All credit card companies maintain the right to change terms at any time. Your best option is to take advantage of a lower rate transfer onto a new card or another card, but read the terms carefully so that you aren't getting into one where the interest rate skyrockets after a certain length of time. If you are having difficulties making the new payments, call the company and explain. They would much rather work out a payment arrangement with you than have you default. But be prepared to have them put a freeze on the account until it reaches a certain level.
2006-06-29 06:01:05
answer #1
answered by Garth 6
You agreed to let them change their terms at any time back when you signed up for the account. It's in the small print. And they don't really have a choice in this matter, anyway, since it's a new law that was put into place to help people pay off their balances. Previously, with minimum payments, it took decades to pay off balances. With the new law, more money is going toward the principal.
2006-06-30 12:09:50
answer #2
answered by Mama Pastafarian 7
Read the fine print... It's says these terms may change at any time, they probably sent you a notice and you tossed it because it looked like junk.. If you were late 2 or more times within, say a year, they give themselves the right to raise your interest rate. The agreement even says such things as must be received by 2 pm on the due date. Hell, it could sit on someone's desk until 2:30 - then you're late. Right now you are probably paying mostly interest. If you can get the money to pay it all off, perhaps with a lower interest credit cardl, you could use that to leverage an agreement to go back to your lower rate. If you can't do this, toss the card. I would call them and tell them to cancel the card and that you are going to pay it off.
2006-06-29 13:02:35
answer #3
answered by bobo 4
Unfortunately they can just change it, however you should have been given some sort of warning in writing. Call your credit card company and request proof that you were notified. If they cannot provide proof, insist that they modify your payment schedule but be prepared to fight with them... including having at the ready your original paperwork from when you opened the account
2006-06-29 13:01:04
answer #4
answered by Onegoddess 2
You don't really have a choice. The law is designed to help pay down the balance rather than just interest (how the credit card companies make so much money of us).
2006-06-29 13:00:47
answer #5
answered by sweetsue777 1
Well, it's sad but once the credit card companies loan the money to you, they do what they want. Sometimes, they raise the interest rates because you borrowed so much even though they said you have that limit.
You can call customer service and they will review your account and they have power to lower your minimum due but only they will know by how much they can lower it and you'll have to have almost perfect credit with them.
2006-06-29 13:01:00
answer #6
answered by Mama R 5
Find a credit card with a 0% interest on balance transfers. Washington Mutual offers those. Transfer the balance and close the old card.
2006-06-29 13:47:03
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You did agree, you signed a form saying they could do anything they want. Let me guess, it's capital one? My advise would be to cut it in half, and burn it. Pay it off as quickly as possible. You can get another low intrest card, and just keep transfering the balance until it is payed off.
2006-06-29 12:59:47
answer #8
answered by whoanelly00 5
if you call them and tell them you will move you money to another credit card they may lower you payment. if they dont apply for another card and move your money.hey while you at it ask them to lower you intrest rate too what the heck they cant eat ya.some times they will if your payments havnt been late.
2006-06-29 13:01:46
answer #9
answered by mojomuppet 4
You might want to check your contract with them. Theres probley something that says, "terms can change at anytime without notice" In that case your **** Outta Luck
2006-06-29 12:58:12
answer #10
answered by Kennedy 2