Ok so I am a lead teacher at a daycare center. On a good day I have an assistant and an aide. My assistant and I have been bumping heads A LOT lately because I feel like our boards should be for the childrens art work and their information. She wants them to be pretty nicely done stuff etc (which when you have children doing it though it is always cute it is not fancy). Which is an issue all in itself too because first of all to me if she has enough time to sit and color on the clock she isnt doing her job...but thats not my issue this time. I compromised and said one of the boards can be hers BUT that though it can be primarily her work the children MUST be included somehow. It is afterall their room and the parents dont care to see her artistic talents. But whenever I remind her that the childrens work needs to be up there too-what she includes is totally up to her she gets upset with me...CONTINUED...
13 answers
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Education & Reference
➔ Preschool
Now you can walk into ANY other room in the center and NONE of the other assistant teachers in the entire place have a board for themselves. Yet she is acting like I owe this to her.
And like I said if I remind her that the childrens work etc needs to be up she gets mad. It is causing a lot of problems. Or if her board gets compliments (which of course it will adults do better work than children) she rubs it in my face. I am about ready to bring it to the director because she is really being crazy over this and I did not have to allow her any space at all.
I just really need advise on how to deal with this as an adult.
03:55:18 ·
update #1
be an adult! tell her that the board needs to be for the children's artwork. i'm sure that you can find a replacement if she decides to quit over it - which, if she does, she's not fit to be taking care of children if she can't stop acting like one.
2006-06-28 03:57:22
answer #1
answered by kc_brig 4
I believe that the issue that you said is not your issue - IS the issue :-)
In other words, when she does this on work time, that takes precious time away from the children - and both your jobs are to work with the children.
While lovely classrooms are great, they are nothing without warm, loving relationships. And those happen over time. So when she chooses to work on bulletin boards during work time, she is not being a teacher - she is being a clerical person.
If it were my classroom, I would have one board for notices, upcoming events, etc (a parent information board) and she could decorate that (after work hours) if she wanted to - or when all the children have gone home for the day. Then all your notices, newsletters,etc go there.
Then have the other board for children's art work and keep it simple. Let her choose a premade border for it maybe or put a background color up but focus on the children.
If she is still dying to do this kind of work, have her create (with your oversight) descriptions of why you did the art work. For example, if you were highlighting fingerpainting - "Fingerpainting helps children strengthen their large and small muscles which they need as they learn to write". Have her type it out and put it on the board with the art work.
Aside from that, she may be in the wrong job - I bet she has a different idea than you of what teachers do.
2006-06-28 15:28:32
answer #2
answered by Baachan Linda 2
The bottom line is the parents and the children would rather see the children's art up there. That's great that she can draw better than a preschooler , but if the class and the parents want to see great art they can go to an art gallery. She should be working there for the children, she needs to go take some classes about early childhood education. She has no clue about why she's there.
2006-06-29 00:08:34
answer #3
answered by weswe 5
If she's your assistant, than you're the boss. Put your foot down and stand you ground. If she has artwork she wants to display that she thinks is all that good, then tell her to put on an art show or take it to an art center. Leave the space for the kids, and tell her to grow up. It's NOT about her or what she can do unless that means she actually teaching the kids, that's what she's there for. She needs to put her selfish ambition away at least for the time when she's there and put children first.
2006-06-28 11:01:36
answer #4
answered by Matt B 3
I am having the same problem but I am the head teacher and I am having this problem with my boss!!! They are always telling me and my assistant to change the board and update it with such things as quotes and tidbits of information about the upcoming months. To me, this makes no sense because the parents want to see art work and other things rather than just facts about states and months! My assistant and I finally dedicated ONE such board for this type of stuff and the rest is for our children.
Maybe you could suggest this to your teacher? Have her board be one that holds announcements or upcoming events and then allow her to do projects or art that reflect the information. My assistant and I made flowers, suns, flags and other such things for the board. Maybe if you gave her board some meaning rather than just her art work being displayed, you (and SHE) would feel better about it w/ out so much disagreement.
2006-06-28 13:57:43
answer #5
answered by mel_3_10 1
Perhaps a job description should be drawn up. This could include what is expected along with what should not be done. Anytime the job is not done correctly it would be noted in the file and with three notations, the employee would be on plans for improvement . There is a certain amount of detail with all of this, but it is firm and fair and leaves no room for straying from duties.
2006-06-28 19:04:10
answer #6
answered by folklore 7
You are the lead teacher. If I were a parent, I would want to see the children's artwork. Tell her that she can either do as you say or take the board out of the room.
2006-06-28 10:58:28
answer #7
answered by baby_genius2005 3
It sounds like you would prefer the children's work to be displayed instead of your assistants, so that's what you need to tell her. There are plenty of ways she can express her creativity in the classroom, such as thinking up activities for the children to do and hang up the results no matter what they are. Your assistant needs to understand that its all about the children's creative and learning processes not hers.
2006-06-28 23:24:27
answer #8
answered by Kat 4
You need to talk to her about what she is doing wrong. Explain to her this is a child's place and the children are top priority. If she doesn't listen then you either have to fire her or maybe make her take an unpaid vacation and maybe not having money will get her out of her self fish stage.
2006-06-28 10:59:08
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
let her know that your classroom is for children not adults and that if she wants to display her artwork, than she can do it at home. Maybe she isn't familiar with child development, but even someone who didn't would know that children's art is put up. Is she slow?
2006-06-29 02:39:55
answer #10
answered by curly98 3