ALWAYS ASK God for your answers FIRST and "THEN" ALWAYS read the documentation/questions which you question/ask, for yourself (The Bible Code). AS WELL, ALWAYS read The Bible (The Past) as an example of everything tried under the Sun/Son on the side of God and the side of Not/Knot, then interpret through yourself (The Present) and those you trust until they tell you not to by example(s) "with" Faith/God in what "YOU" choose to have faith in, and believe through trial and error by observing the examples around you, in your life...and Hope (The Future) will show you the One man did as an "example" to "ALL" that THE ANSWER is (as all answers are) within you (as it was with Jesus, the "first one" among "us" not the only as it has been translated in the past and future), to be found/sought out/discovered~! THEN, if you have further questions, feel free to write me. Yet, you must read my answer thoroughly through, twelve times, to be sure you are sure you understand where it is "i am COMING FROM AND GOING TO WHERE IT IS i am".
The only problem with the bible codes, exists within EVERY other form of occupation/question(s) and/or answer(s) anywhere else inside Earths' atmosphere, in Space or on this Blue Planet; no one and everyone (save the believeres' living Christ) is actually qualified to ask or answer another...and SO, here is where the fault "lies". (It's ironic isn't it that i imply {to lay prone or is placed with; as in subjection to} yet "lie" fits, as well) so it is there where the fault lies; within a person(s) ability to "discern"; The ability to discern, is the key to unlock the infinite problem-lock of why humans do not know very much, in the way if salvation or freeing another from ______, BUT imply they and/or we, discern with patience, whom you find a thread of truth in, within your heart and ask "It" (God) where ______applied spoken truth_____ comes from...God or a person?...and if it does it apply to your situation, for how long should you use this information (hoping that you evolve beyond your current understanding that is.
Thanks, blindriptide, (Love that name) for asking this question as i have hoped to inform and not so many using this Yahoo! Anwers Service which i "imagine" (would have hoped), was built to oh man, so much blah-blah, but that is why the Tower of Babel is known world wide. It, The Tower of Babel (representation/example of humanities ignorance) is the prime and # 1 key, of human understanding/MISunderstanding.
2006-06-28 12:30:45
answer #1
answered by inione@hotdotdotdotdotdotcom 1
Supposedly in the Torah there is the concept that if all the letters were laid out and spaced...called equidistance letter spacing with no punctuation or word groupings and you were able to calculate or search for the specific terms the grid of letters would shift and move to draw in line a word surrounded by words correlating to that name or event...such as 911, Lady Di, Martin Luthor King Jr. and etc. They have now invented the software so that any every day person can mess with it. Its trickled over into the King James Bible but the sequencial finds are not as great though they are more numourous and constant than other works of literature such as War and Peace and Moby Dick. Plus the letter distance is shorter or closer..or however ya figure it so its still pretty phenominal. However, the problem with entering ones name is many people have your name? Could you be sure that was you. My name is pretty uncommon and so I entered it (yes I had my husband bootleg me a copy of the software off of Kazaa several years ago so I could try it) and when entering my name..just my first name...the word most associated with my name was "blunt object" or "club". So maybe some body is going to knock me in the head. Or is it going to be someone else with my name. Now my last name...maiden of course is BJORK..yeah, like the singer, yet would the code be for me or for her or for someone else named Bjork? Do you see the problem with this reasoning? So unless I become famous and have the unpredictable even pertain to me such as an assasination, a plane crash, or a bombing or something which the search would have to be made after the fact..cuz how would you imput every scenario? It would be impossible to use this phenomina for any real purpose such as predicting world the Tsunami, Katrina, the Iraq war and etc. So...research it and look into cuz its really quite facinating but other than that...well, its just a theory anyway. There are a hundred websites on the net that talk about this on both a little research. Love in Christ, ~J~ <><
2006-06-28 17:28:07
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
While there seems to be a bit of disagreement among scholars about Equidistant Letter Sequences (ELS) in the Old Testament, you can go further by looking not so much at "gee whiz" codes that presumably had the future predicted, but to seeing God's fingerprints in the Bible.
For example, some Bible scholars believe that the last twelve verses were copyist's additions to the Scripture. But Chuck Missler shows us a most fascinating case that God's hand was definitely in the writing of those verses.
The discovery is called the Heptadic Structure of Scripture, and because it's a long article, I would rather provide you a link, than try to summarize the article, and miss some important parts.
2006-06-28 17:31:57
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
There is an unverified code called the Omega Code. This story that says the Omega Code provide the answer key to the Bible and is the source of all power - God's power.There are some who have also tied it to DaVinci, which I think is where Dan Brown got his idea for the DaVinci Code. I don't believe that it exists, but it is possible. It was a fairly entertaining DTV movie by the makers of the Left Behind series - TV movie quality & worth the 99c price of a rental.
2006-06-28 17:18:56
answer #4
answered by byhisgrace70295 5
The question we should ask ourselves is, 'Do We Need a Hidden Bible Code'?
The apostle Paul very clearly wrote that “all Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.” (2Â Timothy 3:16, 17) The clear and straightforward message in the Bible is not too difficult to understand or apply, but many people choose to ignore it. (Deuteronomy 30:11-14) The prophecies that are openly presented in the Bible give a solid basis for believing its inspiration. Unlike a hidden code, Bible prophecies are not arbitrary, and they do not ‘spring from any private interpretation.’—2Â Peter 1:19-21.
The apostle Peter wrote that “it was not by following artfully contrived false stories that we acquainted you with the power and presence of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (2Â Peter 1:16) The concept of a Bible code has its roots in Jewish mysticism, utilizing “artfully contrived” methods that obscure and distort the plain meaning of the Bible’s inspired text. The Hebrew Scriptures themselves unequivocally condemned such a mystical approach.—Deuteronomy 13:1-5; 18:9-13.
How happy we are to have the Bible’s clear message and instruction, which can help us to know God! This is far better than trying to learn about our Creator by searching for hidden messages that are the products of private interpretation and computer-assisted imagination.—Matthew 7:24, 25.
2006-06-28 17:29:56
answer #5
answered by jvitne 4
At this point its hard to say. Some math professors in israel discover few things and now ppl around the world working on it.
So far tehre are 2 options.
1. Its true.
2. Its accidental coincedence.
Tough there has been some prove on other books ( Mobie Dick or something like that)
I would wait a while before make any really assumptions but its kinda interesting.
Therefore god and MONEY exist
2006-06-28 17:17:41
answer #6
answered by PicassoInActions 3
There are 2 books out, The bible code and the bible code II. It is about a code that is embedded into the Hebrew Torah. It supposedly predicts the future.
2006-06-28 17:19:09
answer #7
answered by cj 4
The Word of God strictly prohibits any divination. Since this is spelled out clearly in His Word, I don't believe He would have put codes in His word.
" not let your people practice fortune telling or use sorcery or interpret omens or engage in witchcraft or cast spells, or function a mediums or psychics, or call forth the spirits of the dead...the Lord your God forbids you to do such things." Deuteronomy 18: 10 - 14
2006-06-28 17:32:53
answer #8
answered by mar 4
Hidden meaning in words either as some cryptogram or numeric code, predicting the future, is not a new idea. We just like to believe that there is more to everything. It's our way of exerting control over an uncertain future.
2006-06-28 17:16:38
answer #9
answered by boston857 5
The bible code is fiction. There is no hidden code in the bible. Everything God wants us to know is right there....for anyone to read. People make things up (fiction) to sell books.
You can't foretell your future from the bible through a code. You can know how God would have you live and who He would have you place your faith in (Jesus). You can also know how things are going to end up (Revelation). No "codes"'s all right there.
2006-06-28 17:19:18
answer #10
answered by christian_lady_2001 5