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And what is your fav series or episode WHY???

2006-07-04 15:58:46 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Movies

22 answers

I like Star Trek. I liked New Generation and Deep Space Nine. I think the stories were good, and I liked the fact that they started to keep track of a history.

Star Trek Enterprise would have been good if they started with the founding of the Federation in the second season, and instead of Xindi crap, have the Romulan war. I think they were getting to it in the last season, but unfortunately the show was cancelled.

2006-07-04 16:04:28 · answer #1 · answered by Christina 6 · 0 0

I love Star Trek, but I only watch two of the series, TNG and ENT.

TNG is my favorite series because the characters all fit together so well, and even if you have seen every single episode twice, there really isn't an episode you wouldn't mind seeing a 3rd time.
My fav. TNG episode would probably have to be Paralells. I don't know why, because I'm not usually a big Worf fan, but it's a cool episode. It does have quite a bit of Deanna Troi in it, and I really like her, so maybe thats it. I dunno.

I just started watching the ENT DVDs a little while ago with my Dad, and I don't see why everyone thinks they were so bad. The numberone complaint is the theme song, but I love it! I love how it shows the progression of mankind to the point where it is in the show, and I love the song because it is something different from the other series. I think the characters on the show are great, especially Hoshi Sato, and I think the storylines of the episodes are great to! So, lemme ask you, folks: What the heck is wrong with this series?
I don't know what my favorite episode is yet because I haven't watched all of them.

2006-07-06 05:23:54 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My favorite series was Deep Space 9. Why?

A rich setting full of intrigue and politics: DS9 pulls this off much better than the other series IMHO. The politics wasn't overwhelming, but it was always omnipresent. The situations on Bajor, Earth, Cardassia, Ferenginar, and the Gamma Quadrant wasn't presented as just random shifts that happen for no particular reason (TNG was notorious for this sort of thing, and VOY would have too if it wasn't for the "we've left their space" excuse). There's always an explanation and build up to them that's quite believable and draws us into the show.

The flawed Federation: DS9 portrays the Federation as a utopia in denial about some it's more sinister aspects. Rogue paramilitary organizations Section 31, an attempted coup d'etat on Earth, the Federation Council voting to condone genocide, and similar events that call into question just how morally superior the Federation is. Although some fans were offended by this as a betrayal of Gene Roddenberry's vision, I think it's important to realize that the fight for liberty is never "complete".

A war that lasts more than two episodes: Many real wars are brutal, tough, and drawn out affairs. Trek has always done a very bad job at portraying war realistically -- tending to favor an almost glorified vision of battle as speedy solutions to conflicts with few actual losses (beyond a few redshirts), until DS9 came along that is. It showed us a three year conflict that almost brought the Federation to the brink of collaspe and surrender. A great risk that paid off nicely.

Memorable secondary characters: In the other Trek series, there tends to be a few main players (Picard/Data, Kirk/Spock, Seven/The Doctor, T'Pol/Trip).... and the other cast members are left in minor bit roles or barely appear in some episodes. DS9 was different in that it was truly an ensemble effort. We got to know all these characters and their histories very intimately. Even recurring guest stars like Garak, Kai Winn, Gul Dukat, Leeta, Grand Nagus Zek, etc. got much more personality/development than in the other series.

Great villians: The Dominion is a lot more interesting than some of the other Trek series' villians because they're an "Anti-Federation". They're what the Federation would be if the scales were tipped just a little further towards "order" over "freedom" (and, as the series constantly reminds us, it's a very thin line). They don't just want to roll in and assimilate everything like the Borg, or conquer more territory to plunder for resources like the Original Series Klingons -- the Dominion subverts and annexes worlds through a combination of intimidation, fear, diplomacy, espionage/terrorism, and yes...charm. This makes them a much more complex and interesting foe.

Cool CGI: OK, nothing deep and insightful about this one, but DS9 was the first Trek series to use CGI extensively, and generally, did a good job of incorporating it into the show (although it has already begun to look dated, of course).

2006-07-05 12:06:00 · answer #3 · answered by SFdude 7 · 0 0

I heard that JJ Abrams is working on a new Trek. It's hard to get excited about that because the franchise basically turned to crap. But if they retell the story the same way they did Batman Begins, it could turn out to be a real money maker.

Oh, I like the original Trek, TNG, and DS9 up to the final season when it got stupid. Voyager started of dumb and got worse, and Enterprise was a complete waist of time. Totally disrespected the true fans. If they can revive the franchise, then I'll get back on board.

Favorite episode: Best of Both Worlds pt. 1 & 2 (Borg Episode)
Favorite movie: The Voyage Home and First Contact--in that order.

2006-07-04 17:23:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I loved Star Trek and TNG.... Deep Space Nine was my favorite of all the series, for its large story arcs and exploring a variety of different cultures on the station. Im hoping one day, the folks at Paramount will get a clue and make a sequel to DS9, and show us whats happening at DS9.... Bring Bajor into the Federation, Siskos new child, Cassidy Yates, and show us what Jake Sisko has been up to since the end of the series. The end of DS9 was so memoriable, so sad.... the long shot away from the station.... with Kira and Jake looking out the window into Space at the Wormhole. I know DS9 ended so well, and in some ways I dont want to touch it, but it needs to be visited again one day.... No more TNG or Voyager or even Trek 11 Original Series Rudux talk. I hope they'll go back to Bajor, and show us the Wormhole one more time....

Now I HATED what they did with Voyager. They had a chance to do something completely new, exploring the Delta Quadrant.... and they blew it. It was rehashed plot of the week.... They had some really great characters mind you, but Voyager overall was a 7 year waste. Why they didnt hire new writers and try to push the envelope is beyond me. Further, Tuvok may be the worst written character ever in Star Trek lore, as he never heard of TIME BOMBS.... *See the Pilot Episode "Caretaker"* It wasnt Tim Russ' fault, Voyager was just an awful show.... The Actors did the best they could with what was given them. I can go down the list.... Janeway is the most inconsistant character ever. She comes off as Bi-Polar during her tour of duty. Plus Chakoty.... Is it any wonder Beltran almost bailed? It was a horrible show, and I dont know how any writer on that show could have called themselves a writer.... They just mailed it in. Ive left things in the toilet with better drama and plot twists.

Enterprise was a fair show to start with, and got better as it went along, but it just ran out of time.... I would have liked to see what they had in store for us, for Season 5 and beyond, but it wasnt meant to be.

2006-07-04 16:57:24 · answer #5 · answered by Pez_Pirate 2 · 0 0

I love Star Trek. My fave is Next Gen, and I love DS 9 and Voyager and of course the original series. I love all the Star Trek movies and have read many of the books. I love the two part episode of NG when Picard is assimilated by the Borg. Then Riker out smarts Locutus by choosing a manuever that he wouldn't expect from his former first officer. I loved the fight between man and machine as Picard struggles against becoming Locutus. Then after he is rescued and back on the Enterprise he finally breaks his connection to the Borg collective when he whispers to Data to tell the Borg to "sleep" and the whole cube falls into standby mode and they escape. Picard's experience as part of the collective adds depth to his character and to the story lines of future episodes. I love Patrick Stewart - he is a wonderful actor and very sexy.

2006-07-04 16:20:15 · answer #6 · answered by Chicago Michele 2 · 0 0

TOS and TNG very much yes, Voyager liked somewhat. Deep Space (could have been named Deep Sh*t instead) and Enterprise avoided like the plague, or Borg.

Favorite episodes are:

1. The City on the Edge of Forever - showed Kirks first love and the lost, plus it was pretty much a Kirk, Spock, McCoy episode.
2. Redemption - Klingon civil war, nuff said.
3. Best of Both Worlds - Locutus of Borg, resistence is futile... number 1...

2006-07-04 16:13:11 · answer #7 · answered by DarthFangNutts 5 · 0 0

I loved the original. When Star Trek came out there was very little for sci-fiers to watch. It really captured my imagination. Any of the Star Trek series after that seemed to me as nothing more than a copy of the original.
P.S. It's nearly impossible for me to pick one as a favorite.

2006-07-04 16:08:42 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My all time favorite is the old Star Trek, when Kirk and Spock go back in time to the 1920's and Kirk mets with up with (Joan Collins) a woman running a homeless shelter/ soup kitchen. I always like the time travel aspects of the program.

2006-07-04 16:04:38 · answer #9 · answered by mischa 6 · 0 0

Trouble with Tribbles comes to mind. I don't know why, I guess because it was so funny to me. Those fuzzy little bundles of fluff! I actually enjoyed Star Trek quite a bit and was sad to see it go after only 3 seasons. It lives on in re-run land though, so all is good in the universe.
I do enjoy watching the ones with Scott Bakula as well.
As to the movies, they have all been good too.

2006-07-04 16:04:32 · answer #10 · answered by still learning at 56 5 · 0 0

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