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he was born at 31 weeks gestation. dr say he had no lungs. water broke at 17 weeks. he is almost 5 years old and has no problems. thanks to God. anyone got a story to share?

2006-07-04 14:03:59 · 15 answers · asked by allofthat7464 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

15 answers

mine is a miracle to me.......congratulations to you......he must be rotten......spoiled like milk........God has certainly taken care of him.......may God bless you and keep you always..............

2006-07-04 14:42:09 · answer #1 · answered by a l 1 · 2 0

That's amazing. My youngest daughter was unplanned. I was on birth control when I became pregnant. Once I found out, all I could think of was that I already loved this child more than anything. I found out I was pregnant at 2 months. When I was 3 months pregnant, I started bleeding really bad. I went to the doctor and was told that my placenta was tearing away from my uterus and I was put on bed-rest. Rest of the pregnancy was going god until I was about 6 months along. I started bleeding heavily again. I went in and he said there was nothing I could do but continue to be on bed-rest. 4 months later, I went in to be induced. The pitocin wasn't working after 20 hours so they gave me a pill called cytotec. I didn't know what it was at the time. About 3 and a half hours later, the nurses rushed in to put an oxygen mask on me. They said that my baby's heartrate was dropping. They checked me, I was dilated to 10, so they had me start pushing. 3 pushes later, I held my beautiful baby girl in my arms. I still feel that she is my miracle baby. She's 1 year old now. Oh, by the way, I later found out what that pill they gave me is used for:abortion. I couldn't file a suit because I signed a no-fault paper at the hospital. I thank god everyday for my daughter.

2006-07-04 21:30:37 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My daughter is a miracle baby, but in a different way. I had a son in 1995 after 3 years of trying and medication. I then tried in 1998, spent 30,000 on fertility treatments and 5 miscarriages. My doctor told me then and in the following years that the hormone levels in my body would never sustain life for any length of time. So, we gave up. I just gave birth 6 months ago to a beautiful baby girl! I had a c-section and it turned out that the cord was wrapped around her neck two times and she could have been injured during the birth if we had not done a section. So, she is a two time miracle baby. Blessings to you and your child!

2006-07-04 21:49:52 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I worked with a child who was born at 24 weeks, weighing only 12 oz. He is 3 now, and has some learning problems, but he's definitely a miracle!

2006-07-05 00:48:49 · answer #4 · answered by Melissa 7 · 0 0

My daughter was born at 32 weeks, when my water broke I was put on tributalene and given steroids to stay labor and help the baby's lungs develop.

When she was born, 24hrs later, she was wisked off to the nursery- Dr and nurses told me it would be iffy- she would need help to eat, breath, etc, and I should not plan on her coming home for at least 6-8wks.

My daughter thrived independantly, weighed 4lbs9oz and was home in nine days.

Today she is a beautiful, amazing young woman, 19yrs old, an honor student at her university, and literally anterrific friend and daughter- also I was only 17yrs old when she was born.

She is my true blessing, and she is a blessing unto herself!

2006-07-04 22:43:20 · answer #5 · answered by Intuit Birth 2 · 0 0

My baby was born at 32 weeks gestation due to severe preeclampsia. What turned out to be a routine appointment ended up in delivery that night as my blood pressure was dangerously high. She was in the NICU for eight days and weighed 4lbs. 7oz.

She's now 11 mo. and a joy! Not much bothers her at all as long as her tummy is full. She has the most adorable smile and she giggles non-stop. She, too, has been sleeping through the night since 2 mo. since I have really been trying to stick to a schedule.

She's just starting to army crawl and sit up unassisted as due to her prematurity she's a little bit behind developmentally. We have her in therapy 2x a month which is helping tremendously.

God Bless and thanks for allowing me to share my story of my little angel!

2006-07-04 21:41:07 · answer #6 · answered by Mom of One in Wisconsin 6 · 0 0

Wow!! you must look at him everyday and thank God...
although what i consider my miracle baby is no where compared to yours but anyway my 2 year wasn't suppose to make it past 21 weeks because of a weak cervix, but with bed-rest, that i did the best that i could considering i had a 6 year old and a 19 month old and only my husband who worked to help me... he made it to 38 1/2 weeks!!! I thank God everyday for all my children but give a special thanks for my 2 year old... he is my miracle baby!!!

2006-07-04 21:14:14 · answer #7 · answered by DeeDee 4 · 0 0

My son had a mini stroke when he was born and some brain damage. He has been through all kinds of therapies (OT, language and behavioral). He was diagnosed with a frontal lobe brain impairment. He has ADHD, motor processes problems like dysgraphia, sensory integration dysfunction, language impairments (syntax and pragmatic disorders) and obsessive/ compulsive disorder. But through it all...he has overcome these obstacles. He was tested last school year for the gifted program. He not only qualified but he has an IQ of 134 and has had straight A's since 1st grade. Needless to say...I am so proud of him.

2006-07-04 21:15:48 · answer #8 · answered by cvsn 2 · 0 0

i know a lady who had twins and they were around 24 weeks and both had not formed completely but conroe regional medical center saved their lives they are alomst 3 now and doing wonderful they are conroe's most loved miracle babies ever they were smaller then th palm of your hand and looked like little aliens it was so sad cause so many people thought would never make it they both weighed 8 oz. at birth so i would say you both were very lucky and im glad your son is doing excellent congratulations and god luck

2006-07-04 21:09:33 · answer #9 · answered by dani_d86 2 · 0 0

That's amazing and wonderful. Congratulations!

To Xiang: I think she meant the lungs weren't functioning yet since they are the last organs to develop. Use your brain! Do you have blonde roots, or what?

2006-07-04 21:12:26 · answer #10 · answered by NannyMcPhee 5 · 0 0

Congratulations on your miracle! I don't really have a story to share--I just wanted to say all children are miracles :-)

2006-07-04 21:09:55 · answer #11 · answered by charyl92678 2 · 0 0

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