We don't think there are three gods. So your premise is flawed. Sorry.
2006-07-03 05:24:42
answer #1
answered by RandyGE 5
Here's the way I see it:
In the Holy Trinity, there is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. All of these "beings" are aspects of the single God who lives in heaven. Take this comparison:
Water (2 hydrogens, 1 oxygen) is found as ice (solid), as water (a liquid), and as steam (a gas). All three consist of 2 hydrogens, 1 oxygen, and therefore they have the same nature. However, each has its unique properties (e.g. different densities).
Similarly, God can have three distinct natures that form one God.
Another comparison: an apple. Apples can also be called "fruit" or they can be classified as "red objects". In the same way that I don't need two apples to call one a "red object" and the other a "fruit" (because apples are both at once), in the same way God can be called three names (the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit), yet he is only 1 being.
2006-07-03 05:38:47
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
God sent his only Son to forgive man. God recognized that there was nothing man could do to earn heaven; no action could wash away the sin that corrupts our souls. It is only through God's grace that we may gain heaven. Jesus never claimed to be divine, but it is through his example, his sacrifice, that we are shown the way to the Father. I am sorry that your "prophet" chose to corrupt the teachings of God and Jesus by teaching that "Allah" is God and that His word must be spread by the sword. Islam is not a religion of peace as it is practiced today. You can argue that Christianity has had its share of bloodshed and I would agree. However, with the exception of Ireland and a couple of other ignorant, 3rd world countries, the rule is that our religious wars ended in the Middle ages. The west had its ages of reason and enlightenment and I am sincerely sorry that your religion and culture chooses not to evolve past the 7th century, but that the rest of the world DEMANDS that you do. Once the oil dries up you will see what the world really thinks of you and your vicious religion.
2006-07-03 05:44:13
answer #3
answered by dylan19d 2
God is three persons of one essence, three in one. Jesus was both human and God.
There is no evidence that the Bible has been altered. The Dead Sea Scrolls show that the books of the Bible we have today are virtually unchanged from those at the time of Jesus. All of the ancient manuscripts of the Bible that we have are virtually identical to the Bible we have today. Just minor spelling errors. The Bible is more historically reliable than any other ancient book.
2006-07-03 05:28:19
answer #4
answered by Anonymous61245 3
No 3 Gods - only One. Look this way - you are a son to your father, a father to your children, and a brother to your sister. But you are not 3 people, you are still one person. The God is united in a God-Father, God-Son, and God-Spirit.
And God had to send His Son to die because he is righteous. If He said that there should be a ransom for the sin - He doesn't change His words. Since we are all sinners - we are not able to present ransom for ourselves. That's why He had o send His Son so He can be a ransom for us. God can do whatever He wants, but He keeps His word and He acts out of justice.
2006-07-03 05:35:41
answer #5
answered by Veronika 1
There is only ONE TRUE GOD. There are three different parts to the ONE. The Father, Son, Spirit.
First There is God - the One in Heaven. The Lion of the tribe of Judah.
Next, there is the Son, the Lamb that was slain to spill His blood to reconcille the world to God.
Lastly, there is the Holy Spirit, the one part of God that lives within us.
I will ask you to look at a name in particular. Emmanuel - that means, "God With Us". That significance shows that God is here with us and during the time Jesus was here before the crucifixion he was with each of us to go through what we continue to go through.
Remember, there will be false prophets and they will surely die. The one true prophet will truly live and never die.
2006-07-03 05:34:47
answer #6
answered by waeyeaw 3
Christians "I am one" I know there is one God , God is a Spirit not a Man. Jesus is My Lord and Savior,Isiah 19:20 " Yasha"the Messiah The Anointed Son of God. Allah is the word Daniel often used for God. so I have no Problem with your Allah. How ever I feel you have never personally got to know him. and you cannot or never with with out the Yasha or Savior.
2006-07-03 05:32:43
answer #7
answered by kritikos43 5
Dude, it's called the Trinity, three in one. God in heaven, his son, and the Holy Spirit. Within Christianity, the doctrine of the Trinity states that God is a single Being who exists, simultaneously and eternally, as a perichoresis of three persons (personae, prosopa): Father (the Source, the Eternal Majesty); the Son (the eternal Logos or Word, incarnate as Jesus of Nazareth); and the Holy Spirit (the Paraclete or advocate).
ALLAH kills innocent children and civilians through mass muder and genocide-aka DARFUR
ALLAH supports religious and national intolerance of other groups-aka Palestinian-Israeli Conflict. Let's go Israel! Kick the Palestinians out and reclaim your homeland!
ALLAH supports radical Islam and calls out Holy War/JIHAD, which is mentioned in the KORAN, against the INFIDELS-aka Taliban, Osama, Iran.
ALLAH suports the oppression of woman and the selling of womean as a bargaing chip-aka Wahabbis in Saudi Arabia, Taliban, Afghanistan.
ALLAH calls out for all out war against the world in orer to spread Islam.......sooner or later.
What kind of ALLAH is this? Children in Darfur are mericlissly killed by Arab Guerrillas for no such reason other than egnocide. Is Allah that violent and is willing to kill for his glory? Am I considered an INFIDEL comrade? Man, switch over to Communism, like in China! Glory to the Red Revolution in the Middle East in order to eradicate Militant Islam and other sepreatist groups! = P
2006-07-03 05:34:24
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You need some education..
1. Christian believe in the ONE true God manifest to us as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
2. How many spaces are there. I mean space as in volume, elbow room.. Lets see: there is height.. And width.. and breadth.. Does that make 3 spaces or could it be one space? 1+1+1=3 OK there are three spaces.. NOT ... It should be 1*1*1=1. In geometric space height is eternal therefore contains all space.. but Width is eternal and therefore contains all space and still breadth is eternal and contains all space. These 3 dimensions make up one space.. God showing us a bit of who he is AGAIN through his creation..
2006-07-03 05:45:27
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
If Jesus was not God, then why did Jesus call himself God over and over again? Can a prophet lie? Of course not! If you deny that Jesus is God, then are you suggesting that Jesus lied?
We must not make the mistake of thinking that God is just like us. God is something behond human comprehension. If God himself said that he is a single unified being made of three equal parts, then why would a mere human such as you or I argue with God? How can you, a mere creature, tell the creator God what he is like?
2006-07-03 05:32:50
answer #10
answered by Randy G 7
I am so sick of saying this... STOP GENERALIZING EVERYONE! Get this straight... you are talking about the idea of the trinity, and not ALL Christians believe in the trinity! I myself think it's the dumbest idea I ever heard. So unless you know what you're talking about, you need to hush it.
And BTW the integrity of our Bible has been proven. I suggest you read up on that before you take your Muhammad's word for it that it has been altered. I can provide links if you would like :)
2006-07-03 05:35:22
answer #11
answered by ~Donna~ 3