Why do you promote Bush when EVERYTHING he says is LIES?
2006-07-01 13:23:46
answer #1
answered by BeachBum 7
Go to this link, click on UN u-nye-verse. Then Read. This is not politics, this is science.
It is hard to say with certainty that humans are causing global warming.
If humans were causing the world to get warmer, this is what we would expect. More storms, bigger storms, mere destructive storms, especially in middle of North America.
If things keep going the way they are, we can expect more changes.
Our crops will get cooked before we grow them, our water supplies will evaporate, we won’t be able to feed anyone and disease that have been confined to jungles and rain forest will spread.
Near as we can tell carbon monoxide gas that we breath , and comes from the tail pipe of the cars we drive, and smoke stacks of power plants, holds in heat from the sun. The heat becomes trapped. Not too different from the light that a green house catches. This keeps the world warm enough for us to live. But soon it may make the earth to warm for us to live.
Right now the amount of (carbon dioxide) CO2 level is around 330 parts per million, that’s 0.033% IT’S ENOUGH TO CHANGE THE WORLD.
The Gulf Stream has been streaming along for centuries, and now during OUR LIFE TIME it may Stop!
Turn out the lights, don’t take extra trips in the car…save energy, Everything we do effects the air!
2006-07-01 13:59:07
answer #2
answered by 4mom 4
I believe the main reason for the agenda 'du jour' is to control people through fear, and to spend money on crony corporations presently in favor and control of the private sector by petty bureaucrats unaccountable to those they oppress. example - the "ozone hole" laws for refrigerants which have doubled the price of a home air conditioning system by requiring unreasonable amounts of accounting, documentation, fines, penalties, fees, licensing, etc. And the ozone hole is so selectively documented that any idiot can surmise data manipulation. Last I heard, the ozone hole was closing. ice age, indeed - they found something that makes more money - global warming. try and find some convincing evidence that it's man-made and not cyclic - the data is muddied by conclusions drawn before the data is even looked at.
Take some time and read just the first two paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence this weekend to see how deeply we've sunk.
2006-07-01 13:27:51
answer #3
answered by dimbulb52 3
Al Gore is King Lunatic of the land of fallacy and lies. He and his people know damn well that there is not a "more than normal" global warming. Every reputable climatological scientist in the world has lambasted Al Gore and his "proof".
The planet "lives and breathes". It warms and cools in stages. As you point out, 30 years ago the kooks were yelling about global cooling. The kooks are always yelling about something. The only difference is we used to recognize them as kooks and ignore them.
Al Gore is purposefully proposing doing more harm to the world than anyone since the era of Stalin and Hitler. If we listen to him, we're going to ruin all the world's economies and trillions of dollars will be wasted. Money that could go to the poor, the homeless, the sick. If liberals get any legislation passed that diverts money to "global warming" initiatives, the poor should vow never to vote Democrat ever again. If it's up to Al Gore, people in poverty are going to suffer mightily - for no reason other than Al Gore's ego and his wounded pride.
2006-07-01 13:27:16
answer #4
answered by Farly the Seer 5
This Is Not Really The Type Of Question This Sight Was Made 4...And I Useally Report Questions That Should Not Realy Be On This Sight...But Damn...This Is A Damn Good Question Not For This Sight...
By The Way...I Repied/Answered Mr. Gore Question...Go Take Alook At It...I Think Your Like My Reply/Answer To It...
2006-07-01 13:27:58
answer #5
answered by GyVuPhaYs 4
!-There never has been any govenment or ecomical system on this planet that has been communistic. They have all been various b*sterdize forms of socialism, much the same as there ahas never been a democracy either, they are all various forms of Republics.
2-All you tree hugging liberals out there need to wake up and smell the coffee. Global warming and/or the greenhouse effect will not cause any problems for thousands of years. We will run out of fossil fuel long before then
3- What will cause problems as soon as tomorrow are the fanatical Muslim terrorists. Get your priorities straight and get off your high Tofu Horses. Its not politically correct, or enlightened to defend or accept them, they are the real danger to civilization TODAY and not thousand of years form now. W certainly is not the best public speaker, but he understands the issues, has great advisers(Go Condi in 08!) no matte what sniping comments you make if memory serves me right that hasn't been one hijacking, bombing, suicide bomber etc, etc, in the US since 9/11, and I suppose that's just good luck??? Wake up and smell
the crude oil!
2006-07-01 13:19:13
answer #6
answered by skyyn777 5
Al Gore proved himself to be a Communist when he kept having Florida recounted every single time the results said Bush won, not to mention Gore had Military votes tossed out.
Give him a Military Court Martial please for spitting on the Graves of my War Veteran Ancestors.
2006-07-01 13:22:57
answer #7
answered by MrCool1978 6
The scientists are on Al Gore's side. He has enough support for his presentation that it is considered proven.
the blowhard Oil Industry spokespeople are lobbying against his information. Too bad you are so easily convinced by them.
2006-07-01 14:57:18
answer #8
answered by oohhbother 7
If you think global warming is unproven, go to weather.com or another weather information source at look at the annual archives...
2006-07-01 13:20:47
answer #9
answered by AnswerBlaster 2
Sure, totally unproven, unless you count most of the international scientists and their studies.
2006-07-01 13:20:15
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I think he's a dork, but his observations aren't irresponsible. The world is suffering from the results of man's actions.
What to do is the issue.
2006-07-01 13:21:16
answer #11
answered by Anonymous