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18 answers

No matter what he does, you're going to have a quarter of the country (nut cakes) who cannot be pleased. These folks tend to be louder than the 25% who support the President. The nut cakes are the folks who think he's piping Iraqi oil back to some large tank in Kinnebunkport and is plotting the next 9-11.

Most of the major media outlets in the country (newspapers and network news) have been hammering away at Bush with increasing intensity as if 9-11 never happened... or if we just manage to shoot Bin Ladin, we will win and all the troops can just come back home. Then we can turn our sovernty over to the UN and let them decide what is best for our security.

Bush has surrounded himself with bright and experienced handlers and aids who served the best interests of the country during very difficult times. War is a messy thing to get into and manage. We are in a war against terror; it's been shown that Saddam supported terror. I'm glad we kicked him out. Closing down areas where terrorists can run to.... That is the right direction.

We won't win the war on terror with overly nuanced messages, national marketing campaigns, and pivoting major decisions on the involvement of other nations led by those who are in bed with multi-billion dollar UN scandals.

I wish Bush was a better speech giver. But in the final analysis, I think he's doing a good job and trust him to make the best decisions.

2006-07-04 17:27:37 · answer #1 · answered by firm_shake 4 · 0 0

hahaha... some of the stuff on here tonight... wow....

president surrounded him self with the best and brightest someone said... oh like Brownie... he was the best horse show judge, wasn't he...

and the media is just making all this stuff up about him.. hahaha... he does stupid things... it's the medias job to bust him on it?

and I love the "have you forgot about 9-11" sentiments... I haven't, but apparently EVERYONE ELSE IN THE REPUBLICAN PARTY HAS... Saddam has no links to 9-11... what are you people... mildly retarded?
God forbid we actually go after Osama or a nation that has MAJOR LINKS TO TERROR... like saudi, Pakistan or the Sudan?... you all owe it to those that died to actually learn who did it... that's the first step to stopping it from happening again... try the 9-11 report that was filed by the government...

and the person that said "Clinton knew about the attacks"?... that's a new one on me and I watch the news from several different sources and read several different papers... can you cite that?

you have a list of bad ideas that Bush and the Republican congress have initiated.... No Child Left behind is a nightmare, prescription drug program doesn't work for 50 percent of those involved, CIA leak, Brownie and Katrina, Ports deal, Harriet Meyers, Bolton's UN nomination, a sluggish economy (even with the defense spending and tax cuts), nothing done on the abortion, immigration, gay marriage fronts and warrantless wiretapping... what has he done well? Invade Afghanistan and not get bin Laden?... anyone would have invaded Afghanistan...

I didn't even mention Iraq and the mess that's turned into...

he's a better speaker than he is a president... from what I've seen so far...

2006-07-04 17:42:10 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think Bush is doing an okay job. I voted for him the second time he ran (I voted for Al Gore in the 2000 election). While I don't agree with his decision to go to War with Iraq, there hasn't been another 9-11 in America which is very good news. The economy is recovering, there is more jobs. I wish he'd reduce the deficit a bit but maybe he'll accomplish this before his presidency is over. I think, like his predecessor Bill Clinton, Bush is not doing a great job, but he isn't doing a terrible job either.

2006-07-04 16:41:37 · answer #3 · answered by FrozenCloud 3 · 0 0

With what he's been given to take care of, yes! <--- I agree

Bush is doing a good/ OK job. Can things have been done better. Yes. A lot better maybe?

Can anyone of the other people running for president in the last 5 years do as good of a job. NO!!!!!

Never mess with Politics or religion. Because its almost imposable to change someones minds on this topic. It is easier to quit a drug or stop smoking then it is to change your believes of religion and in most cases politics as well.

It seems about 50/50 right now. Not that any of this matters.

Whats this oil crap. Bush and his family are rich very rich. We will aways need oil so it will remain that way. Bush and his family are just trying to protect there profits I think bush cares more about his people then his oil. People buy oil.

2006-07-04 16:40:56 · answer #4 · answered by Jay 2 · 0 0

I see it this way...everyone is bashing Bush and blaming him for the war we are fighting, but heres reality.

Clinton KNEW we were getting attacked and DID NOTHING about it. They have proved he knew. So how can Bush be blamed for a war he couldn't prevent as where as Clinton could have tried. They ran simulations to see what damage would be incurred if planes hit the Pentagon. They were given warning. Governemt officials who were supposed to fly out on Sept 11th were called the night before and told to cancel their flights. This is all under Clinton's administration.

So, with what Bush has had to clean up...I think he is doing a decent job. If we did not go to war after the attacks, how many more people would have to die before we stood up for ourselves? Our country takes so much crap, we need to fight back once in a while. People dying is never a good thing. But it can't be prevented. There has been no perfect president and never will be, but until one of us runs for office and does a better job..who are we to bash someone cleaning up this mess and trying to run the country with half of America hating him? And still..he stays and fights.

2006-07-04 17:30:47 · answer #5 · answered by Chrissy 2 · 0 0

YES. These massive problems were in the works long before he even came to be President.

I don't particularily care to hear him speak, but we all have our weaknesses and strengths.

These terrorists are very Evil and if we just continued to let them attack us after 911 would any of us feel safe. We have to be a strong, united nation.

Bush gave Sadaam many months to let our investigators check to see if there was buried weapons and he would not coorperate and had plenty of time to hide them maybe in Syria. There were also Many mass murders of anyone disagreeing with him ...even his family was no exception if they disagreed with him.

Just look at the way the Iraq terrorists act in the streets.....they are FULL OF HATE AND VIOLENCE. Of course many are on our side and appreciate how we have tried to help them, but are afraid of being killed by their own people who hate us. Muslims have killed Millions in Africa ..........Do we want this in our land or Any land??? No!

What do people want Bush to do .........just sit back and do nothing? He can't be everywhere and is a human being that gets tired just like we all do. Can you imagine the responsibilities he feels? No one is perfect either.

The public is told what the major networks say and most of them are liberals. Why should we let them influence our thinking and voting decisions? Pray for this great nation and the people in office. We all have a responsibility. Proud To Be An American:)

2006-07-04 17:12:43 · answer #6 · answered by 4263 4 · 0 0

he is doing a good job of bringing the axis of evil together,, to fill the USA with fear,,,, his war is going badly in Iraq,,, US military should all be in Afghanistan where Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden and Mohammad Atta are hiding,,, the ones responsible for the attacks of 9-11,,,,
Bush took his eyes off the ball,,,,,,, he has failed his country and her people.
Now he searches for Saddam's wife and daughter as the 2 top wanted in America.................
Republicans keep blaming Clinton,,, makes you look so foolish..

2006-07-04 17:48:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He's the worst Pres in US history. He went into a war based on lies; the deficit is the highest it's ever been; other countries hate us; illegals are pouring into the country; the environment is polluted, and Americans are sadly divided. Get the picture?

2006-07-04 16:47:29 · answer #8 · answered by notyou311 7 · 0 0

George is the worst, he cant do speechs and he doesnt care whats going on in the US, he might have been behind the 911 attacks in the first place as an excuse to go to war and get oil.

2006-07-04 16:41:02 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Name something he has done a good job with? From international policy to domestic spending, the economy, healthcare (which has been nothing)...he has failed miserably time after time....

2006-07-04 16:45:01 · answer #10 · answered by ndmagicman 7 · 0 0

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