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33 answers

Good to see that Gore's political grandstanding hasn't fooled everyone!!! He's just a typical politician, be they Democrat or Republican, who will twist and distort anything to further their own selfish aims.

The reason he gets more attention with his nonsense while few scientists ever get equal exposure is because Gore has the bucks to buy TV time.

2006-06-30 13:30:10 · answer #1 · answered by Chug-a-Lug 7 · 5 4

Scientists do present information on the fact that any global warming going on, is a natural phenomenon. The problem is, that it gets swept under the carpet and is over shadowed by the much louder media reports on what a danger we face.

I think that alot of what the media is presenting us today, is fed to them by the political party with the biggest mouth full of nonsense. And that would be the Democrats. Exaggerated enviromental issues make for lots of votes. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't pay the broadcasting companies to have an opinion in their favor. Not only that the broadcasting companies make lots of money on sensationalism even if they didn't get paid by politicians.

Politicians like Gore and Clinton like to prey on young people who haven't a mind of their own yet. I see more young people who are convinced that the earth is about to emplode any minute. Very sad!

The best thing to do is not vote for any more of the socialistic Democrats for a real long time. They don't have America's best interests in mind and I think are seeking to undermine America in as many ways as possible. They will be the downfall of this country. Keep in mind that there are other parties beside the Democrats and Republicans. Some of the other Parties have people in them that aren't overboard environmentalist, and that won't try to undermine the fabric of America and her values.

People also need to stop watching so much tv. That way they won't feel so overly alarmed all the time.

2006-06-30 14:17:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The science that Al Gore is presenting is NOT faulty. It is the UNFORTUNATE truth. The problem is that most Americans are politically motivated and even without checking out the facts will jump on George Bush's bandwagon of "HEY lets burn unlimited amounts of fossil fuels, ignore all of the scientists that have proof for global warming, and while we're at it lets start a bunch of wars whether we have proof of wrongdoing on their part or not, so we can take all of their oil, be hated by most countries in the world. Bush is doing an excellent job of this. The most powerful leader on Earth that has an IQ lower than most Americans. The USA is responsible for 25% of the world's emissions of greenhouse gases while only having 5% of the world's population. There is something very very wrong here and it was you people who were dumb enough to elect him not once but TWICE!!!!!!!!!!

2006-06-30 13:37:42 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

So may people believe Al Gore because they can see global warming happening with their own eyes. They can see glaciers melting world wide. They can see open water in the Arctic Ocean. They can see spring arriving sooner and winter arriving later. They can see more and bigger hurricanes hitting both in the Atlantic and in the Pacific.

Why aren't scientists presenting the information? There are lots of scientists presenting information confirming global warming. There are only a very few presenting information disputing it. Why so few disputing it? Well mostly it is because most scientists are not willing to whore themselves for oil money. It is a weird concept that conservatives don't understand. Ethics.

2006-06-30 15:50:37 · answer #4 · answered by Engineer 6 · 0 0

This issue has been talked about, debated and written about for many many decades and most likely centuries.

Global climate change is a recurring planet process that has happened since the planet came into existence. Humans might have speeded up the process, but that doesn't mean the out come is good or bad. We are being told how to think.

Think of the wild fires, floods and hurricanes that occure naturally it is not bad unless people build in the area it is just a process that happen on our planet and have for ever and will continue.
Fact changes in our planet will change no matter what we do or don't do.

It is interesting about Al Gore though he talks out of both sides of his mouth. While vice president worked with the Clinton administration to give more oil leases to oil companies and did nothing about what he is now concerned about and making money on. Yet, he flies still around on high pollution private airplanes and lives in a large house and both he and Tipper drive around in their large vehicles.
So how can anyone take that guy serious???

2006-06-30 14:28:37 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

To quote Max the Miracle Man in "The Princess Bride," "Look who knows so much!" What is YOUR basis for saying his science is faulty?

The first reference below is to an article in the Boston Globe describing the conclusions of an independent review of scientific data on global warming. The review was conducted by the National Academy of Sciences. Their conclusions give a 90 to 95 per cent confidence level that the climate is warmer now than it has been in the last 100 years. They also support the view that a significant influence has been industrialization--that is, man-made.

The second reference is to a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations (NOAA) web page on the National Climate Data Center (NCDA). They too state that global warming is real and no longer subject to debate.

Scientists ARE presenting information, and it largely supports Al Gore's position.

2006-06-30 13:50:36 · answer #6 · answered by not_2_worried 2 · 0 0

Where did you get YOUR information? I'm sorry, but when close to 60% (if not more) of the scientific community agree that global warming is a serious, MAN-affected issue, it's sort of hard to dismiss it as faulty.
While global warming IS a natural process, and yes, the earth's climate and temperature do change like this, the rate at which it is happening is appalingly unnatural. We're seeing climate shifts that normally take thousands, if not millions, of years occuring in less than 100. This has never been seen in any of the fossil and geological records chronicling the earth's history since its formation 4 billion years ago.
Now, if you're gonna say that I'm wrong because the Bible says the earth was formed in 7 days, and that fossils aren't real, then you're lost in ignorance to begin with.

2006-06-30 13:33:53 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Al Gore got his information from the global consensus of thousands of scientists across the world. It is NOT faulty science.Scientists ARE presenting information, Gore is just spreading it to the masses. The more people who know about global warming the better.

2006-06-30 13:30:43 · answer #8 · answered by UNKNOWN 1 · 0 0

It is scientists that completed the studies, he just presents that data!

And to add, if there's a different story to tell, then what's stopping you, or any other 'scientist' from telling it! Al Gore's has been presenting this issue for years. It was the Director, Davis Guggenheim that happen to attend one of Gore's presentations, and was interested in bringing this issue to the main stream via the big screen, not Gore.

2006-07-02 12:06:01 · answer #9 · answered by no_apologies 3 · 0 0

People believe what the media tells them, for the most part. Sadly, most people are "sheep" and will blindly follow what they are told without checking the facts. While some scientists agree with Al Gore, at least the same number (if not more) disagree. Unfortunately, the ones that don't agree do not the get press or air time one the main TV news programs, and that's where most people get their "news" from.

2006-06-30 13:35:48 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I agree with you and some scientists are refuting Gore's "assumptions". It should be called AN INCONVENIENT HALF-TRUTH. As stated, the world is billions of years old and we've had thousands of ice ages and mini-ice ages through history - all preceded by...what else....global warming. The "ocean conveyor" begins to slow down (as it is now) and will eventually stop - throwing us into another ice age. The last one we had lasted around 100,000 years and ended 24,000 years ago...where was all the fossil fuel and hairspray then? Likewise, we had the worst weather in terms of storms, hurricanes and flooding between the 30's and late 50's...no global warming going on then Al. It's called a climactic cycle - they happen. We're in another one now. It's called - now get this...NATURE! So, irrespective of whether humans are on the planet or not, the earth will still do her thing - there will be cataclysmic events that occur that we can do nothing about - volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunami's, etc. However, it's always a good thing, as humanity, to clean up our collective act. It won't hurt to have cleaner air to breathe and water to drink. However, we cannot stop or put off global warming - it is a natural state of the planet and it has happened in the past and will happen in the future irrespective of what we do. Our arrogance in thinking we can stave off the inevitable is telling...we ain't all that in the scheme of things people. However, people will see what they want to see and believe what they want to believe irrespective of the truth. As Award-winning NYT journalist Thomas Friedman so eloquently said...."The truth is the truth - even if George Bush believes it"!

2006-07-01 06:07:54 · answer #11 · answered by Arianna E 1 · 0 0