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5 answers

We cant even cure the common cold , What makes people think we can control old mother earth she is going to do what she wants , we are just along for the ride !

2006-06-30 14:53:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

It sure is. May I suggest you check out this reference: http://www.sprott.com/pdf/climate.pdf . It is a good overview of the current science and you might get some good investment tips. Another quick and entertaining introduction to global warming is: http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1809257809/info . Wikepidia also has a good overview.

When listening naysayers I suggest you follow the money. Nearly all of the very few scientists that are claiming GW either is not real or is not anthropogenic are on the payroll of Big Oil. Now why would oil companies be paying experts to say that?

The alarming thing about Global Warming is that we will be dealing with the side effects for at least 1000 years. That is approximately how long it will take for increased sea levels to stabilize. So what is that -- the next 50 generations? I don't think they will be very happy with us.

2006-06-30 22:02:31 · answer #2 · answered by Engineer 6 · 0 0

Yes.The storms in my area are getting worse.I didn't really know much about global warming until a tornado took out a window and damaged almost all of my trees.That never happened here,before.If you pay attention to the weather,you can see for yourself.When the fireflies and cicadas are out in May instead of August,there must be something wrong.And temperatures in the high 90s when 80 would be high for May and June.There is definitely a problem and everyone needs to work on fixing it.

2006-06-30 21:50:36 · answer #3 · answered by kimberli 4 · 0 0

Duh, yeah. Take a trip way north, or way south, and watch the ice shelfs crumble. Or, go to the west coast during the ever more frequent El Ninos. You may have voted for Bush, but you had better pay attention to Gore.

2006-06-30 22:03:13 · answer #4 · answered by snoweagleltd 4 · 0 0

Probably not.

2006-06-30 21:47:44 · answer #5 · answered by wildraft1 6 · 0 0