuality is now regarded by psychology as being a variant to bisexuality and heterosexuality. None of these are any kind of disorder. With regards to the "Adam & Eve" vs "Adam & Steve" argument - this is utter nonsense. Humans have many variances ranging from skin colour to eye colour and physique. If Adam had blue eyes, does this mean that having brown eyes is wrong? What colour was Adam's skin? Are the opposites incorrect?

2006-07-04 18:06:08 · answer #4 · answered by nemesis 5 · 0 0

hmm..I COULD be wrong here, (and I know I'm going to get a lot of s**t for this) but....people say homosexuality is wrong, basing that opinion on the biblical teachings of a man who was never married and had 12 men follow him everywhere he went...hmm..(something to think about) homosexuality is an ATTRACTION or ORIENTATION to that of the same sex, doesn't mean you have to actually have sex with them, just thought I'd make that clear. Just like pedophilia..pedophilia is simply the attraction to children sexually. It BECOMES wrong when you act on those feelings. Just like the laws in this country. It only BECOMES illegal when you DO it and get CAUGHT. If you wanna get as technical as saying it's a sin because you're already thinking it and that's just as bad as doing it, then oh my God, we're ALL going to hell, because we've ALL had impure thoughts at one point or another. Besides, if all sinners go to hell, think about how BORING heaven must be anyway..I'd prefer to go where the party's at! lol (just kidding)
And yeah, maybe God DID create "Adam and Eve" not "Adam and Steve" but....if you study your bible carefully, it will tell you that Eve was created as a companion for Adam to help with the physical labor of the garden of Eden. It never said anything about Eve being put there as a sexual accompianment (spelling on that not sure) They weren't even aware they were wrong for being naked until AFTER the first sin had been committed. Also, the reason people say gay male homosexuality is wrong according to the bible is because of scriptures they always want to attack you with..namely ones in Leviticus. Well, if you think about this logically (remembering also the Bible has been through numerous translations) it also states that during the times of the Old Testament, a man was to not "waste his seed". Meaning , that if two men were together and the men ejaculated, it would be a "waste of seed" because it was not sex for pure purposes of creation. During that time, they NEEDED to further the population because people were dying from wandering through the wilderness. If we still held to those standards TODAY, ALL men would go to hell for masturbation. The big places in the bible that say homosexuality is wrong, were almost all written by Paul. Paul was a very devout religious "prophet" so to speak, and was against sex in ANY form, because he believed it was selfish pleasure and took away from the worship of God.
Of course, the religious right always fail to mention THESE perspectives when they go out spouting about "Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" The bible MAY be "divine intervention" but that doesn't mean that there can't be logic to it as well. I believe Jesus was VERY logical in his teachings, and if God has a reason and a plan for everything, and he's omnipotent and knows everything before it happens, if God didn't want homosexuals to exist, he wouldn't allow it in the first place (my opinion). Homosexuality has been around FOREVER, and to my knowledge isn't planning on going into extinction anytime soon. If God truly hated it, why would he allow it to continue for this many years? and if you're going to say AIDS was God's way of putting homosexuality into extinction, how do you justify the current AIDS rate being the highest among HETEROSEXUAL people between the ages of 17-28?
*sighs* I'm just so sick of this question.

2006-07-04 17:28:21 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

it's totally cool for people to be homosexual.
I don't believe it's a choice, and it's not birth-defined either, but I'd say more of a matter of circumstance, still being defined in the younger stages of life. so it's not something people are able to change, either.
I realize that many people believe that it is wrong due to Biblical teachings, and yet, people ignore biblical teachings all the time. The Bible also says that men cannot shave their sideburns, but this is vastly ignored too.
I don't understand how people can be so blatantly hateful of homosexuals.

2006-07-04 17:55:46 · answer #6 · answered by mike t 1 · 0 0

I say let them be, why is everyone so hung up on homosexuality? Theyre just normal people trying to live life like the rest of us. Plus i love gay guys there is nothing better on earth than talking about hot guys with other guys:-) it's ace!

2006-07-04 17:12:22 · answer #7 · answered by bobatemydog 4 · 0 0

It depends on the homosexual...

Just like heterosexuals, i might like em, I might not. I try not to base my opinion on something so superficial as sexuality. I look at what this person does, how they act, and most importantly how they treat other people. I have met homosexuals I didn't like. I will not befriend them simply because they are homosexuals. I have met heterosexuals I don't like. People are people, some are alright, some are not.

I don't know who "YOUR CREATOR" is, but mine (God) made me just like I am.

P.S. He also made Steve.

2006-07-04 18:34:26 · answer #8 · answered by scorp 3 · 0 0

Gender preferences? One again the question has been asked, and once again I give the same answer.

So far, we have words for auto-sexual, homosexual, heterosexual and bisexual. We have these words for a reason: Each of us lies in one (possibly more) of them since none of us is asexual.

Whether we are or choose is really besides the point, the fact it is what we are. It is an aspect of who we are and how we see ourselves.

So the real question is how do you see yourself. My (and others)opinions don't count.

2006-07-04 17:08:48 · answer #9 · answered by J. 7 · 0 0

I love them... oh wait I am one. Oh well! Like all people there are bad apples from every tree, and I like heteros as well. I like black people, asian people, white people, brown people, and everything else in between. You should like a person based on WHO they are and not WHAT they are (eg. Arabic, Latino, Homosexual, Christian, Non-Christian, whatever). The world would be a better place if everyone realized that "Love thy neighbor" means "Love thy homosexual neighbore", "Love thy Muslim neighbor", "Love thy straight neighbor", "Love thy neighbore whether they are the same as you, or different than you".

2006-07-11 16:06:30 · answer #10 · answered by koolmonky 1 · 0 0

they are disgusting human beings, we should give them the state of oklahoma and make them all live there and then they can whatever ever they want there,as long as they don't try to push their agenda on everyone else , they what special right because they choose an alternative lifestyle, they are disgusting

2006-07-04 17:02:40 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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