that giant invisible elephant is God, but keep trying .no matter what you believe God will always believe in you.
2006-07-02 14:11:30
answer #1
answered by ashlie 4
Good question!! God is a widely accepted thing. Many worship some form of higher power. For some, there is "proof" of God's existence, and for most that is enough. For example: in Christianity, the Bible says that God exists. There is no evidence, other than your word, that says there is a giant invisible elephant in your backyard. However, in the end, there really is no difference. If a book that many people believed in said that there is a giant invisible elephant in your backyard, then it would be believed. It would be the same as God existing because the Bible says so.
2006-07-02 14:13:23
answer #2
answered by lbsoccerboy23 2
Because the proof of God is all around us. When you see majestic mountains or a roaring river or a beautiful day you can't just believe it is like that by mistake. This is proof that only God could have created this earth and everything on it. An invisible elephant although in your imagination can seem real, but God IS real.
2006-07-02 14:15:44
answer #3
answered by tinkenpink 1
The world has been brainwashed by various religions into believing that belief (pardon my wording) is reasonable and should not be questioned. The more people start to question these sets of beliefs, the weaker the hold the various organizations have over the general masses.
I see no problem believing in your invisible elephant. In fact, if I knew where it was I'd send the invisible giraffe in my yeard over for a play date.
2006-07-02 14:12:44
answer #4
answered by The Doctor 4
I thought I was the only one with a pet giant invisible elephant!
2006-07-02 14:09:25
answer #5
answered by Jill&Justin 5
I want to feel the love of your giant invisible elephant...Yay! Suddenly giant invisible elephants are popping up in everyones back's the elephant of love spreading across the world!
Hey maybe is Ganesh!
2006-07-02 14:07:44
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Things we don't see it dosen't mean they don't exist. Like air and chemicals we don't see but we still beleive that they do exist. I don;t know what makes you believe in an elephant. God is the one who made this world because it could not be made by itself. People with eyes can see that nothing makes itself. So a source who gave us life and all other things should be given a respect. If you don't have time to read books and try to find out what god really means then try not to even think about it.
2006-07-03 02:16:32
answer #7
answered by nice 1
Science and empirical proof is much more reasonable. Before Lavoisier there was empirical proof that all matter which burned did so because it lost Phlogiston.
Lavoisier offfered empirical proof that combustion was a matter of combination with oxygen.
Later chemists offered empirical proof that combustion was a matter of shared electrons and that it wasn't only oxygen that could support combustion.
Each scientific theory replaces the old theory and proves that the old theory was wrong. Yet each new theorist is convinced that current theory is right.
Einstein (who believed in God) was convinced that Quantum Mechanics was nutty. Perhaps he, above all scientists, knew of the fallability of science.
When you use the term "reasonable" you should start by providing an example of anything that is. But don't try too hard because it doesn't really exist,
Don't search for empirical proof of God. It doesn't exist any more than empirical proof of any scientific theory does. So what is "reasonable?"
2006-07-02 17:46:28
answer #8
answered by ALLEN F 3
If you want to be ignorant and worship an Invisible giant elephant in your back yard that's your business. But as for me, I worship the one and only true living God.
2006-07-02 14:56:56
answer #9
answered by Victor ious 6
Never mind the giant invisible elephant, you should see the size of my giant invisible roses feed'n on all that giant invisible elephant pooh! Who said chatting about giant invisible elephants was pointless!
2006-07-02 14:23:29
answer #10
answered by Carole A 1