It is wrong to us artificial birth control. Natural means of family planning are encouraged by the the Church.
It sounds like neither of you are in a position to support a marriage, never mind a family. The smart thing to do, in my opinion, is to postpone the wedding until at least one of you is out of school and in a secure job.
Artificial birth control is out of the question. Seek natural family planning. You can get all the information you need, on natural family planning, at your local Catholic parish.
Please be aware, the only form of birth control that is guaranteed to work 100% of the time is abstinence.
Do the right thing, if not for yourselves then for the child(ren) that "might be". Your children, even if they don't exist yet, are the most important people in your life. Care for them, even the "pre-conceived" in your life.
2006-07-04 03:34:59
answer #1
answered by Daver 7
No. I was raised Catholic, and am currently non-practicing. The church is a bit too rigid if you ask me. Believe me if you had a baby and went to the church for any kind of help, they would not be of any sevice. It's sad to say, but the Catholic church is a very money based religion. I went to a Catholic school, and money was always the main thing there. In fact, if your parents did not meet the tuition requirements by the semester, you did not receive your report card. All the kids would then know that you did not pay, and some were made fun of, which was cruel. I wa fortunate enough not to have this happen to me, but for those who did, I'm sure it was humiliating.
Use whatever birth control fits your needs, and don't feel guilty. Afte all, the very people who are telling you you are a "sinner" for doing this are at the same time getting "involved" with altar boys and the like.
2006-07-03 05:39:15
answer #2
answered by GiddyGiddyGoin 4
Firstly let me say things are wrong to do if you think they are wrong to do. If you believe that God does not want you to utilize this form of birth control, then don't. If you trust that this option is the right one for you then use it.
Other things to consider... I do not believe that prescription birth control is the healthiest safest way to prevent pregnancy. I feel as though taking hormones to "fool" your body is sorta, well, screwed up. I DO HOWEVER THINK IT IS THE BEST CHOICE FOR MANYWOMEN.
Are you informed? Not just from your doctor- I mean truly informed? You can become more informed by reviewing a variety of sources including those with an opposition standpoint, but most importantly objective studies conducted by people outside the pharmaceutical ring.
Some things you can do should you choose not to use prescription birth control is to truly get to know your body, you can easily (in most cases) track your cycle and know your fertile period- then, during your fertile period you can choose to abstain from vaginal sex, use condoms, or leave it in God's hands.
I hope this was helpful to you- only you can become informed and make the decisions that are best for you, TRUST YOU!
2006-07-03 06:00:53
answer #3
answered by Intuit Birth 2
Daver, post directly above mine, is correct.
First it is a mortal sin to use artificial birth control. This is a constant teaching of the Church from the time of Christ.
Now instead of me jumping all over the "catholics" above who are telling you to sin, I am going to tell you this:
Buy this book
"Good News About Sex and Marriage" by West
It will help you out a lot and it is a good reference guide.
Second. NFP -- Natural Family Planning, learn it and love it. It doesn't mean that you will not get pregnant, but that when you do, you will be ready for it. NFP, when practiced properly, also prevents sex in marriage from turning into a chore and really turns it into a bonding experience at a very deep level.
2006-07-04 16:52:12
answer #4
answered by Liet Kynes 5
With all due repect to the person who answered first, she is not qualified to answer your question, and neither am I.
You asked if it is wrong in a Catholic marriage.... The Catholic Church says that ANY use of birth control is wrong. I am a Baptist myself and My wife and I used birth control for the first three years of our marriage. However, had I been a Catholic and not a Baptist I would NOT have used it.
Only you can answer this question, and I would suggest you talk with a preist as well.
It seems to me what you are really asking is "am I really Catholic"
2006-07-03 05:37:16
answer #5
answered by RicktheSki 1
this is a personal decision you and your husband need to make based on your personal and religious convictions. Keep in mind that the whole idea of "every sperm is sacred" was based on the need at the time to spread catholocism. but again, this is your decision. if you feel that you are sinning by using a condom or birth control pill then that is something you have to live with.
Personally I am not a religious person and for me I am onthe pill to prevent pregancy. I do not feel that I am wrong for this. it is my decision (along with my partner) to use the pill to prevent a pregancy. You and your husband should be having this conversation as a couple.
2006-07-03 05:43:19
answer #6
answered by zeechou 3
I was raised a Catholic and I understand that the Catholic church allows for this type of birth control:
The chances of getting pregnant are higher than for other methods. Frankly, if you're really don't want kids, you should go for safer methods.
So you should be careful.
Good luck.
2006-07-03 05:51:07
answer #7
answered by mmaybe mme 2
The Catholic Church opposes the use of birth control, but I know of many Catholic couples such as yourself who choose to use it anyway. Some have spoken to their priest about it, others have not, but basically they are choosing birth control for the same reasons you are -- the fact that children are very expensive to raise in modern society, and trying to get themselves established before having children. Personally, I see nothing wrong with this choice. But if you are having problems with the decision, pray about it, talk with your priest about it, talk with other young Catholic coupes you know, and talk to your family about it. You will decide the decision that is right for you. Good luck.
2006-07-03 05:35:14
answer #8
answered by Blah Blah Blah 3
No this is really up to you. A lot of Catholics refuse to use birth control, especially the birth control pill, because the pill causes the fertilized egg cell not to implant, and they say that is a form of abortion (with the notion that life begins at conception). This will really be up to your own convictions. Never let other people judge you by their convictions...this is the problem with religions today. Best of luck to you and yours in the future.
2006-07-03 05:38:56
answer #9
answered by cajunrescuemedic 6
Try the following link for some help on NFP. As a Catholic myself, I can honestly say that my wife and I struggle with this issue. With a little research and prayer, I am sure you will come to a good solution.
2006-07-05 04:16:57
answer #10
answered by Ted Striker 4