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i love my man and now he is 27.before he met me,he had about 15 sex partens before(6 girls at once time and one nigth stands).sometimes when i think of it,i do mind it,even i know it was the past.i had the attack before,i know he wants something different with me but it makes me think of the misery!he doesn't force me to do anything but i want to do more for him to make him happier.
it's a dilemma cox i almost have the nightmares about the attack every night.on the other hand,i also want to make love with him but i don't know how to get rid of the shadow.

2006-06-29 19:21:09 · 7 answers · asked by Ice_ice 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

the attack means i was raped when i was 17.

2006-06-29 19:33:31 · update #1

7 answers

jeez im sorry hun, i was raped when i was few years younger by a boyfriend, and it does damage your self esteem so i feel for you i really do.

only you know when you will be ready to make love to him and if he cares for you he will understand. have you mentioned it to him at all?
try not to think about the other women he has been with as he is now with you so that makes you special, and only when you are comfortable with him and yourself should you have sex...

everyone grieves for things in different ways and over diff time periods, and if your not ready yet give yourself more time... if he waits then good if he doesnt he not worth it.

good luck hun :)

2006-06-29 21:11:48 · answer #1 · answered by sinnedfairy 5 · 1 0

The fact that you were raped when you were 17 has absolutely no relevance to the question you have asked. The question you have asked has no relevance to this website.

Given your other question "Anyone want to come to me" I would also put it to you that you're not afraid of sex, you probably were never raped, and you infact do not love your man, who does not exist and did not have sex with 6 girls at once.

2006-06-30 02:39:00 · answer #2 · answered by Crash 2 · 1 0

First you need physiological help for the attack and then don't dwell on the past,it will just make you feel miserable.

2006-06-30 03:45:54 · answer #3 · answered by Bob Mukonka 4 · 0 0

its the past and if u love him u can make the right choicee. lots of guys do that. and im sure he wouldnt want too do that too ne one else. im sure he wants too be with u. soo just make the best of the relationship and put that in the past hes probley in love with u and put that stuff in the past. u should too. :]]

2006-06-30 02:26:25 · answer #4 · answered by Laura w 1 · 0 0

i think you really man looking to shock and wanting reaction to outrageous question

2006-06-30 02:30:30 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

ok as a guy i can say that if he finds out he will be pissed you should just tell him about it and maybe he can help

2006-06-30 02:47:50 · answer #6 · answered by kurt b 2 · 0 0

what is the attack?

2006-06-30 02:28:09 · answer #7 · answered by Munster 4 · 0 0

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