I'm thinking, and I'm getting this from an old episode of Little House on the Prarie, mind you, that they had people who sold ice, and brought it around to anyone who could afford it. Or, they just drank hot beer.
2006-06-28 08:46:15
answer #1
answered by darkeverlong 1
Most people drank the hard stuff. It didn't need to be cold. Found this online:
Saloons also served up volumes of beer, but in those days the beer was never ice cold, usually served at 55 to 65 degrees. Though the beer had a head, it wasn't sudsy as it is today. Patrons had to knock back the beer in a hurry before it got too warm or flat. It wasn't until the 1880's that Adolphus Busch introduced artificial refrigeration and pasteurization to the U.S. brewing process, launching Budweiser as a national brand. Before then, folks in the Old West didn't expect their beer to be cold, accustomed to the European tradition of beer served at room temperature
So there you have it.
2006-06-28 16:10:15
answer #2
answered by oh kate! 6
It wasn't kept cold. Some places in Europe still sell warm beer
2006-06-28 20:31:32
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I don't know that it was, but then again the people in the frontier days were not use to the luxury of cold beverages unless they found a branch or creek with cool running water in it.
2006-06-28 15:47:27
answer #4
answered by sdarp1322 5
Sometimes it wasn't!
I recently had a chance to visit the "First Thirst Parlor in Nevada"...If you're ever in Genoa, Nevada, stop in, it's kinda cool.
At any rate, they had a giant trap door in the floor, which led to the "icebox"...They'd get a delivery of ice (in giant block form), which would keep the whole downstairs "room" cold.
I understand they still threaten kids with sticking them there if they don't behave!
2006-06-28 15:48:25
answer #5
answered by abfabmom1 7
I was once told by a teacher of mine in college that beer was originally made to drink at room temperature, it's just a preference to drink it cold now.
2006-06-28 15:48:09
answer #6
answered by Nicole 2
It wasn't. Beer was never meant to chilled. Whenever you chill a beverage it kills the flavor. Go to Europe and ask for a cocktail with ice and the first thing they say is....."Americans, geez"
2006-06-28 16:16:43
answer #7
answered by Carlos C 3
you keep it in a cold spring or a box of dry ice
2006-06-28 15:48:52
answer #8
answered by Derek W 1
ice was shipped in by rail. most beer was still warm.
2006-06-28 15:49:02
answer #9
answered by paul67337 7