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when there is no proof. ahh the prooof is in the puddin you say (the trees the fact that we are all "free thinkers".) but couldn't we just as well have come from the universe a different form of god.

2006-07-04 15:23:59 · 57 answers · asked by ask hank 1 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

57 answers

I don't know, check out all the different religions and see if one jives with your personal beliefs. None of them can prove it to you though.

Yes it is possible that Aliens or some other entity started life on Earth. That is just as valid as saying God did, you're right

2006-07-04 15:25:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

As an atheist, I don't think you "should" believe in god. But there are still many reasons to do so; and that's what you asked for. Perhaps the most basic reason people have believed in the many gods down through civilization is simply that they have been conditioned or indoctrinated by their parents and communities to believe in the gods of their tribe and family. Very few people get to choose their religion. It is usually handed to them along with their parents, language, and culture.

Then there is the universal fear of death to consider. Most folks feel some comfort in the illusion that after their bodies die, something of them will remain to survive eternally; and most religions tell them that.

And there are lots of social reasons for belonging to a religion. It is part of identity formation and partially or totally defines the group to which a person belongs. Friends, marriage partners, business contacts, and mentors all may be found within religious congregations.

But, at the most personal level, those few who actually choose a faith, as adults, will usually tell you that they had some special experiences that convinced them that some specific version of god and the religion that preaches it are "real" or "true". Once a person gets hooked into that kind of faith-based conviction, they are impossible to convince otherwise, even though there is no "proof" to support their views and beliefs. It is their own experience that convinces them; and for that, they need no proof.

2006-07-04 15:42:08 · answer #2 · answered by sleddog382000 5 · 0 0

well the only proof i have for you is faith. i have spent my whole life with God. And i have probably had a better life then any other kid. The reason a lot of people dont believe is because there own friends dont have these miracle stories. Well, if your a strong believer like me, the devil goes after you. I have had many amazing things happen to me. Something that has been passed down to me, is this little oil bottle. You can use and use this, and it always fills back up. Now this similar thing has occured in the Bible. Its so awesome that God passed it on. Now you dont have to believe me. But I am telling the truth. And if you dont believe in God, well u will being living a miserable afterlife. My advice: Why have nothing to give to hope to. God is the biggest thing that I have ever heard miracle stories about. You have also heard if u dont believe in him you will go to Hell! Well why take that chance? if it does happen, you will hope u listened to me. Lifes not worth livin without God.

2006-07-04 15:32:07 · answer #3 · answered by Balletbaby 3 · 0 0

First, look in a mirror. What do you see? See you? Good. Where did you come from? Where did your parents come from? And their parents' parents' parent's? No, I'm not talking about ***. I'm talking about Adam & Eve. They were the first ones put on the earth, by God. Everyone is realated to them because we come from chains and chains of history.

The world would not be full of murder, drugs, sex, shoplifting, hijacking, and more if Eve hadn't disobeyed God by eating the fruit off the Tree of knowledge of Good & Evil. She gave the fruit to Adam, who disobeyed God too. Before they disobeyed God, the world was perfect. PERFECT!

They then had the knowledge that they were naked, and became scared. God walked through the Garden and called for Adam, who was hiding, as well as Eve. Adam said "Here I am Lord. You see, Eve handed me the fruit. So It was her fault." And Eve replied, "The surpent gave me the fruit." But God was mad and from that day on, the world was cursed.

Woman has hurting pain when giving birth, animals were vicious, there were illness and diseases, evil-thinking-minds, and thorns grew upon the earth.

Now, I ask you something. Did I type all this for nothing? No. Why am I telling you this? Because I believe. There are no cowincidences... It's all God. I am telling you, BELIEVE because I have had personal experiences and I have so many blessings because of him. I have an inground pool in my backyard, woods, 2-story house, tons of money, nice car, cool clothes, awesome pets. And this all came with a very cheap price tag. BELIEVE.

2006-07-04 15:39:32 · answer #4 · answered by rustys_rider 3 · 0 0

I admire the way you think. It is simply called faith. You believe with out trusting without knowing. Have you ever had to trust someone just on their words alone? That's faith, you trusting them without having no proof that what they say is factual or not. But, if you really seek proof, open the Bible. Many of the things that are contained if this Book, really occured in real life. For instance, scienctist confirms that the world was covered in water, (i.e. the Grand Canyon region). The Bible tells us the strory of Noah's Ark and how the world was flooded. Coincident? Ask your questions, I am sure you will find the answer(s) you seek.

2006-07-04 16:42:23 · answer #5 · answered by biglips4life 2 · 0 0

The term "god" in lower case is a particular. The term "God" in upper case I believe refers to a universal. You seem to be making the mistake of thinking God is a particular; if you have incorrect assumptions you will not arrive at a correct conclusion.

Universals exist. But, does an ultimate universal exist? That is the question.

The other question is, as God exists, must we believe in him? But as many do not trust God, therefore many do not believe in him.

Back to the question of an ultimate universal, which is the greatest universal. The greatest universal would have to be a being. Therefore God exists.

All synthetic a-priori judgements are based on belief. Why do we have the capacity to believe? It is transcendental. It is God given. Without this capacity we could not make any judgements synthetic a-priori; then we could not use language. But language exists, therefore God exists (as per existence of abstract thought discussed above).

2006-07-04 16:09:01 · answer #6 · answered by David L 4 · 0 0

Very question states that you seeking a supportive approval of your belief.Paradoxically your disbelief is actually belief in"shouldn't and it does not eliminate idea of God's existence, just being replaced to old but slightly expanded idea that formless God manifesting in certain form in this case in form of human. That would go in great contradiction with existing beliefs.By the way it happened exactly the same with Jesus.Existed those time religious structures denied possible manifestation of God in human flesh as a proof they crucified immortal one quite successfully.That what happened after did not bring people to clarity,but created additional complexes which is not resolved till today.Religious structures highly unlikely would accept Divinity of fellow human , rather will continue to interpret passages of a distant God. That hold them in power.

2006-07-04 15:55:57 · answer #7 · answered by Oleg B 6 · 0 0

Many of us who attended Liberal Arts colleges, or took some introductory philosophy classes, may be acquainted with Pascal's Wager. Pascal, a mathematician and philosopher, happened to be a gambler as well. He considered that if you believed in God, there are two possibilities, or outcomes: He either exists, in which case you may as well play it safe and choose to believe, or He doesn't, in which case, no harm done.
I find it hard to believe that Freud was the first one to say "Man invented god." If you enter the phrase into a search engine, you'll find enough pages of discussion and cogitation to keep you busy for hours. However, the idea involves our need to believe in a father figure, a super-powerful or all-powerful figure to whom we can turn for help, for advice, for inspiration, or comfort. Same with goddess, maybe more of a search for the psychic tit. Maybe the fact that you're asking is more telling than any answer anyone can give you. Should you search for the existence of a god or goddess? Should you quest for the origin? Long ago, I figured, if there is God, and I'm looking for God, then God will show me the Way. I'm inclined to agree with Pascal. It's better to keep searching, at least, if one hasn't found faith. At least that way, you are trying (to find real answers).

2006-07-04 15:41:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Read your question again, man. No God, but a different form of god? What does that mean?! So you believe in God but not the One who created humanity. Same God who created humanity, created the Universe. Perhaps your real issues are with humanity and not with God. - Some kids don't like school because of the teachers, ya know? But we all need the education.

2006-07-04 15:30:45 · answer #9 · answered by pickle head 6 · 0 0

The true question is why should you not believe in God. Mother is the name of God, on the lips of children all over the world. The rocks, and stones, on the path in the forest shout out to his name. The fish in the flowing stream attest to a living God worthy of praise. The fact that you are mind, body and spirit is all up to you to accept or deny. That is up to you. Fear the of Lord is the beginning of wisdom. When you accept your upcoming death, you will begin to understand this wisdom, or witness the birth of your first child.

2006-07-04 15:34:21 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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