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7 answers

Well, the most important thing to starting a wedding planning business is to plan someone's wedding for free and keep a scrapbook (of sorts) of it. Then once you have evidence that you have done it before and have done well on it, then you should advertise.

The best place in the world to advertise is in a college newspaper. That is a prime age for people to get married and advertising in a college newspaper is ususally rather inexpensive. (I use to be the editor of one.) Also, contact local sororities and fraternities and ask to hang a flyer or a card on their bulletin boards. (I was in one of these as well, they would be happy to do it for you.) If you want to branch out of this, most local newspapers have a section specifically for engagement and wedding announcements. This is great place to advertise as well. Women that are getting married love to read about other women getting married. (I used to work in this department of the newspaper as well.)

Other good places to advertise: hang flyers in local churches and gardens and such where the actual weddings might occur. When the bride is arranging for a place to actually get married, it may occur to her she is in over her head and a nicely placed banner might be just what she needs to encourage her to get a planner.

2006-06-30 11:43:15 · answer #1 · answered by andie 2 · 1 0

If you have the money or the skills personally, create your own website. There are some associations you can join that will help market your business, such as the Association of Bridal Consultants (ABC). Also, try advertising on some of those wedding planning sites like The Knot.

2006-06-30 11:43:16 · answer #2 · answered by Patricia D 4 · 0 0

Just a word of caution first:

Be careful about advertising on wedding websites. Most of them have policies against vendors posting in their forums to advertise. If you want to advertise with them, they will expect you to pay for it.

I'll second the first poster's idea to plan a wedding for free first, if you haven't already. A couple of these in your portfolio will also get word of mouth advertising started, which can be a very powerful thing. Another great place to advertise is in a wedding gown store, if they'll allow you to.

And since you'll need all kinds of industry contracts, it might be a good idea to go around and meet with a bunch of vendors. Set up appointments with florists, catering companies, bakers, reception facilities. Go in with the idea that you are meeting with them to possibly add them to your list of suggested vendors. Not only will you be getting your name out there by networking with people in the wedding industry, but you will also learn valuable information about which vendors might be good to work with in the future.

Lastly, I would highly recommend setting up a website, even if it's bare-bones. It is essential that it look professional, but it doesn't have to include anything more than the basic info at first. Personally, I almost always check out a company's website before I call or visit them.

2006-06-30 11:57:34 · answer #3 · answered by Stephanie 3 · 0 0

Place fliers and business cards in nail salons, hair salons, day spas, etc. VistaPrint.com is WONDERFUL!

As for websites, I use Yahoo. For a sample of Yahoo Sitebuilder, take a look at my site if you like.


2006-06-30 16:05:01 · answer #4 · answered by Angie P. 6 · 0 0

wedding expos in the area. maybe local dress shops will let u put up flyers at their establishment

2006-06-30 14:46:35 · answer #5 · answered by jenniferb 3 · 0 0

Print fliers and put them anywhere you will find the clients that you will cater to. Do the same with radio and newspapers.Don't forget the internet, its effective...Goodluck..

2006-06-30 11:37:48 · answer #6 · answered by aintlovegrand78 3 · 0 0

wedding shows!!! they are great - plus lots and lots and lots of brides are there!!!!

2006-06-30 12:16:37 · answer #7 · answered by bride to be 2 · 0 0