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what do i do

2006-07-04 15:31:41 · 35 answers · asked by Hi,my name is Maddie 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

35 answers

the quickest way to learn what a let-down sex is, is to have sex

see my "Best Answer - Chosen by Asker" at ( http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AiXSdTqYPeMNeRYbMIVHUqPsy6IX?qid=20060627095528AAwcEE8 )

don't get me wrong: it's pretty fun, but it really isn't the mind-blowing, earth-shaking experience all the kids seem to think it is

the way i see it, you've really got a couple of choices: (1) chill on the make-out sessions (in other words, "quit, cold-turkey" -- which is probably what most adults would advise), or (2) put your foot down and say it isn't going any farther until you're ready, or (3) cave in and do it.

number 2 may sound like a compromise, but it really isn't: nobody ever sticks to that as long as they wish they had

that leaves only #1 and #3 as realistic options. since it doesn't take a brainchild to figure out #1, i won't elaborate on it.

in all honesty, it doesn't sound to me like you're ready for #3 -- and i SERIOUSLY doubt the guy you're describing has the raw talent or skills to make your first time anything better than unpleasant.

and then there's always the "what if you get knocked-up" question.

see also my answer (#8, in voting) at ( http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AtursRi71hWRR2GEpBo8pyHsy6IX?qid=20060626015530AAFT3lv ). That answer also has links you might want to explore.

best wishes for your future as you learn how to be a good manager of your sexuality!

2006-07-04 15:47:37 · answer #1 · answered by wireflight 4 · 1 0

You will be ready when you have a job to support your child, a husband to be there to support you and the baby, and medical insurance to cover pre and post natal care, pediatrician fees, complications from pregnancy, vomit at 3:00 A.M., skinned knees, teething, diaper rash, diarrhea that stains not just the baby's cloths, but yours as well while you are in public, twins, buying all the clothes, shoes, etc. When this is what you have and want more than anything in the world you are ready.
If you are not ready, and get it on anyhow, you have to worry about having the sensation of peeing glass, pus, warts (those are burned out of you by frying them with a laser, smells like burnt pork), having your liver destroyed and all the horror that brings, years of AZT therapy which will kill you, cancer, radiation therapy, sterility, explaining to your folks why you have to have the baby scraped out of you, etc.
Look into his eyes and ask yourself, is it worth the wait?

2006-07-04 15:39:39 · answer #2 · answered by webfly2000 4 · 0 0

Do not do anything that you do not want to do, believe me I have been there done that. When the day comes that you find the guy who will be there for the rest of your life and you cannot give them your virginity because of some scumbag who just wanted one thing go it first you would regret it. Sex complicates things, so be young and have fun you can experience it one day when the time is right. If the guy doesn'y want to be with you without the sex he isn't worth it.

2006-07-04 15:36:04 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Enjoy your youth while you are young, follow your hearts desisre. Eat, drink, be merry, go out with friends but guard and protect your dignity. The best that you can do now is to pratice CHASTITY. Believe me, you won't regret it. Don't give in to foolishness, it will boomerang on you. You have a bright future ahead of you. concentrate on your studies and get a degree. When you are ready, raise a good family. Dump that boy. He's taking advantage of your goodness. God bless you.

2006-07-04 16:12:47 · answer #4 · answered by Seeker 1 · 0 0

Basically, do not have sex unless you are prepared (financially, emotionally, mentally) to have a baby or to have an std, because both are possibilities no matter how much protection you use. And not only that, but neither party could know that the other one or even themselves have an std and it could ruin your fertility for the rest of your life. Not cool. Don't do it until you can afford an std test for you and your partner... :)

2006-07-04 15:45:18 · answer #5 · answered by Ashley S 1 · 0 0

All boys want to go further. they aren't the ones that end up pregnant and possibly alone raising a child. Sex is not for "boys and girls" but men and women who are committed to one another. Wait until you are sure. There is no going back once you have sex and it could ruin your life.

2006-07-04 16:49:31 · answer #6 · answered by mab5096 7 · 0 0

you really should wait till you marry someone special it means so much to you and that person if you wait it is almost like giving that special someone a gift, my fiance said that me waiting from him was the greatest gift i could ever give him, but if you decide to go ahead and have sex with this guy remember this is something that you will never forget, and be safe about it. with any thing always remember that if something inside says no than you should say no as well.

2006-07-04 21:10:32 · answer #7 · answered by Sugarpulm 1 · 0 0

Do you love him enough? Is he the kind of person that would just go out with a girl, have sex with them, then break up with them? Are you comfortable? Does your mom know? Is he good enough for you to lose your virginity?

2006-07-04 16:03:44 · answer #8 · answered by Leslie 3 · 0 0

Use your mouth to tell him stop, then stop kissing him. Sex is very powerful, can lead to many negative consequences--can you say unwanted pregnancy, STD's, guilt, shame, etc...
If he truly likes you, then respecting you is part of that.
Respect yourself most of all and do not do anything that you feel uncomfortable with. Once you give up your virignity, you can never get it back. It is giving away a very precious part of who you are. Saving it and resisting sex now is a gift you give yourself and eventually...........your future husband.

2006-07-04 15:37:35 · answer #9 · answered by answerb4midnight 3 · 0 0

Do not do anything that you are not ready for or are feel pressured into doing. When you are ready is when you need to move further. Let him know you are not ready if you are not and if he cares about you he will wait. If not you need to move on, he's not worth it. There are alot of risks in sex.

2006-07-04 15:36:01 · answer #10 · answered by noseygirl 5 · 0 0

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