We Christians are perfect...we were made perfect IN CHRIST the moment He died for us and the moment we committed to Him.
What this means is that, when we die, G-d will see us through Christ. G-d will not see the imperfect people we were while living on Earth. He will see us washed of our sins b/c we humbly and gratefully accepted the sacrifice Christ made for us.
Getting money? As with all organizations, you have "good apples" and "bad apples." As my dad always says, "One bad apple often spoils the bunch." Unfortunately, the media, along with many other non-Christians and heretics, would rather magnify the "bad apples" and we all end up looking guilty.
More converts? Absolutely. I want EVERYONE to come to heaven and New Jerusalem and worship our awesome G-d forever!
G-d bless you.
2006-07-01 20:24:30
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If you ever become a Christian, you'll understand. It's definately not about being perfect or right. When I became a Christian, I LEARNED what was right. I'm a bigger sinner now, than I was before, because I'm aware of it. No matter what sin you commit, whether it's adultery, lying, gossiping or envy, it will hurt you.
The reason why I'm interested in "converts" is two-fold:
1. I'm forgiven. My life is so awesome and I know what joy feels like. True joy. Which is different than happy. Joy is a happiness that infiltrates deep into your soul. I want YOU to experience this. I want YOU to have hope. It's sinful to be selfish, so I feel like I have to share this. I will confess that I didn't want my ex-husband to become a "convert" because I didn't want to see him in Heaven! I didn't want him to experience the peace & joy I have.
2. God loves all people. It breaks his heart that anyone should go to Hell. It's like having a child that's naughty. You have to punish him, but that doesn't mean you love him less than the "well-behaved" child. The main reason I can tell people I don't really like about Christ, is because I think about God and how His heart breaks that this person doesn't know Jesus. Everything good I do, I can only do for "God's sake".
Does that make sense?
2006-06-30 12:14:03
answer #2
answered by megmom 4
Not at all. Being a Christian just means you believe that Jesus Christ is your savior, and you try to follow his teachings-- the greatest of which was to love god and love your neighbor (everyone else basically). But like any other person, Christians are not perfect; they're only human. Sometimes, especially evangelical churches can seem like they care more about money, but in true Christianity, that's not really a focus. As for converts, that is semi-true, but you have to think of it in these terms: if Jesus Christ as savior is "good news", and you believed it, wouldn't you want to tell your friends and get them to believe?
2006-06-30 12:04:02
answer #3
answered by TL 3
Being Christian is about being a whole person and completing the journey having done everything God has asked of you and by not doing things that would hold you back. That INCLUDES and is not limited to helping others...in fact that level of charity and selflessness is what is going to land you in Heaven..
The amount of converts is important too..becaus eyou help educate people about God's will..
The money when appropriately used is to be used NOT TO PAD THE WALLETS OF PASTORS...but to maintain the upkeep of the churches and their utilities as well as helping the parishoners who are poor and need help. Tithing is important as well because it shows your ability to sacirfice that which means the most to you and your family..and do it gratefully since without God's blessing and help..you might not even have that job in the first place...Church service SHOULD BE voluntary and not paid..there ARE churches who DO NOT have paid clergies so that you KNOW that your money is going to the right places...
2006-06-30 12:07:36
answer #4
answered by juanes addicion 6
Being a Christian means being saved by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Nothing else matters than that.
As for converts, yes we would like to see that. In fact it is a command by Jesus when he left. He told his disciples to make disciples of all creatures. Which also means helping out others without expecting anything in return.
Unfortunately some churches are more about the money and how many people they in their church. And it hurts those of us who want to do right by showing how shallow some of us can be. But not all of us are like that.
2006-06-30 12:04:57
answer #5
answered by caedmonscall99 3
It is not a question of being perfect/right at all. Being a Christian is believing that Jesus Christ is the son of God. No person is or can be perfect. And about being right. Are you saying that if you are not a Christian you are wrong??? That comes down to judging. And we as humans do not have the right to judge another person for their beliefs, or how they conduct their selves. That is Gods jobs.
2006-06-30 12:14:01
answer #6
answered by rohnsr@swbell.net 1
Being Christian is definitely being perfect, it is an obligation for those who wish to follow Christ, for He is blameless a perfect example.
Helping others yes, also an obligation (even enemires must be loved), a trademark of Christians.
More money and converts? I can't answer for other "christian" faiths, but for us definitely no, though it is again an obligation for propagation of faith so others may know the Truth, have faith, do those obligations as proof of their faith, and be saved. It also must be used for edification and administration of those who's already inside.
2006-06-30 12:07:14
answer #7
answered by stallion 2
By no means are Christians perfect. Being a Christian is about knowing Jesus Christ, sharing his love, and spreading eternal life!
There's a lot more, but just check out this site: www.notreligion.com
2006-06-30 12:01:54
answer #8
answered by trace 4
does seem that they just want money ya....
No one is perfect, and never always right. And its ALWAYS good to help others!
But there are some good christians out there, my BF is one. :)
But I am not. And I respect him, he respects me!
Alot of christians think they are higher than us "non-christians" and thing we are wrong.
Why all this Jesus stuff. what about GOD.
You know Jesus didnt make the planet, the trees and all that stuff people !
And whats with all this forgiving stuff?? Okay you say your sorry and thats it?
Another thing. If god loves his children so much.. Why does he send all the ones that believe in another/different deity to hell.
*shrug* Sorry
2006-06-30 12:14:53
answer #9
answered by Branwen 4
It is about doing what Jesus did.
Jesus was obedient, showing us we could be obedient.
All who say "I'm a Christian", yet do not do the work Jesus assigned, are liars.
Too help others one needs to give of ones time to show from the scriptures, how to live the way God wants.
It is not about money.
It is not about browbeating.
One does need to live a life above reproach, otherwise, worldly people will mock God in view of his professed followers.
This reproach is not something God views lightly.
He said it would be better if one put a millstone around his neck and threw himself into the sea rather than cause stumbling in a weak person trying to do Gods' will(I'm Paraphrasing).
Oh, and for all the stock answerers, yes it is about perfect obedience. This behavior is possible to learn. Allowing only for occasional error.
So perfect for us is I repeat: obedience that recognizes our imperfection inherited from Adamic rebellion.
Ex. 1: Though we may covet; we do not have to, steal, commit adultery, lie.
Ex. 2: Though we may have anger; we do not have to kill, bring false witness.
Ex. 3: Though we may strive to have material things; we do not have to make them"other gods before GOd".
2006-06-30 12:00:48
answer #10
answered by Tim 47 7