One time Me and a group of friends were going to SIU College, we stopped off some were in Carbondale and stayed at one of the junkiest Motels ever ,it was dark so we didn't really notice the whole top floor was shut down, with police tape...Something creeped me out so i didn't really sleep all nignt.The next morning when we walked out side we realized we were the only dumb a@@%$^ that were their ..we decide to go for a stroll on the TOP FLOOR ...
It was a week prior some kind of Homicides occur ,, pretty creepy but nothing bad happened , besides the smell and all the Rats ..
Tip 4 U ,, look around before you Decide to stop .
2006-06-28 17:33:32
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
We were coming home from Ft. Bragg ,to home in Illinois. It was winter, and it started to snow real bad so we stop at this motel In Indiana, Call the Old Grumpy. And that's what it turn out to be. When the wind blew the drapes waved, in the room. It had this old time toilet, that when you set on it, an got back up in flushed. Thank God it was only one night!
2006-06-29 01:15:41
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I had a horrrrrible experience in a hotel. It was in Texas (which might explain it). In the middle of the night, my boyfriend and I were woken up to loud shouting in the parking lot. He got up and went to the window to peak out.... and he saw a guy lying on the parking lot with a jacket over his head. He was picked up by other people and thrown in the back of a car (thrown, seriously!). We called the front desk... made sure our door was locked, double-locked, and triple-locked, and we checked out of that hotel 3 days early that next morning....
Other bad things happened on that vacation too... I'm never going back to Texas.
2006-06-29 00:26:13
answer #3
answered by writingnerd 3
I got stuck in an elevator for a few minutes.Then it started working again.
2006-06-29 00:23:34
answer #4
answered by Katherine B 3