I am 27 and have been going out with a 26 yr old girl for just over 2 months, and I really like her. She is interesting, attractive, sexy, clever and funny, and I am in love with her. I was planning on telling her this last weekend, but in the course of a drunken q & a conversation, she told me that had slept with 32 people before me. This came as a tremendous shock to me, as I have had relatively few sexual partners (7) and I expected her answer to be similar. I have always disliked promiscuity and I am now really unsure of what to think.
She explained that most of these occurred when she was young, and that she is longer "easy". I believe her, and I am still in love with her, but I can't stop thinking about the fact that she has had sex with 32 men!! To me, this is an awful lot of people to have slept with for a young girl. Am I being stupid and oversensitive about this? I understand that the most important thing is what she is like now, not what happened 5 or 6 years ago, but I can't stop myself thinking of her going out purely to find more men to sleep with, and that I am now going out with the girl who used to be the town bike (she once slept with a bloke just to find out if he had a large penis. On deciding he didn't have a large penis halfway through the act, she just stopped and walked out.)!
Am I being stupid and oversensitive about this? And am I being really unfair on her for being bothered about it? I really hope you have some advice, because I am struggling.
11 answers
asked by
Ginny C & Hobie D
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