You're asked two completely different questions. You also didn't provide enough information on WHICH of the calendars you want to understand.
If you're talking about the Aztec calendar stone, sometimes called the Sun Stone, there are many web sites which detail what the various glyphs on the stone mean--for instance the aging sun god in the center, framed in the glyph for 4 Ollin, because that's the name of this age and how it will end (Ollin means earthquake). The 20 day signs of the 260 day ritual calendar surround the sun god; also the glyphs for the 4 previous world ages. The two fire snakes are around the entire outside (and that's all I can remember off hand without a picture of it in front of me).
If you are interested in the 260 day ritual calendar itself, I have a lot of information on my various web sites about it--I've been studying it for 15 years and have written a book on it. It's called the tonalpohualli in Aztec. The Maya used that calendar first, and it's called the Tzolkin for them.
The Aztecs also used a 365 day solar calendar, also borrowed from the Maya--the Mayan version is called the Haab.
If you mixed up the Maya and Aztec, which is a common mistake, you might be thinking of the Mayan Long Count calendar, which is the one that everyone says "ends" on 12-21-2012 (it doesn't). My Jaguar Nights blog gives the date every day in the Long Count, Haab and Tzolkin with explanations.
2006-07-04 04:55:09
answer #1
answered by Gevera Bert 6
The Aztec calendar is very confusing, but the most easy to understand explanation I have read is incoroporated in a book that is actually a science fiction novel. It explains the number of days in the calendar year, why they are arranged that way and what is determined by the Aztec priests to be the "dangerous years." The book is titled "Shreds of Humanity" by Phillip E. Carpenter and is a great adventure story as well as being educational. It can be ordered through any book store or over the internet book sites.
2006-07-01 23:50:33
answer #2
answered by bombasticiconoclast 2
Why would you want to?
2006-07-01 23:44:27
answer #3
answered by Sir Excalibur 2
2006-07-01 23:44:56
answer #4
answered by illi23 4
do a research on why you ask us to do it for you???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????lol
2006-07-01 23:44:59
answer #5
answered by OMG!Nooo WAY! 2