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does one need to be part of a religion to lead a good life or go to heaven? isn't it enough that we keep to ourselves and go some good? whaty does religion offer that makes it worth it?

2006-07-02 23:13:05 · 13 answers · asked by relatively absolute 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

13 answers

Yes if that is what your spirit needs, guidance and structure. Not all people need that but perhaps you do. It is really your decision to make.

2006-07-02 23:16:15 · answer #1 · answered by Jeanne D 2 · 0 1

There is no such thing as religion. I believe its just a figure of our imagination introduced to keep peoples minds busy and encourage them to do good. Religions have done nothing really significant to the modern society except divide us and cause differences in communities resulting in wars and battles that result in nothing but anger, sin and all The things they to promote people not to do. The religions also tend to be very time consuming.
'Heaven' is just something religious leaders use to lure people into their cobwebs. The promise of a better place to spend eternity is just ridiculous- the only place we will ever be able to roam is this barren wasteland we call Earth!!
Don't follow people to their beliefs blindly, think about what you do before you do it. These so-called religions are nothing, just follow your heart and let life lead you to the place you belong. Don't just flow with the crowd, be an individual.

2006-07-03 00:11:26 · answer #2 · answered by Reyc 1 · 0 0

Religion is how you conduct yourself. - Prophet Muhammed

All of the Prophets of the different religion systems any place in the world said 3 basic commandments. Love the God, Love the Neighbor, Love the Self.

If your conduct is within these guidelines then you are a part of every religion. There have been and still are some that masquerade as muslims, christians, jews, hindu,taoist, spiritualist... that conduct themselves as if there were no "golden rule." I have seen declared atheist who conducted themselves better than their "religious" counterparts.


Living your loftiest morals and ethics can only be tested by interaction with other Humans. Interaction is important. A enuch cannot boast of his chasity because he has not the means to be unchaste. A hermit cannot boast of not hurting anothers feelings because he has no other to hurt.

Fellowship has its advantages in a systematic religious forum. Anyone can be nice in a controlled environ. Take your behaviour on the road, to the workplace, or the home where your ethics can be tested. This is religion. God is Love. Abide in Love

2006-07-02 23:36:32 · answer #3 · answered by LeBlanc 6 · 0 0

Do you believe in Gods, There are many kind of Gods, i dont know how they Ranking , but each religion is different from other and it just like a vehicle help you go to heaven... heaven have many open doors waiting for you to enter, and hell have no door why you enter? it all about sins, depends on what you do... i cant explain it all... gotta read Religious book it might boring, alot of sense if you read through it.......

2006-07-02 23:34:42 · answer #4 · answered by VietLover 1 · 0 0

Just follow Jesus. Being saved by the Grace of God takes you to Heaven. Not some kind of Religion.

2006-07-03 03:10:50 · answer #5 · answered by concerned 5 · 0 0

Honestly, I don't see the point of having a religion. Religion divides the people of God. (Catholics, Islam, Buddhists, Protestants, etc. each claiming to be the better religion. )

We don't have to be religious to go to heaven. In fact, we SHOULD NOT be religious for us to go to heaven. Religion produces a dichotomous life. On Sundays, we have to go to church and praise and worship Him. But from Monday to Saturday, we forget about Him. That's being religious. It's like a routine, nothing more, nothing less.

Instead, we should be SPIRITUAL. Being spiritual doesn't require us to have a religion. All that is required of us is our FAITH. Nothing more, nothing less.

2006-07-02 23:24:50 · answer #6 · answered by Black_Rabbit 3 · 0 0

religion is an organized entity that offers a sense of belonging and security. it has its basic rules and rituals which are used to preserve, maintain and regenerate the society.
it provides guidance and purpose of life for many people.

you don't need to be a part of an organized religion in order to be a good person and do good deeds. but some people need weekly motivation in order to stick to some rules.
whatever suits you

2006-07-02 23:23:21 · answer #7 · answered by avril r 3 · 0 0

Don't you have a desire to get to know, how origin of life began on earth, what will be our destiny, why we are here? That is the reason I am searching for truth in this world and found it in Islam.

2006-07-02 23:26:43 · answer #8 · answered by Azmil M. 2 · 0 0

hi, relatively
This is sonia s, all of us here believe that to serve humanity is the biggest religion of all.In this fast growing narsistic world,where human love,respect ,bonding is degrading all in the name of religion and its superiority .The Bible, Quran ,Gita ,all say love and serve mankind.
SEE god every where and in everything

2006-07-02 23:38:22 · answer #9 · answered by sonia s 1 · 0 0

I know of NO curiosity satisfied by religion.

Religion is one thing this world can do without.

In my book, religion is the root of all evil, and should be abandoned.

Religion is a cancer on this planet, and should be eradicated.

2006-07-02 23:40:20 · answer #10 · answered by My Big Bear Ron 6 · 0 0

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