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really now..there has to be an explanation for this...he couldnt have just popped out of nowhere...give me a GOOD answer for a change...not he just is or whatever.

2006-07-02 00:02:02 · 21 answers · asked by jacki m 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

now that is just silly...what exactly does it say..im sorry..i am atheist..i dont OWN a bible anymore..that is no answer..its just more drivel from the book that says that HE IS....stephen king says that cujo is real..i think cujo shall be my new god...because a book says so

2006-07-02 00:07:22 · update #1

so amber..in your reasoning love wrote a book?? did it do this on its own or how exactly can you explain this happening..i have love..and hate...and as far as i know neither of them have written a book

2006-07-02 00:11:03 · update #2

bobm..that is the point i am making..THANK YOU...you can NOT answer my question can you...you bring my beleifs into the question that i am asking of YOU...if you are soooo religious and so on you should have some kind of answer..yet you have none...none of you ever do...im sure that evolution can be explained more rationally than religion any day of the week..im not a scientist so i wont go there..but i bet it can be!

2006-07-02 00:16:22 · update #3

21 answers

God is the source of goodness....so you know God during those moments when you feel goodness, when you encounter good people, when you do good things to others and you are glad that you did. Whenever you need help and someone is there to help you regardless of whether they know you or not, that is God's work. So yeah, God didn't just pop out of nowhere, he inspired people to be good,by way of reasoning He taught them the truth, and when they needed reassuring He showed them that miracles happen and that he's close by.

2006-07-02 00:18:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The origin of God is even unknown to even Christians. I find it very interesting that every culture has a creation story, a world wide flood story and an afterlife belief.

It is hard to understand the universe coming out of nothing. Thats where faith comes in.We don't exactually understand what the Creator is or how he became to be. He may be spirit, he may be origional engergy.
It is difficult to look at the world around us and figure that all of this earth just randomly happened. Can you imagine all the pieces of a large jet plane in a ware house, and then when the powerful winds blow the parts of the air plane are scattered and mixed up. What are the chances that when the wind stops and the doors are open that there will be an air plane put together perfectly? It just isn't going to happen. Take a close look at every bug, every flower, parts of nature, The wind and the rain. The delicate balance of the universe. If our atmosphere becamed slightly misbalanced in it's carbon content, the whole place would cease to exist. Look at all the animals and fruits of the field that are so incredable how nature intertwins making harmony in nature. How could this just randomly happen? How can you NOT believe in a high power? Over the years God has been called many things. Every culture has a name of thier God. Humans have made religion very complicated and very earthly bound.
I think that most religion is made up of earthly habits that don't come close to praising helping us understand the creator.
This higher power created this earth and all that is in it. Next you will ask, why is there pain and troubles. Well, both humans and nature were given freedom of choice. It is the choices me make that bring our suffering and trials. Only by making ourselves right with the Higher Power can we truely be content in our travels here on this earth. Our energy when our bodies die goes someplace. We don't have a concept of what eternnity is.
It is up to you to believe what you choose. Can you really believe nothing came from nothing? Until we are on the other side of life we will understand dthe makings of the universe. I have a cild who died. I look to the sky on a dark night and wonder where he is. I know his spirit is somewhere. I will not understand any of this until my spirit flys to that everlasting life.
The short of it, we have no idea of where and what God is. We just need to know that nothing comes from nothing. On this earth we can't begin to understand life and death....we see through a mirror dimly, when we meet the creator face to face, things will be clear.
I don't have any other better explaination of how the world began, I find my Christian faith is something I can wrap my heart around.

2006-07-02 00:35:24 · answer #2 · answered by clcalifornia 7 · 0 0

I am probably the only person on here that can truelly answer this question, but first I want to show you the same thing applies to whatever you believe in.

Where did we come from?
Where did Apes come from?
Where did birds come from?
I can go on and on eventually even evolution has to come from somewhere right. I mean where did the first creature on Earth come from? Where did the Earth come from, ect. ect.

Now to answer your question. In studying many different realigions I have come up with where God came from.

See according to a lot a magic using religions everything has energy and even nothingness has energy. Now using scientology energy attracts energy.

With this being said imagine all of the energy of nothingness coming together into 1 spot. This is God. With all the energy that he is he can create anything and everything including time.

The truth is if you believe that we were created by aliens then you would have the same dilema. Who created them? ect. ect.

My belief actually starts at nothing.

added: big bang
what caused the big bang?
How was that star or whatever it was created?

2006-07-02 00:18:10 · answer #3 · answered by darksphyx 5 · 0 0

God was always existing He was always there and always will bethat is why he is the King of Eternitybut I can understand why you can't understand that after all it is beyond human comprehension, just like the thought of a universe that has no beginning anywhere or any end that is visible to us humans but the thing is that God is powerful when you look at his creations like the star systems and the universe itself He didn't just pop out of nowhere but he was always there there was never a time when he didn't existHe is the Alpha and the omega the beginning of every one of his creations and the end!

2006-07-02 00:20:09 · answer #4 · answered by I speak Truth 6 · 0 0

8. What about the view that creation of all things resulted from chance combinations of matter?
"Another absurdity! Can any thinking person regard chance as an intelligent agent? What is chance? Nothing!"

NOTE: The Harmony that regulates the workings of the universe reveals a plan which, by its very nature, posits the existence of an Intelligent Power. Consequently, it makes no sense to attribute the origin of all things to chance. Chance cannot produce anything like the creations of intelligence. If chance had the properties of intelligence, it wouldn't be chance.

2006-07-02 00:14:47 · answer #5 · answered by Joe Carioca 3 · 0 0

This question should not just be directed toward the realm of Christianity- most monothiestic religions claim in the eternality of their God.
Also the people on Yahoo Answers are probably not the best equipt to handle such a question. Try a theologian for best results

2006-07-02 00:20:59 · answer #6 · answered by Nicholas G 1 · 0 0

Quick, tell me where the cosmos came from...it couldn't have just popped out of nowhere...give me a good answer for a change...not it is just there or whatever.
That's how i see it. Athiests say the cosmos always was, and has no reason for being. Christians say God always was, and created time itself while He alone existed. Either way you wind up with something having to have been since the beginning of time.
So would it be unfair for me to say of the cosmos "it is just there doesn't count"?

2006-07-02 00:16:18 · answer #7 · answered by SHUT UP ALL OF YOU! 1 · 0 0

This is one of those questions that actually lends itself to evidence for God being real. It begs the question, how did man and why would man invent a God that man cannot rationally understand? All the pagan gods have beginnings that their inventors gave them. It is only that singular, invisible, monotheistic God of the Bible that cannot be fully understood by men. How did this happen if it was men who invented Him? How did some uneducated, not particularly philosophical, homeless shepherds invent a God that we cannot quite grasp to this day? Clearly they did not. God simply revealed Himself, just as He does today through Christ, who just as the Bible says, is the image of the invisible God and if you have seen Him you have seen the Father.

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2006-07-02 00:10:22 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sorry to disappoint, but God is eternal and therefore has been around forever. You can see Him through his general relevation of creation all around you. The design of nature did not happen by chance and if so, then I want some proof by someone creating a blade of grass from base chemicals by just providing the environment.

2006-07-02 00:12:23 · answer #9 · answered by bobm709 4 · 0 0

if you christians had more going for you than just faith then atheists might take less offense to your accusatory and elitist statements (ie. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=ApNWK6z6LzizKY_U51zX24bsy6IX?qid=20060702040359AAWxTQL ), and perhaps we wouldn't try to convert you in the anonymity of Yahoo! Answers, because we know that if this forum were not anonymous we very well may be killed or worse by people of faith (don't say that wouldn't happen).

And another thing, if you can't admit that you could be wrong, how are we to believe that you can admit when you know you ARE wrong. Faith that you are not wrong despite lack of evidence is to me the same as not being able to admit wrongness, either possible or known. Admit your ignorance. You are not your god.

2006-07-02 00:22:38 · answer #10 · answered by 1foolN6billion 2 · 0 0

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