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Okay I know that nowadays, capitalism is victorious over the communism...but what could we do the fix these whole major flaws?
Is there any alternative for capitalism or communism?
Is socialism one of the alternatives?

2006-07-04 14:53:30 · 11 answers · asked by Professor Franklin 4 in Politics & Government Politics

11 answers

The major flaw of capitalism is simple. If capitalism is successful, then the worker by definition loses.

The major flaw of communism is... If successful then the owners lose.

Capitalism, will by definition remove all the "fat" from the production of products. The largest area of fat is the workers that create product and ideas. Think about how much book publishers would save if they didn't have to pay the authors as much, but sold the books for the same price.

The shoes I just purchased use to be made in America, now they are made in China (cost $155, 3 years ago, they cost $125 and were made in Maine.)

The profit goes to the owners so they can create more products, develop new ideas convince me with advertising that new balance is worth $155. . . and of course their stock holders are happy.

Now for Socialism.

Socialism (read Karl Marx). He predicted a true world economy. He know globalization was going to happen before China built its first sneaker.

With socialism, the fat, that capitalism fights so hard to keep out, would be forced on them by government. Employees would be forced by harsh laws to provide health care, vacation, weekends, coffee breaks, etc. Firing weak links would be hard if not impossible. Investment would be reduced because profit would be removed from the equation.

You would see less factories being built. You would see less new products being offered.

Hope that helps

2006-07-04 15:07:03 · answer #1 · answered by escapefromspringfield 2 · 0 0

I don't suppose you have ever lived in a country which was at one time communist. If you had, you wouldn't even think about wanting that for yourself. Granted, you may only have to work 1/2 as hard for things, but 50 years down the road, you would find that when all was said and done, you would probably end up the drunk, passed out man in the middle of a field, burnt to a crisp from laying there all day. Communism breeds laziness. That is all there is to it.
There are flaws on all sides of the debate. With communism your government has control - total and utter control. If your society needs to change, it can't. If the economy needs to evolve, it can't. If innovations for the benefit of mankind, need to be created, they won't be. The reason that they won't be is because with no motivation for excellence, the brightest thinkers and hardest workers, the cream of the society, the ones that change mankind will simply leave and go somewhere else. Leaving your society bereft of talent, inspiration and genius. (Assuming they can leave).
If they stay, their genius is drowned in a sea of mediocrity.

In Capitalism, the cream rise to the top, and are rewarded. The lazy sink to the bottom, and unfortunately in our present society (which is altogether too socialist) are left to the care of the government.

If you are unhappy with "Big Business", which controls capitalism, it is your right to withhold your dollar and your vote.
Ultimately capitalism leaves the power in your hands.

2006-07-04 22:49:48 · answer #2 · answered by thurmite 2 · 0 1

Capitalism is nice in theory, but only a few at the top reap most of the benefits. The majority of America lives 2 paychecks from poverty, Capitalism runs on the unemployed backs as they are the fallout of Supply and Demand!! AND we don't want to take care of them as everyone knows they are just lazy!!

The supposition is that America is an Equal opportunity nation, but it isn't. Most small business can't compete with big business, like Walmart, which sucks the money right out of your hometown and leaves you a big deficit.

Communism, the "people" own everything, or common ownership, but it is run by a government, who are poor businessmen! They also don't get as rich as those here!

We use a form of it when we commonly own parts of the US, like the National forests, but they charge you when you enter!

Socialism is where there is some control over wealth and how it is distributed! We have some of that when they pass things like anti trust laws, but don't enforce them!

The problem with all of them is that those in control are power hungry and most become corrupt.

I don't know what system would work. 60 Million for a baseball player, 20 million a movie for some actors, 168 Million for our Wall Street Sec of the Treasury!! I am sorry, but no one is worth that much, and the money is coming from somewhere. It isn't coming from them!!

2006-07-04 22:19:14 · answer #3 · answered by cantcu 7 · 1 0

Crime may be considered favorable in a communist society. Yet crime in a communist country may conflict with external capitalist action. The same could be said of a capitalist country. A political economic transition can be devestating for generations of citizens. Russia is a great example of the devestating effects of transisition, but its an historical icon of human and ecological devestation that can occur under communist rule. The propagation of illicit drugs can make and break either system. Social circumstances will resign either system to flaw.

2006-07-04 22:29:15 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The true expression of capitalism is corrruption. it is very unfortunate that it is so. Corporate greed has shown its ugly face and all we do now is shift to other alternatives. Capitalism is about profit at all cost . Capitalist greed for profit is all there is. A responsible nationalist agenda is the viable alternative to capitalist or communist aggression. Capitalism exploits poorer countries

2006-07-04 23:49:31 · answer #5 · answered by tazaharra 3 · 0 0

Probably the biggest flaw of capitalism is that business begins to dictate law. The biggest flaw in communism is that the hard worker is not rewarded any better than the loafer.

2006-07-04 21:58:36 · answer #6 · answered by xtowgrunt 6 · 0 0

since there really isn't an example of true communism in existence, basically they are all socialist states to one degree or another. that is the state owns everything..and provides as they see fit. to me this isn't a satisfactory alternative to communism, where everything is communally owned. any system that doesn't recognize private property is unacceptable to me. there are some countries such as great britain referred to as socialist which aren't really in the true sense of the word. they basically tax people to death then redistribute the wealth by providing to all the necessities of life. to some this is good. this to me also is not acceptable, but where do you draw the line. people are crying for national health care...they would have to increase taxes especially for the wealthiest to pay for tthe health care of all. we have social security disability and retirement benefits. these are socialist type programs. theoretically i would oppose these too, but we have an established history with these programs that would make it very hard to change now. to me this in a very simplified way illustrates the difference between fiscal liberals and conservatives. The liberal looks at needs or what it determines are needs then looks for the means to provide them..which is to tax mostly from those who have the most. To a conservative, it is not from a lack of concern for his fellow man or because he himself has much to lose, but because it seems wrong to take the earnings of one (regardless of how much they are) and give to another. this in principle seems like communism. The liberal on the other hand views this attitude as greed. This has much to do with the whole political debate going on in the country today...even to the debate about the war. we have become extremely polarized. The extreme of the left moving closer and closer to communism, the right seeing the liberals as hungry dogs with no sense of economic justice bent on destroying our society. So we both dig our heels in. And I don't know the solution. Maybe someone else has it. But personally there is only so far i'm willing to move from my position because my entire sense of what is right and wrong,and what this country stands for is at stake.

2006-07-04 22:38:05 · answer #7 · answered by RunningOnMT 5 · 0 0

Communism goes against human nature - no system is perfect, but capitalism at least gives people (who want to, mind you) - and you gotta work your butt off - a chance to do what they want.....it is the only system - Read some Ayn Rand when you get a chance.

2006-07-17 13:21:18 · answer #8 · answered by Fortune Favors the Brave 4 · 0 1

lmfao@capitalist pigs!! I love it!!

I would like to see a Socialist Capitalist system in the U.S. Currently what we have is Corporatism which subsequently defines the capitalist system in this country today.

2006-07-04 22:25:48 · answer #9 · answered by Pretty_Trini_Rican 5 · 1 0

In their extremes I think they are basically the same. One is government owned business, in the other the business owns the government.

2006-07-04 22:08:26 · answer #10 · answered by beren 7 · 0 0

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