First priority: WISEDOM in the LEADERSHIP of USA, UK, France ,Germany and Russia about war and armament, far far greater than what we have now. Wisdom of the Churchill/Roosevelt or Reagan/Thatcher level or above.
You need to pick a recipient who will TAKE all the nuclear arms, oh, say, the Queen of England. Pick the wrong recipient and this whole idea is a FIASCO. Pick the wrong organization (like the UN, a whorehouse for the world's remaining dictators and despots) and nothing good will happen, either.
You need to get her to agree and come up with a central location for them, like the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea. Then you need to get the governments of the world to agree to disarm and ship them there. This will take 30 to 50 years. The wise leader may have to threaten the last two or three holdouts, who will be dictators, in order to get them to cough up their nukes.
Once they are all in one place, they can be placed on a destruction schedule by the wise leader who won't abuse them or use them to threaten others. the destruction will take 10 to 20 years.
eliminate nuclear energy by coming up with something superbly more efficient and less expensive -- "research" is the answer to this question, and not the kind of political throw-away junk research the US Department of Energy has blown billions and billions on since it was stupidly founded by Jerry Ford 30 years ago.
2006-06-30 18:36:48
answer #1
answered by urbancoyote 7
Get rid of nuclear weapons ? North Korea, Iran, and others. That is why the US can not afford to get rid of nuclear arms. Possibly we should use them up on a couple of the places I mentioned above.
Get rid of nuclear energy? You have some great responses. However, I must agree with the respndant about uninventing. Can't be done so that leaves us with the alternative of using it efficiently and safely. Both of which we have the technology to do. Nuclear power is going a long way in reducing our dependence of fossil fuels and could go much furthur in reducing our dependence on foreign oil. We do need some modifications to the system of permiting nuclear energy projects. These changes should be made to streamline the permiting process. We now burn literaly billions of gallons of petroleum while stumbling through the permitting processes for a single nuclear power house. This is wasteful and enviromentally unsound.
2006-07-01 01:46:27
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The USA and several other countries have made large steps in averting Nuke proliferation with Diplomacy and treaties. The problem lies that not every country is content to be a Nuke free country and continues to build or test nukes... When all countries are ready to stop the program then the nukes will be gone, but until then all nations will hold a stock pile of "retaliatory" weapons for defense...
2006-07-01 06:08:43
answer #3
answered by eldertrouble 3
Nuclear energy is a safe efficient and reliable source of energy, not to mention good for the environment. Why get rid of it? Nuclear energy supplies much of Canada's energy needs. Perhaps you should have researched this firsts before desiding it is bad.
2006-07-01 01:33:33
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Can't even be considered. The genie is out of the bottle. Nuclear medicine would have to go too. Nuclear powered weather satellites that help warn us of hurricanes & tornados,etc. Et Al.
Respectfully, it does not answer your question directly. It would be a wonderful thing to eliminate the evils of atomic knowledge, but it cannot be "undiscovered".
2006-07-01 01:36:11
answer #5
answered by electricpole 7
I would like to see our Country be a leader in development of solar energy. Why spend on the money on projects such as the space station, etc.. If we learn to clean up our own Earth, then we won't need to flee the Earth in the future. Solar energy will last as long as Earth.. so why not use it? If we can send people to outer space, we can surely develop a better way to harvest the power of the Sun!
2006-07-01 01:32:00
answer #6
answered by mathpuzzled 2
Force the government to reveal the alien technology that has been hidden from the American people and the world to benefit humanity. Energy crisis over! Give it away so every human being can use it. No wars over fossil fuels, no hunger, no scarcity, no disease, no global warming. Abundance, energy to clean the environment and water. The obstacle is the people of power and greed, that keep secrets hidden to maintain profits. We are responsible!
2006-07-01 01:37:47
answer #7
answered by mikey 4
Send in Snake. He have done it a bunches of time :-D
2006-07-01 01:43:10
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
What makes you think I whould want to do a dumb thing like running for President.
2006-07-01 01:39:00
answer #9
answered by David 3
America needs to get rid of theirs first.
2006-07-01 01:29:30
answer #10
answered by trader4578 4