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29 answers

Call them on it, or call security or child services.

2006-07-04 15:07:20 · answer #1 · answered by LuLuBelle 4 · 0 1

Call the police on your cell phone immediately...its illegal you know! And while your waiting for the police to come, you can continue to watch the situation. I was once an abused child and wished something was done...but they didn't do anything in those days..I think even children died and it was explained away. Now a days, people are realizing that children are human too and as such deserve not to be assaulted...you can't assault an adult and get away with it right? And it only teaches all the bad things to children. All the studies prove this. Additionally children who are hit/abused do not do as well in school as children who are not hit. In short...you ruin their lives by hitting them. To you people who think it is a way of controlling children, think again...remember the saying when the cat's away the mice will play...in other words, your children will fear and obey you in your presence by do the opposite as soon as they can! Better to teach them by example...the example is one of a loving, rational parent who can control him or herself and not have a temper tantrum and take it out on their children. This wiser parent knows how to control children without assaulting them and pays enought attention and gives them so much love, that the children will mostly want to obey them. And as a result, all will have a happy life..in short its the formula for a happy family...There s a story about pilgrim's hitting their children when they first came to this country. The Native Americans (Indians) were astonished by this behavior as they never could imagine hitting the children they loved so much...there's no excuse for it..want a happy life for yourself and your children...respect and limit their behaviors wisely and with love not assaults...then maybe you won't end up in the old folks home..they may want to change your diapers when you are a drooling elder.
Oh, yes, by reporting abuse doesn't mean the kids will automaticcly and permanently get yanked! It could mean only that the parent is temporarily overstressed and just needs some help..that's what our social service organizations are there for..but it could mean you've run into a serious abusers and you could be saving the kids' life ....SO DO IT!

2006-07-04 15:27:07 · answer #2 · answered by Greanwitch 3 · 0 0

if it is obvious abuse, like extrema hard blows i would clear my throat so that they know I'm there, make eye contact and if they continue then i would call the police. if it's just like a slap on the hand or a belting then you shouldn't get involved unless they continue to do it excessively.

the biggest problem is 1: the parent goes to far. or 2: other problem is people who think they know better then others and try to impose what they think is right by turning in a parent.

remember that most parents love their children and use some form or another as a way to discipline their child. just because you don't like it, it's doesn't automatically mean that they are abusing their child. give some leeway but if it becomes to much then call an official. one good sign that that parent has to be put in check is if they look like if they are doing the discipline out of anger and are not being rational.

2006-07-04 15:17:02 · answer #3 · answered by cesar g 3 · 0 0

If the parent is just simply spanking the child once or twice for the child's untoward behaviour, I don't do anything as I feel that is an appropriate response for a small child who misbehaves. If the parent hits with a fist or something else or basically beats the child, I walk over, get the child to hold my coat, and give the parent a good sound thrashing asking them if they liked it. I did that once a long time ago, and almost got arrested for it, until others backed me up as witnesses, and saw the awful bruises on the child.

2006-07-04 15:12:22 · answer #4 · answered by Crowfeather 7 · 0 0

As a former mandated reporter and as a parent myself it all hinges on what exactly the parent is doing to the child. What you might find abusive either that parent or the state you reside in may not find as abusive. If a parent is doing something to cause physical harm to a child I firmly believe you have a right to act on that child's behalf and intervene. If you feel you must intervene you have three choices: call for store management, directly intervene with the adult, or call authorities i.e., local police. Believe it or not spanking may or may not be considered abuse depending on your state. I have personally called on children left in cars unsupervised especially dangerous in heat conditions or car is still running. If you feel the parent is out of control angry it might not be the best to personally intervene - if you are uncomfortable then contact store management if you are in an establishment. If you are at a park, simply pick up your cell phone and call 911. Children can not advocate for themselves and we can not look the other way if we truly see abuse occuring. I am afraid I sounded a little waffly in the beginning of my posting but we must intervene if we see abusive behavior especially if the child is in danger of immediate physical harm but mental harm is difficult as well. Mental abuse is very difficult to prove and many times the case has to be built on multiple reports of abuse - your reporting can help authorities build a case even though that particular incident may be not considered serious it becomes serious over several reports and can be taken to a judge to rule for removal. Many might feel it is not their business but I feel strongly that advocating for children is everyone's business. Your heart and gut instinct will tell you if this is serious and if you need to act.

2006-07-04 15:20:53 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Intervene, try to diffuse the situation and offer to help the parent. Tell them you can see they need help could you be of help to them. If they are offended then you need to be brave and say "I'm an advocate for children and what your doing is wrong", if you must, call 911 and yes make a scene. Sometimes the parent is frustrated and sometimes its more. Remember if they arent afraid of abusing their child in public, its probably worse at home. You could be that child's last hope. Stick up for them.

2006-07-04 15:09:40 · answer #6 · answered by whirlwind_123 4 · 0 0

I may not be a parent but I do know that people naturally don't like to be told how to bring up their kids so DON'T even go there.
As bad as it sounds, you might actually get yourself into unwanted trouble if you do.
Some parents spank a child for misbehavior, but if it's done in a way that's causing harm to the said child (I mean there're CCTVs at parking lots, etc) maybe you should be accompanied by a security guard to intervene... otherwise my advise is to look away.

2006-07-04 15:34:06 · answer #7 · answered by ViRg() 6 · 0 0

I do nothing because later on that same kid might be the one sticking a gun in my face asking for money simply because he was not disciplined !

Kids today talk back to their parents, teachers and any other adults and we wonder why our youth are so rude ! It's because parents are afraid to discipline their kids. Go figure !

If I work to provide for my kids you better believe I will not be disrespected period and if that means I have to lay hands on them then I will and if people have an issue with that then I suggest you raise my kids and let them talk any way they want to you because they are not living in the house I have to pay for, wear the clothes I buy them, spend the allowance money I give them, and drive the car I pay for and think they can treat me or any other adult any way they see fit. It's not going to happen !

My father would say to me, "I brought you in this world and I'll take you out !"

2006-07-04 15:20:10 · answer #8 · answered by ALEXANDERCOOL_99 1 · 0 0

What do you mean abusive? I spanked my kid's butt in a store for grabbing a knife off the shelf when I had already told him "no hands" and asked him to give it to me and he refused, and some lame broad tried to "call me on it" only to have to back away embarrassed when she realized what a jerk she made of herself because these types of corrective action are often necessary.

Mind your own business unless you see the entire event or there is obvious wrong (using fists or other objects to hit a child). Mind your business especially if you, yourself, don't actually have kids. I noticed it seems to be high and mighty childless women who try to tell me how to discipline my children when I am in public in CA. (grant it has only happened twice to me)

2006-07-04 15:13:09 · answer #9 · answered by elliecow 3 · 0 0

If a child is being disciplined properly then that is the parent choice.
If a kid is being beaten like a dog or abused then you step in and call the authorites.

2006-07-04 15:09:53 · answer #10 · answered by PG 4 · 0 0

is a sad thing to see... makes me wonder why ppl have kids if they gunna abuse them...here in australia it happens too dont u worry... i see it all too often and as a trained nanny for last 18yrs it makes me sick...i have walked up to ppl b4 and abused them...yes cheeky of me i know but the poor kids r so small and have no 1 to defend them...omg i get told off but it makes the parents realise that its wrong to abuse their kids...in private or public...i also get told to butt out and go have my own kids and see how i like it...but sad thing is i have lost too many babies and is what drives me to tell them off...if i had kids i would never abuse them in any way shape or form...ppl need to know they r a priviledge not a toy... and they r defenceless... i just wanna take them away from the abuse and give them a big hug... but sadly im not allowed to according to society...would be classed as kidnappin...omg...the system is ******!...go figure!

2006-07-04 15:18:19 · answer #11 · answered by angel_of_ur_heart35 3 · 0 0

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