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If you dont pay you they take your driverslisens
If you cant drive you cant work
then they put you in jail thank about it what if you get hurt your

2006-07-01 16:57:26 · 10 answers · asked by edward b 3 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

10 answers

The system was designed by women for women and in my opinion me get the short end of the stick. As a woman before lay down with a man you know what he is about. The courts did not tell you to screw and make a baby so why should they mandate or tell you what to pay and when to pay. I have 2 kids a 15 yr old and a 15 month old I sued the first child's dad because my parents made me cause i was 18 when i had him I was 32 when I had my daughter And i catch more flies with honey than vinegar her dad does a damn good job without involving the courts needless to say my sons dad is not even part of his life because he pays

2006-07-01 17:18:13 · answer #1 · answered by JazzyJ72 2 · 0 0

I understand the importance of child support, but the punishment for not paying is way out of line !! If a father doesn't pay, loses his job, driver's license and goes to jail - who does that hurt ?!
It hurts the kids !! Suddenly they cannot even see their dad (he's in jail), he cannot go to work to pay the money so what's the point ?! Maybe the courts should order the fathers who don't pay to take the kids for a while, so the dads can pay for their food, clothing and shelter. That would be very interesting! Some kids would be better off with their dads anyway.

2006-07-02 23:28:52 · answer #2 · answered by kimsss717 2 · 0 0

I think it sucks when you don't get an even break men or women no matter the sex some just don't care about thier child and when they do they don't get what they should get and yes they take your license but we all need to thank Bill Clinton for all this mess he hshould have put something on the women that don't give a **** about thier kids but as long as they get child support same goes for women And yes if you all decie to have kids make sure that is what you want cause this system for child support sucks real bad

2006-07-04 13:00:03 · answer #3 · answered by witchywomen_53 1 · 0 0

if you make a baby,man or woman, you should have to pay child support no matter what,if your grown enough to have sex your grown enough to work and take care of your kids.if you get hurt it is understandable to delay child support untill you are able to work,but dont take a wussys way and pretend.your child is all you have help make sure it has the best possible chance.26% of your money is not gonna keep your child fed and clothed and all the extras a child needs for the month,who do you think pays the other 74%.thats right. quit crying and trying to make excuses,be a man/woman as God intenended and take care of your kids

2006-07-03 03:36:03 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is a huge problem. People are having kids and then splitting up and the kids suffer because of it. It is everyone's God given right to take care of and provide for there childern man or woman. Most of the time it's the women that have to find a way to provide for there kid's. I provide for my 10 year old son and see him and am the best father I can be to him on a daily bases without the hastle of courts and someone telling me what I should do because I take my God given right and apply it. Iv'e been seperated for 8 out of my sons 10 years and my ex is ok with that because she knows I'll always be there and thats the one most important single thing we do agree on. So if everyone would take that right and apply it this wouldent be a problem.

2006-07-02 00:16:41 · answer #5 · answered by BobbyG 2 · 0 0

well pay it and your wont go to jail, your will have your license. if you get hurt on the job then you should be able to draw workers comp and you can pay it out of that. my 7 yr olds dad owes me $7,000 he has warrants and everything. so i am telling you you better pay cause when they catch him he is gone for like 2 yrs or more. unless somebody pays the money owed. and by the way why wouldn't you want to take care of the child in the first place? you played you pay...

2006-07-02 00:07:06 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have found that as long as you are paying some, the courts won't impose extreme penalties. Even if it is a little as 20 dollars a week. Do what you can and let the rest fall where it will.

2006-07-02 00:14:06 · answer #7 · answered by lost now found 2 · 0 0

Good Luck. Hopefully you don't live in the NY because the child support laws out here SUCKS

2006-07-02 00:04:06 · answer #8 · answered by lonely in NY 1 · 0 0

Pay your child support. Your child(children) need the money. Plus why not pay, you should.

2006-07-02 01:45:12 · answer #9 · answered by sparkling_apple 4 · 0 0

keep a job and pay it stupid.

2006-07-02 00:07:31 · answer #10 · answered by ziggunerin 4 · 0 0

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