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I am 27 and have been going out with a 26 yr old girl for just over 2 months, and I really like her. She is interesting, attractive, sexy, clever and funny, and I am in love with her. I was planning on telling her this last weekend, but in the course of a drunken q & a conversation, she told me that had slept with 32 people before me. This came as a tremendous shock to me, as I have had relatively few sexual partners (7) and I expected her answer to be similar. I have always disliked promiscuity and I am now really unsure of what to think.

She explained that most of these occurred when she was young, and that she is longer "easy". I believe her, and I am still in love with her, but I can't stop thinking about the fact that she has had sex with 32 men!! To me, this is an awful lot of people to have slept with for a young girl. Am I being stupid and oversensitive about this? I understand that the most important thing is what she is like now, not what happened 5 or 6 years ago, but I can't stop myself thinking of her going out purely to find more men to sleep with, and that I am now going out with the girl who used to be the town bike (she once slept with a bloke just to find out if he had a large penis. On deciding he didn't have a large penis halfway through the act, she just stopped and walked out.)!

Am I being stupid and oversensitive about this? And am I being really unfair on her for being bothered about it? I really hope you have some advice, because I am struggling.

2006-06-28 17:21:09 · 11 answers · asked by Ginny C & Hobie D 2 in Education & Reference Preschool

11 answers

Dude.... I would suggest that you find another person to like. Sounds like she has a few skeletons in the closet.

2006-06-28 17:27:12 · answer #1 · answered by Guzzy 5 · 4 0

No I don't think you are being stupid. If you truly care about her then you need to know if the number is correct since you did ask her when you had been drinking. I think if I was you I would have a bad feeling about that number also. And I hope that she was smart enough to have had used protection. You need to make sure of that and the same for her also. It is very scary now of days specially finding a partner in life. best of luck to ya.

2006-06-29 06:18:49 · answer #2 · answered by sam 1 · 3 0

Wow. Um, well, I would really make sure that
1) She's changed. She isn't like that anymore, and is now the kind of woman who can only have sex with one man, and only one man.
2) That she doesn't have some crazy diseases that she could be passing to you. I find it hard to believe that with 32 men, she hasn't contracted something.

Just be careful. Don't invest too much of your heart in a girl you don't know a whole lot about, take it slow and learn her more.

2006-06-28 17:30:41 · answer #3 · answered by Sara T 2 · 5 0

People change. And you have to accept that while she is no longer that person, she once was. You have to let it go. Everyone has skeletons in their past, you do too. She just hasn't found out about them yet. It may make you feel uneasy, but you have to accept her past to be able to accept her present, since she only got to where she is today by traveling on the path that upsets you so much.

2006-06-28 17:28:21 · answer #4 · answered by writingnerd 3 · 3 0

Quit worrying about it. Find out if she is satisfied with you sexually or if she would need to sleep around (no matter who she was dating). Maybe she was just trying to find the right guy (but in the wrong way). She hopefully has matured by now but you need to talk to her about this before becoming serious.

2006-06-28 17:28:52 · answer #5 · answered by cats2006 3 · 1 1

I feel for you fella. Personally I'd drop her like molten steel in my hand - know what I mean?

I refuse to go with a woman who has more sexual experience than myself, and I can count the number of partners I've had on 3 fingers.

45, male, Louisiana

2006-06-28 17:31:47 · answer #6 · answered by swm_seeks_sf 3 · 3 1

i feel so sorry for you. seriously. everybody should give one chance to the person they adore but in your case she is 26 and after 21 she got lot of chances to improve herself but she didn't. it seems like she is going to use you and throw u out from the window. it will be better that before taking any decision or doing something very stupid, u should try to know her more. becoz u will never come to know about this if she was not drunk. so be careful, she is just playing with ur heart.

2006-06-28 17:30:32 · answer #7 · answered by priya b 2 · 3 1

There's an incredible double standard applied to men and women. If a man sleeps with that many women, he's a stud; if a woman sleeps with that many men, she's a whore.

Ultimately, it's up to you, and your values. Some men might welcome a woman with experience.

2006-06-28 17:27:55 · answer #8 · answered by Flyboy 6 · 0 1

Move on. She won't be the only incredible woman out there. It is really hard for someone to have that history to actually change. She is used to using men for sex and you will be no different.

2006-06-28 19:31:20 · answer #9 · answered by curly98 3 · 2 2

she only told you that to mess with your head! sorry find another she will be messing with it you don't....

Or she wants to find the best one out there so know there will be someone she compares you to ever time.......

Or grow up we all have a past and live with what is in her very color full past and enjoy her for her...

So now think of all of these and make your own mind up..good luck

2006-06-28 21:04:45 · answer #10 · answered by MissChatea 4 · 0 1

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